Dr. Wenyan Zhang

Dr. Wenyan Zhang
Sedimenttransport und Morphodynamik
AbteilungsleiterTel: +49 (0)4152 87-1568
I am interested in understanding those physical / geological / biochemical processes which control the source-to-sink transport of solid material (clastic sediment and particulate organic matter) on the Earth surface. More specifically, my research topics include:
- The quantitative impact of macrobenthos in benthic-pelagic coupling and seafloor material recycling
- Morphogenesis and morphodynamics of medium- to large-scale sedimentary systems
- Sedimentation processes from coastal, mid-shelf to deep-sea environments
since 11/2015 Research scientist at Institute of Coastal Research, Helmholtz Centre Geesthacht
2013 - 2015 Postdoc at MARUM, University of Bremen, Germany
2010 - 2013 Postdoc at Institute of Physics, University of Greifswald, Germany
2010 Postdoc at Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, University of Szczecin, Poland
2008 - 2010 Ph.D at Institute of Physics, University of Greifswald, Germany
2006 - 2010 Ph.D at Department of Fluid Mechanics, School of Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, China
2007 Ph.D study at Institute of Baltic Sea Research, Warnemünde, Germany
2004 - 2006 Master study at Department of Fluid Mechanics, School of Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University, China
2000 - 2004 Double Bachelor in Computational Sciences, School of Mathematics and Computational Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University
2000 - 2004 Bachelor in Applied Mathematics, School of Mathematics and Computational Sciences, Sun Yat-sen University
2010 - 2013 Computational Science (Teaching Assistant, University of Greifswald
2011 Coastal Sediment Transport (Lecturer, University of Szczecin)
2007 Coastal dynamics (Teaching Assistant, Sun Yat-sen University)
See my Google Scholar profile for updated statistics
- Zhang, W., Merkel, U., Didenkulova, I., Haberkern, J., Aepfler, R. and Hanebuth, T.J.J.: Morphogenesis and Holocene evolution of large-scale mid-shelf mud depocenters on a high-energy narrow shelf (NW Iberia) – an interplay of multi-scale processes inferred from observation and modelling. in preparation
- ICES (2025): Working Group on Fisheries Benthic Impact and Trade-offs (WGFBIT; outputs from 2024 meeting). ICES Scientific Reports, 7:18, 90 pp, doi:10.17895/ices.pub.28351412
- Arlinghaus, P., Schrum, C., Kröncke, I., & Zhang, W. (2024): Benthos as a key driver of morphological change in coastal regions. Earth Surf. Dynam., 12, 537–558, doi:10.5194/esurf-12-537-2024
- Bastardie, F., Belin, A., Bentley, J., Berzaghi, F., Bore, A., Bradshaw, C., Cape, M., Cariou, T., Carvalho, N., Cavan, E., Christensen, V., Croot, P., de Mirand, A., Grossmann, J., Hidalgo, M., Hill, S., Hubbard, R., Hunter, W., Kuhlmann, J., Kuznia, O., Lockhart, K., Lønborg, C., Lörinczi, L., Luck, C., Marsh, M., Martin, A., Matias, A., Mejri, R., Morris, K., Morys, C., Ogbuka, J., Oke, M., O'Neill, B., Ortega, M., Ottmann, D., Paradis, S., Parker, R., Petitgas, P., Polimene, L.; Polsenaere, P., Porz, L., Rastrick, S., Reid. D., Ritzau Eigaard, O., Sailley, S., Sala, A., Schnoor, P., Seixas, S., Sutherland-Sherriff, A., Türkmen, A., Valanko, S., Vastenhoud, B., Visser, A., Walker, M., Wisz, M., Witting, K., & Zhang, W. (2024): ICES. 2024. Workshop on Assessing the Impact of Fishing on Oceanic Carbon (WKFISHCARBON; outputs from 2023 meeting), ICES Scientific Reports. 6:12. 63 pp, doi:10.17895/ices.pub.24949122
- Jia, B., Xu, L., Chen, X., & Zhang, W. (2024): Spatio-temporal variations of the heat fluxes at the ice-ocean interface in the Bohai Sea. Front. Mar. Sci., 11:1471061, doi:10.3389/fmars.2024.1471061
- Ma, M., Porz, L., Schrum, C., & Zhang, W. (2024): Physical mechanisms, dynamics and interconnections of multiple estuarine turbidity maximum in the Pearl River estuary. Front. Mar. Sci., 11:1385382, doi:10.3389/fmars.2024.1385382
- Mai, H., Wang, D., Chen, H., Qiu, C., Xu, H., Shang, X., & Zhang, W. (2024): Mid-Deep Circulation in the Western South China Sea and the Impacts of the Central Depression Belt and Complex Topography. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2024, 12(5), 700, doi:10.3390/jmse12050700
- Meng, Q., Pan, Y., Xuan, J., Zhou, F., Fan, W., Di, Y., Jiang,Z.-P., Xiao, C., Zhang, W., Daewel, U., Chen, J., Huang, D., & Chen, Y. (2024): Leveraging Artificial Oxygenation Efficacy for Coastal Hypoxia by Taking Advantage of Local Hydrodynamics. Environmental Science & Technology, doi:10.1021/acs.est.4c07386
- Porz, L., Zhang, W., Christiansen, N., Kossack, J., Daewel, U., & Schrum, C. (2024): Quantification and mitigation of bottom-trawling impacts on sedimentary organic carbon stocks in the North Sea. Biogeosciences, 21, 2547–2570, doi:10.5194/bg-21-2547-2024
- Wang, X., Zhang, W., Xie, X., Chen, H., & Chen, B. (2024): Holocene sedimentary distribution and morphological characteristics reworked by East Asian monsoon dynamics in the Mekong River shelf, South Vietnam. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Vol 302, 108784, doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2024.108784
- Yao, J., Chen, Z., Ge, J., & Zhang, W. (2024): Source-to-sink pathways of dissolved organic carbon in the river–estuary–ocean continuum: a modeling investigation. Biogeosciences, 21, 5435–5455, doi:10.5194/bg-21-5435-2024
- Zhang, W., Chen, X., Sun, J., Meng, Q., Nie, J., & Daewel, U. (2024): Editorial: Multi-scale variability of ecosystem functioning in European and Chinese shelf seas. Front. Mar. Sci., 11:1463685, doi:10.3389/fmars.2024.1463685
- Zhang, W., & Porz, L. (2024): Chronic intense bottom trawling reduces marine carbon sequestration. Nat. Geosci., doi:10.1038/s41561-024-01589-w
- Zhang, W., Porz, L., Yilmaz, R., Wallmann, K., Spiegel, T., Neumann, A., Holtappels, M., Kasten, S., Kuhlmann, J., Ziebarth, N., Taylor, B., Ho-Hagemann, H.T.M., Bockelmann, F.-D., Daewel, U., Bernhardt, L., & Schrum, C. (2024): Long-term carbon storage in shelf sea sediments reduced by intensive bottom trawling. Nat. Geosci., doi:10.1038/s41561-024-01581-4
- Ma, M., Zhang, W., Chen, W., Deng, J., & Schrum, C. (2023): Impacts of morphological change and sea-level rise on stratification in the Pearl River Estuary. Front. Mar. Sci., 10:1072080, doi:10.3389/fmars.2023.1072080
- Porz, L., Zhang, W., & Schrum, C. (2023): Natural and anthropogenic influences on the development of mud depocenters in the southwestern Baltic Sea. Oceanologia, Vol. 65, 1, 182 - 193, doi:10.1016/j.oceano.2022.03.005
- Tian, D., Zhang, H., Wang, S., Zhang, W., Sun, X., Zhou, Y., Zheng, G., Jiang, H., Yang, S., & Zhou, F. (2023): Sea surface wind structure in the outer region of tropical cyclones observed by wave gliders. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128, e2022JD037235, doi:10.1029/2022JD037235
- Wilckens, H., Schwenk, T., Lüdmann, T., Betzler, C., Zhang, W., Chen, J., Hernández-Molina, F.J., Lefebvre, A., Cattaneo, A., Spieß, V., & Miramontes, E. (2023): Factors controlling the morphology and internal sediment architecture of moats and their associated contourite drifts. Sedimentology, doi:10.1111/sed.13093
- Xu, Y., Zhou, F., Meng, Q., Zeng, D., Yan, T., & Zhang, W. (2023): How do topography and thermal front influence the water transport from the northern Laotieshan Channel to the Bohai Sea interior in summer? Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, Volume 208, 2023, 105261, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2023.105261
- Arlinghaus, P., Zhang, W., & Schrum, C. (2022): Small-scale benthic faunal activities may lead to large-scale morphological change - A model based assessment. Front. Mar. Sci., 9:1011760, doi:10.3389/fmars.2022.1011760
- Chen, H., Zhang, W., Xie, X., Gao, Y., Liu, S., Ren, J., Wang, D., & Su, M. (2022): Linking oceanographic processes to contourite features: Numerical modelling of currents influencing a contourite depositional system on the northern South China Sea margin. Marine Geology, Volume 444, 106714, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2021.106714
- Meier, H.E.M., Kniebusch, M., Dieterich, C., Gröger, M., Zorita, E., Elmgren, R., Myrberg, K., Ahola, M.P., Bartosova, A., Bonsdorff, E., Börgel, F., Capell, R., Carlén, I., Carlund, T., Carstensen, J., Christensen, O.B., Dierschke, V., Frauen, C., Frederiksen, M., Gaget, E., Galatius, A., Haapala, J. J., Halkka, A., Hugelius, G., Hünicke, B., Jaagus, J., Jüssi, M., Käyhkö, J., Kirchner, N., Kjellström, E., Kulinski, K., Lehmann, A., Lindström, G., May, W., Miller, P.A., Mohrholz, V., Müller-Karulis, B., Pavón-Jordán, D., Quante, M., Reckermann, M., Rutgersson, A., Savchuk, O.P., Stendel, M., Tuomi, L., Viitasalo, M., Weisse, R., & Zhang, W. (2022): Climate change in the Baltic Sea region: a summary. Earth Syst. Dynam., 13, 457–593, doi:10.5194/esd-13-457-2022
- Meng, Q., Zhang, W., Zhou, F., Liao, Y., Yu, P., Tang, Y., Ma, X., Tian, D., Ding, R., Ni, X., Zeng, D., & Schrum, C. (2022): Water oxygen consumption rather than sediment oxygen consumption drives the variation of hypoxia on the East China Sea shelf. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 127, e2021JG006705, doi:10.1029/2021JG006705
- Meng, Q., Zhou, F., Ma, X., Xuan, J., Zhang, H., Wang, S., Ni, X., Zhang, W., Wang, B., Li, D., Tian, D., Li, J., Zeng, J., Chen, J., & Huang, D. (2022): Response Process of Coastal Hypoxia to a Passing Typhoon in the East China Sea. Front. Mar. Sci., 9:892797, doi:10.3389/fmars.2022.892797
- Tian, D., Zhou, F., Zhang, W., Zhang, H., Ma, X., & Guo, X. (2022): Effects of dissolved oxygen and nutrients from the Kuroshio on hypoxia off the Changjiang River estuary. J. Ocean. Limnol. 40, 515–529 (2022), doi:10.1007/s00343-021-0440-3
- Ye, Q., Yang, Z., Bao, M., Shi, W., Shi, H., You, Z., & Zhang, W. (2022): Distribution characteristics of wave energy in the Zhe-Min coastal area. Acta Oceanol. Sin. 41, 163–172, doi:10.1007/s13131-021-1859-2
- Zhang, W., & Arlinghaus, P. (2022): Climate, Coast, and Morphology. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science. Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190228620.013.814
- Arlinghaus, A., Zhang, W., Wrede, A., Schrum, C., & Neumann, A. (2021): Impact of benthos on morphodynamics from a modeling perspective. Earth-Science Reviews, Volume 221, 103803, doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2021.103803
- Chen, H., Stow, D.A.V., Xie, X., Ren, J., Mao, K., Gao, Y., Chen, B., Zhang, W., Vandorpe, T., & Van Rooij, D. (2021): Depositional architecture and evolution of basin-floor fan systems since the Late Miocene in the Northwest Sub-Basin, South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, Vol. 126, 2021, 104803, doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2020.104803
- Porz, L., Zhang, W., Hanebuth T.J.J., & Schrum, C. (2021): Physical processes controlling mud depocenter development on continental shelves – Geological, oceanographic, and modeling concepts. Marine Geology, Volume 432, 2021,106402, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2020.106402
- Porz, L., Zhang, W., & Schrum, C. (2021): Density-driven bottom currents control development of muddy basins in the southwestern Baltic Sea. Marine Geology, Volume 438, 106523, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2021.106523
- Tian, D., Zhou, F., Zhang, W., Zhang, H., Ma, X., & Guo, X. (2021): Effects of dissolved oxygen and nutrients from the Kuroshio on hypoxia off the Changjiang River estuary. J. Ocean. Limnol., doi:10.1007/s00343-021-0440-3
- von Storch, H., Fennel, K., Jensen, J., Lewis, K., Ratter, B., Schlurmann, T., Wahl, T., & Zhang, W. (2021): Climate and Coast: Overview and Introduction. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science, doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190228620.013.816
- Weisse, R., Dailidienė, I., Hünicke, B., Kahma, K., Madsen, K., Omstedt, A., Parnell, K., Schöne, T., Soomere, T., Zhang, W., & Zorita, E. (2021): Sea level dynamics and coastal erosion in the Baltic Sea region. Earth Syst. Dynam., 12, 871–898, doi:10.5194/esd-12-871-2021
- Wilckens, H., Miramontes, E., Schwenk, T., Artana, C., Zhang, W., Piola, A.R., Baques, M., Provost, C., Hernández-Molina, F.J., Felgendreher, M., Spieß, V., & Kasten, S. (2021): The erosive power of the Malvinas Current: Influence of bottom currents on morpho-sedimentary features along the northern Argentine margin (SW Atlantic Ocean). Marine Geology, Volume 439, 106539, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2021.106539
- Zhang, W., Neumann, A., Daewel, U., Wirtz, K., van Beusekom, J.E.E., Eisele, A., Ma, M., & Schrum, C. (2021): Quantifying importance of macrobenthos for benthic-pelagic coupling in a temperate coastal shelf sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2020JC016995, doi:10.1029/2020JC016995
- Zhang, Y., Ren, J., Zhang, W., & Wu, J. (2021): Importance of salinity-induced stratification on flocculation in tidal estuaries. Journal of Hydrology, Volume 596, 2021, 126063, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126063
- Chen, H., Xie, X., Mao, K., He, Y., Su, M., & Zhang, W. (2020): Depositional Characteristics and Formation Mechanisms of Deep-Water Canyon Systems along the Northern South China Sea Margin. J. Earth Sci. 31, 808–819, doi:10.1007/s12583-020-1284-z
- Liang, C., Xie, X., He, Y., Chen, H., Yu, X., Zhang, W., Mi, H., Lu, B., Tian, D., Zhang, H., Li, M., & Zhou, Z. (2020): Multiple sediment sources and topographic changes controlled the depositional architecture of a palaeoslope-parallel canyon in the Qiongdongnan Basin, South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, Volume 113, 2020, 104161, doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.104161
- Meng, Q., Xuan, J., Zhang, W., Zhou, F., Hao, Q., Zhao, Q., & Schrum, C. (2020): Impact of Submesoscale Vertical Advection on Primary Productivity in the Southern East China Sea. JGR Biogeosciences, doi:10.1029/2019JG005540
- Tian, D., Zhang, H., Zhang, W., Zhou, F., Sun, X., Zhou, Y., & Ke, D. (2020): Wave Glider Observations of Surface Waves During Three Tropical Cyclones in the South China Sea. Water 2020, 12, 1331, doi:10.3390/w12051331
- Xiong, P., Dudzińska-Nowak, J., Harff, J., Xie, X., Zhang, W., Chen, H., Tao, J., Chen, H., Miluch, J., Feldens, P., Maciąg, L., Osadczuk, A., Meng, Q., & Zorita, E. (2020): Modeling paleogeographic scenarios of the Last Glacial Cycle as a base for source-to-sink studies: an example from the northwestern shelf of the South China Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2020, 104542, doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2020.104542
- Zhang, W., Xiong, P., Meng, Q., Dudzinska-Nowak, J., Chen, H., Zhang, H., Zhou, F., Miluch, J., & Harff, J. (2020): Morphogenesis of a late Pleistocene delta off the south-western Hainan Island unraveled by numerical modeling. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Volume 195, 104351, doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2020.104351
- Zhang, H., Liu, X., Wu, R., Chen, D., Zhang, D., Shang, X., Wang, Y., Song, X., Jin, W., Yu, L., Qi, Y., Tian, D., & Zhang, W. (2020): Sea surface current response patterns to tropical cyclones. Journal of Marine Systems, 103345, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2020.103345
- Zhang, Y., Ren, J., & Zhang, W. (2020): Flocculation under the control of shear, concentration and stratification during tidal cycles. Journal of Hydrology, 124908, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.124908
- Liang, C., Xie, X., He, Y., Chen, H., Yu, X., Zhang, W., Mi, H., Lu, B., Tian, D., Zhang, H., Li, M., & Zhou, Z. (2019): Multiple sediment sources and topographic changes controlled the depositional architecture of a palaeoslope-parallel canyon in the Qiongdongnan Basin, South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2019, 104161, doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2019.104161
- Zhang, H., Liu, X., Wu, R., Liu, F., Yu, L., Shang, X., Qi, Y., Wang, Y., Song, X., Xie, X., Yang, C., Tian, D., & Zhang, W. (2019): Ocean Response to Successive Typhoons Sarika and Haima (2016) Based on Data Acquired via Multiple Satellites and Moored Array. Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 2360, doi:10.3390/rs11202360
- Yin, S., Hernández-Molina, F.J., Zhang, W., Li, J., Wang, L., Ding, W., & Ding, W. (2019): The influence of oceanographic processes on contourite features: A multidisciplinary study of the northern South China Sea. Marine Geology, Volume 415, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2019.105967
- Zhang, W., Wirtz, K., Daewel, U., Wrede, A., Kröncke, I., Kuhn, G., Neumann, A., Meyer, J., Ma, M., & Schrum, C. (2019): The budget of macrobenthic reworked organic carbon - a modelling case study of the North Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, doi:10.1029/2019JG005109
- Zhang, W., Didenkulova, I., Kurkina. O., Cui, Y., Haberkern, J., Aepfler, R., Santos, A.I., Zhang, H., & Hanebuth, T.J.J. (2019): Internal solitary waves control offshore extension of mud depocenters on the NW Iberian shelf. Marine Geology, Volume 409, Pages 15-30, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2018.12.008
- Chen, H., Zhang, W., Xie, X., & Ren, J. (2019): Sediment dynamics driven by contour currents and mesoscale eddies along continental slope: A case study of the northern South China Sea. Marine Geology, Volume 409, Pages 48-66, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2018.12.012
- Deng, J., Wu, J., Zhang, W., Dudzinska-Nowak, J., & Harff, J. (2019): Characterising the relaxation distance of nearshore submarine morphology: A southern Baltic Sea case study. Geomorphology, Volume 327, 2019, pp 365-376, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2018.11.018
- Kudrass, H.R., Machalett, B., Palamenghi, L., Meyer, I., & Zhang, W. (2018): Sediment transport by tropical cyclones recorded in a submarine canyon off Bangladesh. Geo-Marine Letters, pp 1–16, doi:10.1007/s00367-018-0550-x
- Zhang, H., Wu, R., Chen, D., Liu, X., He, H., Tang, Y., Ke, D., Shen, Z., Li, J., Xie, J., Tian, D., Ming, J., Liu, F., Zhang, D., & Zhang, W. (2018): Net Modulation of Upper Ocean Thermal Structure by Typhoon Kalmaegi (2014). Jourrnal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, doi:10.1029/2018JC014119
- Lemmen, C., Slavik, K., Kerimoglu, O., Klingbeil, K., Zhang, W., & Wirtz, K.W. (2018): Simulated net primary productivity (NPP) in the southern North Sea 2003-2013 forced by epistructural and epibenthic reconstructed blue mussel filtration. PANGAEA. doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.889948
- Feng, Y., Zhan, W., Chen, H., Jiang, T., Zhang, J., Osadczuk, A., Yao, Y., Li, W., Sun, J., Guo, L., Huang, W., Li, S., & Zhang, W. (2018): Seismic characteristics and sedimentary record of the late Pleistocene delta offshore south-western Hainan Island, north-western South China Sea. SEG, Interpretation, doi:10.1190/int-2018-0012.1
- Slavik, K., Lemmen, C., Zhang, W., Kerimoglu, O., Klingbeil, K., Wirtz, K.W. (2018): The large scale impact of offshore windfarm structures on pelagic primary production in the southern North Sea. Hydrobiologia, pp 1–19, doi:10.1007/s10750-018-3653-5
- Zhang W. & Wirtz K. (2017): Mutual dependence between sedimentary organic carbon and infaunal macrobenthos resolved by mechanistic modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 122. DOI:10.1002/2017JG003909
- Deng, J., J. Harff, W. Zhang, R. Schneider, J. Durzinska-Nowak, A. Giza, P. Terefenko, and K. Furmanczyk (2017): Chapter 5: The Dynamic Equilibrium Shore Model for the Reconstruction and Future Projection of Coastal Morphodynamics. In: Harff J, Furmanczyk K, von Storch H (eds) Coastline changes of the Baltic Sea from south to east – past and future projection. Coastal research library, vol 19. Springer, Cham, Switzerland. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-49894-2
- Harff, J., J. Deng, J. Durzinska-Nowak, P. Fröhle, A. Groh, B. Hünicke, T. Soomere, and W. Zhang (2017): Chapter 2: What determines the change of coastlines in the Baltic Sea? In: Harff J, Furmanczyk K, von Storch H (eds) Coastline changes of the Baltic Sea from south to east – past and future projection. Coastal research library, vol 19. Springer, Cham, Switzerland. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-49894-2
- J. Harff, N. Flemming, A. Groh, B. Hünicke, G. Lericolais, M. Meschede, A. Rosentau, D. Sakellariou, S. Uscinowicz, W. Zhang, and E. Zorita (2017): Chapter 2: Sea Level and Climate. In: Flemming, N., Harff, J. and Moura, D. (Eds). Submerged Landscapes of the European Continental Shelf: Quaternary Paleoenvironments. Wiley-Blackwell, New York, 550pp. DOI: 10.1002/9781118927823
- Zhang W., R. Schneider, J. Harff, B. Hünicke, and P. Fröhle (2017): Chapter 6: Modelling of Medium-Term (Decadal) Coastal Foredune Morphodynamics- Historical Hindcast and Future Scenarios of the Świna Gate Barrier Coast (Southern Baltic Sea). In: Harff J, Furmanczyk K, von Storch H (eds) Coastline changes of the Baltic Sea from south to east – past and future projection. Coastal research library, vol 19. Springer, Cham, Switzerland. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-49894-2
- Zhang, W., Cui, Y., Santos, A.I. and Hanebuth, T.J.J., 2016. Storm-driven bottom sediment transport on a high-energy narrow shelf (NW Iberia) and development of mud depocenters. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 121, 5751–5772, doi:10.1002/2015JC011526
- Zhang, W., Hanebuth, T.J.J., Stöber, U., 2016. Short-term sediment dynamics on a meso-scale contourite drift (off NW Iberia): impacts of multiscale oceanographic processes deduced from the analysis of mooring data and numerical modelling. Marine Geology, 378, 81-100, doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2015.12.006
- Chen, H., Xie, X., Zhang, W., Shu, Y., Wang, D., Van Rooij, D., Vandorpe, T., 2016. Deep-water sedimentary systems and their relationship with bottom currents at the intersection of Xi'sha Trough and Northwest Sub-Basin, South China Sea. Marine Geology, 378, 100-113. doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2015.11.002
- Zhang, W., 2016. Barrier Spits. In: Kennish, M.J. (Eds), Encyclopedia of Estuaries. Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-8801-4
- Zhang, W., 2016. Spit. In: Kennish, M.J. (Eds), Encyclopedia of Estuaries. Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-8801-4
- Zhang, W., 2016. Sediment Budgets. In: Kennish, M.J. (Eds), Encyclopedia of Estuaries. Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-8801-4
- Zhang, W., 2016. Barrier Island. In: Kennish, M.J. (Eds), Encyclopedia of Estuaries. Springer. DOI 10.1007/978-94-017-8801-4
- Zhang, W., Schneider, R., Kolb, J., Teichmann, T., Dudzinska-Nowak, J., Harff, J., Hanebuth, T., 2015. Land-sea interaction and morphogenesis of coastal foredunes - a modelling case study from the southern Baltic Sea coast. Coastal Engineering, 99, 148-166. doi:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2015.03.005
- Hanebuth, T., Zhang, W., Hofmann,A.L., Löwemark,L.A.,Schwenk,T. 2015. Oceanic density fronts steering bottom-current activity deduced from a 50-ka contourite sediment record and numerical modelling (off NW Spain). Quaternary Science Reviews, 112, 207-225. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.01.027
- Zhang, W., 2015. Bottom-boundary Layer. In: Harff, J., Meschede, M., Petersen, S. and Thiede,J. (Eds), Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-6644-0_134-1
- Zhang, W., 2015. Sediment Dynamics. In: Harff, J., Meschede, M., Petersen, S. and Thiede,J. (Eds), Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-6644-0_175-1
- Zhang, W., 2015. Sediment Transport Models. In: Harff, J., Meschede, M., Petersen, S. and Thiede,J. (Eds), Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-6644-0_176-1
- Zhang, W., Harff, J., Schneider, R., Meyer, M., Zorita, E., Hünicke, B., 2014. Holocene morphogenesis at the southern Baltic Sea: simulation of multiscale processes and their interactions for the Darss-Zingst peninsula. Journal of Marine Systems, 129, 4-18. doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2013.06.003
- Deng, J., Zhang, W., Schneider, R., Harff, J., Dudzinska-Nowak, J., Terefenko, P., Giza, A., Furmanczyk, K., 2014. A numerical approach for approximating the historical morphology of wave-dominated coasts - a case study of the Pomeranian Bight, southern Baltic Sea. Geomorphology, 204, 425-443. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.08.023
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