Küste Hero Istock-1199905757 Luchterduinen Aerovista Luchtfotografie

Laufende Projekte

TitelMittelgeberAnsprechpartner bei KSLaufzeit
APOCAnthropogenic impacts on particulate organic carbon cycling in the North SeaBMBFWenyan Zhang (KSS)2021 - 2024
AQUARIUSAqua Research Infrastructure Services for the health and protection of our unique, oceans, seas and freshwater ecosystemsEUYoana Voynova (KCP)
JOhannes Pein (KSD)
2024 - 2028
AutoCoastAutomatic detection of coastline change and causal linkage with natural and human driversHGFWenyan Zhang (KSS)
Birgit Hünicke (KSI)
2023 - 2026
BAW VertragEinbau der aktuellen Quellterme des Seegangmodells WAM in das Un_K_Modell der BAWBAWJoanna Staneva (KSD),
Heinz Günther (KSD)
2022 - 2025
C2-WakesControlled Cluster Wakes - Steuerung und Mitigation großskaliger WindparkeffekteBMWKJohannes Schulz-Stellenfleth (KSD)2023 - 2026
CCEHNClimate Change and Early Humans in the NorthLower Saxony MWK and VolkswagenStiftungSebastian Wagner (KSI)2023 - 2026
CLiCCSCluster of Excellence -Climate, Climate Change and Society
DFGKistin Dähnke (KCN), Beate Ratter (KSO), Corinna Schrum (KS) Eduardo Zorita (KSI)2019 - 2025
CLiCCSDFG CliCCS Teilprojekt A5
DFGCorinna Schrum (KS)2019 - 2025
CLiCCSDFG CliCCS Teilprojekt A6
DFGEduardo Zorita (KSI)
2019 - 2025
CLiCCSDFG Sustainable Adaptation Scenarios for Coastal Systems" (C3)
DFGKistin Dähnke (KCN), Beate Ratter (KSO), Corinna Schrum (KS)
2019 - 2025
CLINTCLImate INTelligence: extreme events detection, attribution and adaptation design using machine learning
EUEduardo Zorita (KSI)2021 - 2025
CMEMS 2 (Phase 1) BS-MFCBlack Sea Monitoring and Forecasting Centre (CMEMS2)EUJoanna Staneva (KSD)2022 - 2024
CoastalFuturesScenarios to Promote Sustainable Futures of Contested Marine AreasBMBFCorinna Schrum (KS)2021 - 2024
COASTAL-RISKSPredicting risks of the German Bight Coasts under extreme storm eventsEUBenjamin Jacob (KSD)2022 - 2024
CRANMAN IIWissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zur Biologie und Fischerei der Nordseegarnele CRANgon crangon als Basis für ein effizientes Selbst-MANagement System
(Folgeprojekt zu CRANMAN, 2018-2022)
Niedersachsen/ EMFAF,
Leitung: Uni Hamburg
Joanna Staneva (KSD),
Marcel Ricker (KSD)
2024 - 2026
DAM - Retake (KS Teil)Überwachungsmethoden und Modelsimulation in der NordseeBundUte Daewel (KST)2021 - 2024
Europäische Forschungsinfrastruktur zur Untersuchung von Fluss-Meer-Systemen
 Joanna Staneva (KSD), Johannes Pein (KSD)
2020 - 2030
DAWNData Assimilation of Wave Spectra Observations and its Impact on Sea State PredictionsEUMarcel Ricker (KSD)2024 - 2026
DDE - MECSMorphological Evolution of Coastal Seas - Past and FutureIUGS Deep-time Digital Earth ProgrammeWenyan Zhang (KSS)2021 - 2024
DEISYDEsign study (and Implementation) of a high-resolution forecasting SYstem for the blue and green ocean in the North SeaEUJoanna Staneva (KSD)2023 - 2024
DOORSDeveloping Optimal and Open Research Support for the Black Sea EU Joanna Staneva (KSD)2021 - 2025
DWD Vertrag
Technischer Support und Validierung des gekoppelten Wellenmodells „ICON-WAM“ des DWDDWDJoanna Staneva (KSD),
Marcel Ricker (KSD)
2023 - 2027
ECOTWINEmulating complex causal socio-ecological models in Digital Twins of OceanEUUte Daewel (KST)
Andreas Kannen (KSO)
2024 - 2027
EDITO - Model LabUnderlying models for the European Digital Twin OceanEUJoanna Staneva (KSD)2023 - 2025
EMSEurasian Marginal Seas – Past and FutureIUGS Deep-time Digital Earth ProgrammeWenyan Zhang (KSS) 
FOCCUSForecasting and observing the open-to-coastal ocean for Copernicus usersEUJoanna Staneva (KSD)2024 - 2026
Freak Waves II
Studie zum Auftreten von Extremwellen in der Nordsee II
BSHRalf Weisse (KSA)
2021 - 2024
Global mercury observation and training
Johannes Bieser (KST), Ralf Ebinghaus (KU)
2020 - 2024
H2Mare VB2 & VB3 H2Mare PtXWind & TransferWindBMBFBeate Geyer (KST)2021 - 2025
Joint European Research Infrastructure of Coastal Observatories: Science, Service, Sustainability
Johannes Schulz-Stellenfleth (KSD)
2020 - 2024
LandSeaLotLand-Sea interface: Let’s observe together!EUJoanna Staneva (KSD)2024 - 2028
MANCOGAMangroves as Nature-Based Solutions to Coastal Hazards in Eastern GhanaMeerWissen Initiative, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)Joanna Staneva (KSD)
Bughsin Djath (KSD)
Philip-Neri Jayson-Quashigah (KSD)
2022 - 2025
NAPSEAThe effectiveness of nitrogen and phosphorus load reduction measures from source to sea, considering the effects of climate changeEUJustus van Beusekom (KCN), Johannes Pein (KSD)2022 - 2025
NECCTONNew Copernicus capability for trophic ocean networksEUUte Daewel, KST
Dr. Zhiyong Xie, KUO
2023 - 2026
NECONatural hazards and response of the marine ecosystem - causal relationship and predictabilityBMBFBirgit Hünicke (KSI)2023 - 2026
OLAMUROffshore low-trophic aquaculture in multi-use scenario realizationEUJoanna Staneva, KSD
Jochen Horstmann, KDD
2023 - 2026
REST-COASTLarge scale restoration of coastal ecosystems: river to sea connectivityEUJoanna Staneva (KSD)2021 - 2026
SCENICStoryline Scenarios of Extreme Weather, Climate, and Environmental Events along with their Impacts in a Warmer WorldHGFFrauke Feser (KSI)2022 - 2024
SEADOTsSocial-ecological ocean management applications with Digital Ocean TwinsEUJoanna Staneva (KSD)2024 - 2027
SEA-ReCapResearch Capacity Building for healthy, productive and resilient Seas - European PartneringHGFJoanna Staneva (KSD)2021 - 2025
SEASTAR SciRec ESAJoanna Staneva (KSD) 
VERIBLUEValidation/VERIfication and intercomparison of forecast and reanalysis BLUE productsEUMarcel Ricker (KSD)2023 - 2024