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Transient Surface Photovoltage Spectroscopy of (NH4)2Mo3S13/WSe2 Thin-Film Photocathodes for Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Evolution
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Which factor determines the optical losses in refractory tungsten thin films at high temperatures?
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Aerosol Deposited BiVO4-Photoelectrodes for Hydrogen Generation
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Unprecedented thermal stability of plasmonic titanium nitride films up to 1400 °C
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Structural degradation of tungsten sandwiched in hafnia layers determined by in-situ XRD up to 1520 °C
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Surface Photovoltage Spectroscopy over Wide Time Domains for Semiconductors with Ultrawide Bandgap: Example of Gallium Oxide.
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Thermal stability of tungsten based metamaterial emitter under medium vacuum and inert gas conditions
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Chemical and photoelectrochemical instability of amorphous TiO2 layers quantified by spectroscopic ellipsometry
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Spectrally selective emitters stable up to 1400.C for thermophotovoltaic applications
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Efficient Synthesis of Alkali Borohydrides from Mechanochemical Reduction of Borates Using Magnesium–Aluminum-Based Waste
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