Technologie Hero Istock-1321708386 Nicolas Jooris-ancion

Ausgewählte Publikationen

  • Tuning Aerosol Deposition of BiVO4 Films for Effective Sunlight Harvesting. Elsenberg, A.; Emmler, T.; Schieda, M.; Gaertner, F.; Klassen, T. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology (2023). DOI: 10.1007/s11666-023-01550-0
  • Transitions in polycrystalline diamond probed by steady state, modulated and transient surface photovoltage spectroscopy. Thomas Dittrich and Steffen Fengler. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 38, (2023), 015015. DOI: 10.1088/1361-6641/aca788
  • Design of a reference model for fast optimization of photo-electrochemical cells Tenholt, C.; Höche, D.; Schieda, M.; Klassen, T. (2022) Sustainable Energy and Fuels, Vol. 6, 6, 1489 - 1498. DOI: 10.1039/D1SE01671G
  • Aerosol Deposition of BiVO4 Films for Solar Hydrogen Generation Elsenberg, A.; Emmler, T.; Schieda, M.; Gärtner, F.; Klassen, T. Proceedings of the ITSC2022. Thermal Spray 2022: Proceedings from the International Thermal Spray Conference. Vienna, Austria. (pp. pp. 56-62). ASM. DOI: 10.31399/asm.cp.itsc2022p0056
  • Transient Surface Photovoltage Spectroscopy of (NH4)2Mo3S13/WSe2 Thin-Film Photocathodes for Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Evolution Bozheyev, F.; Fengler, S.; Kollmann, J.; Klassen, T.; Schieda, M. (2022) ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Vol. 14, 19, 22071 - 22081. DOI: 10.1021/acsami.2c01623
  • Cathodic Protection of Mild Steel Using Aluminium-Based Alloys Campos, M.; Blawert, C.; Scharnagl, N.; Störmer, M.; Zheludkevich, M. (2022) Materials, Vol. 15, 4, 1301. DOI: 10.3390/ma15041301
  • Which factor determines the optical losses in refractory tungsten thin films at high temperatures? Arya, M.; Ganguly, A.; Krishnamurthy, G.V.; Rout, S.S.; Gurevich, L.; Krekeler, T.; Ritter, M.; Pedersen, K.; Störmer, M.; Yu Petrov, A.; Eich, M.; Chirumamilla, M. (2022) Applied Surface Science, Vol. 588, 152927. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2022.152927
  • Thin film transition metal dichalcogenide photoelectrodes for solar hydrogen evolution: a review Bozheyev, F.; Ellmer, K. (2022) Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Vol. 10, 17, 9327 - 9347. DOI: 10.1039/D2TA01108E
  • Transition metal dichalcogenide thin films for solar hydrogen production Bozheyev, F. (2022) Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, Vol. 34, 100995. DOI: 10.1016/j.coelec.2022.100995
  • Which factor determines the optical losses in refractory tungsten thin films at high temperatures? Arya, M.; Ganguly, A.; Krishnamurthy, G.V.; Rout, S.S.; Gurevich, L.; Krekeler, T.; Ritter, M.; Pedersen, K.; Störmer, M.; Yu Petrov, A.; Eich, M.; Chirumamilla, M. (2022) In: Applied Surface Science, Vol. 588, 152927. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2022.152927
  • Hydrogen effects at sputtered Tb-doped AlNxOy:H / c-Si(p) interfaces: A transient surface photovoltage spectroscopy study.J. Dulanto, S. Fengler, M.A. Sevillano-Bendezú, R. Grieseler, J.A. Guerra, J.A. Töfflinger, Th. Dittrich. Thin Solid Films, 759, (2022), 139474. DOI: 10.1016/j.tsf.2022.139474.
  • Aerosol Deposited BiVO4-Photoelectrodes for Hydrogen Generation Wolpert, C.; Emmler, Th.; Villa-Vidaller, M.; Elsenberg, A.; Shinoda, K.; Schieda, M.; Gärtner, F.; Akedo, J.; Klassen, Th. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology, 30, (2021), 603–616 DOI: 10.1007/s11666-020-01104-8
  • Unprecedented thermal stability of plasmonic titanium nitride films up to 1400 °C Krekeler, T; Rout, S.S.; Krishnamurthy, G.V. ; Störmer, M.; Arya, M.; Ganguly, A.; Sutherland, D.S.; Bozhevolnyi, S.I.; Ritter, M.; Pedersen, K.; Petrov, A.Y.; Eich, M.; Chirumamilla, M. Advanced Optical Materials 9, 2100323 (2021)
  • Structural degradation of tungsten sandwiched in hafnia layers determined by in-situ XRD up to 1520 °C Krishnamurthy, G.V.; Chirumamilla, M.; Rout, S.S.; Furlan, K.P.; Krekeler, T.; Ritter, M.; Becker, H.-W.; Petrov, A.Y.; Eich, M.; Störmer, M. Scientific Reports 11, 3330 (2021)
  • Surface Photovoltage Spectroscopy over Wide Time Domains for Semiconductors with Ultrawide Bandgap: Example of Gallium Oxide. Dittrich, T.; Fengler, S.; Nickel, N. Physica Status Solidi A, Vol. 218 (2021), 18, 2100167. DOI: 10.1002/pssa.202100167
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