Ausgewählte Publikationen
- Suh, J., Victoria-Hernández, J., Letzig, D., Golle, R., Volk, W., Enhanced mechanical behavior and reduced mechanical anisotropy of AZ31 Mg alloy sheet processed by ECAP (2016) Materials Science and Engineering A, 650, pp. 523-529.
- Balík, J., Dobroň, P., Chmelík, F., Kužel, R., Drozdenko, D., Bohlen, J., Letzig, D., Lukáè, P., Modeling of the work hardening in magnesium alloy sheets (2016) International Journal of Plasticity, 76, pp. 166-185.
- Bohlen, J., Wendt, J., Nienaber, M., Kainer, K.U., Stutz, L., Letzig, D., Calcium and zirconium as texture modifiers during rolling and annealing of magnesium-zinc alloys (2015) Materials Characterization, 101, pp. 144-152.
- Victoria-Hernandez, J., Yi, S., Bohlen, J., Kurz, G., Letzig, D., The influence of the recrystallization mechanisms and grain growth on the texture of a hot rolled AZ31 sheet during subsequent isochronal annealing (2014) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 616, pp. 189-197.
- Hadorn, J.P., Mulay, R.P., Hantzsche, K., Yi, S., Bohlen, J., Letzig, D., Agnew, S.R., Texture weakening effects in Ce-containing Mg alloys (2013) Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A: Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, 44 (3), pp. 1566-1576.
- Sandlöbes, S., Friák, M., Zaefferer, S., Dick, A., Yi, S., Letzig, D., Pei, Z., Zhu, L.-F., Neugebauer, J., Raabe, D., The relation between ductility and stacking fault energies in Mg and Mg-Y alloys (2012) Acta Materialia, 60 (6-7), pp. 3011-3021.
- S. Sandlöbes, S. Zaefferer, I. Schestakow, S. Yi, R. Gonzalez-Martinez. On the role of non-basal deformation mechanisms for the ductility of Mg and Mg–Y alloys. Acta Materialia, 59 (2) (2011) 429-439
- K. Hantzsche, J. Bohlen, J. Wendt, K.U. Kainer, S. Yi, D. Letzig. Effect of rare earth additions on microstructure and texture development of magnesium alloy sheets. Scripta Materialia, 63, (2010) 725-730
- S. Yi, J. Bohlen, F. Heinemann and D. Letzig. Mechanical anisotropy and deep drawing behaviour of AZ31 and ZE10 magnesium alloy sheets. Acta Mater. 58 2 (2010) 592-605
- K. Hantzsche, J. Wendt, K.U. Kainer, J. Bohlen, D. Letzig, Effect of process parameters and alloy composition on texture development and mechanical properties of magnesium sheets, JOM 61 8 (2009) 38-42
- D. Letzig, J. Swiostek, J. Bohlen, P. Beaven, K.U. Kainer, Wrought magnesium alloys for structural applications, Mat. Sci. Techn. 24 8 (2008) 991-996