- Siems, A.,Nantke, C.,Neumann, A.,Sanders, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2024) . Nutrient and trace metal data distribution from water samples of ALKOR cruise AL557. PANGEA, Vol. , , , , . DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Klein, O.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2024) . Urban Mining Riches: Unveiling the Economic Value in Electronic Scrap Material for Enhanced Recycling Strategies. SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting, Vol. , Sevilla (ESP), 05.05.2024 - 09.05.2024, , .
- Ma, H.,He, J.,Fan, H.,Zhang, N.,Wu, Q.,Zhang, S.,Zhang, C.,Huang, T.,Gao, H.,Ma, J.,Xie, Z. (2024) . The influence of emerging atmospheric organophosphorus flame retardants from land source emissions on the East China Sea. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 465, , , , 133404. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Petrauskas, C.,Kruse, M.,Klein, O.,El Gareb, F.R.,Erbslöh, H.B.,Ebeling, A.,Pröfrock, D. (2024) . Grain size distribution for sediment samples of the cruise LP20200629. PANGEA, Vol. , , , , . DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Vecchiato, M.,Barbante, C.,Barbaro, E.,Burgay, F.,Cairns, W.R.L.,Callegaro, A.,Cappelletti, D.,Dallo, F.,D'Amico, M.,Feltracco, M.,Gallet, J.C.,Gambaro, A.,Larose, C.,Maffezzoli, N.,Mazzola, M.,Sartorato, I.,Scoto, F.,Turetta, C.,Vardè, M.,Xie, Z.,Spolaor, A. (2024) . The seasonal change of PAHs in Svalbard surface snow. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 340, Part 1, , , , 122864. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Süssmann, J.,Fischer, E.K.,Hildebrandt, L.,Walz, E.,Greiner, R.,Rohn, S.,Fritsche, J. (2024) . Nile red-staining for rapid screening of plastic-suspect particles in edible seafood tissues. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Vol. 416, , , , 3459-3471. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Siems, A.,Sanders, T.,Zimmermann, T.,Wieser, M.E.,Pröfrock, D. (2024) . Release and turn-over of carbon, nitrogen and metals under oxic and suboxic conditions in long-term incubations of Skagerrak sediments. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vol. , Wien (AUT), 14.04.2024 - 19.04.2024, , .
- Hildebrandt, L.M.,Klein, O.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2024) . Development and Validation of High-Throughput Methods for the Sampling, Extraction and Analysis of Marine Microplastics. SETAC Europe 34 Annual Meeting, Vol. , Sevilla (ESP), 05.05.2024 - 09.05.2024, , .
- Hildebrandt, L.,Fischer, M.,Klein, O.,Zimmermann, T.,Fensky, F.,Siems, A.,Zonderman, A.,Hengstmann, E.,Kirchgeorg, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2024) . An analytical strategy for challenging members of the microplastic family: Particles from anti-corrosion coatings. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 470, , , , 134173. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Siems, A.,Zimmermann, T.,Sanders, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2024) . Dissolved trace elements and nutrients in the North Sea – a current baseline. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol. 196, , , , 539. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Klein, O.,Hildebrandt, L.M.,Mara, R.,Annika, J.,Pröfrock, D. (2024) . Beyond the Surface: Spotlight on Plastic Metal(loid) Additive Leaching and Unseen Contaminants. SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting, Vol. , Sevilla (ESP), 05.05.2024 - 09.05.2024, , .
- Vetter, C. (2024) . Microplastic analysis in filtration samples from complex fjord systems in Tunu (Greenland).
- Siems, A.,Metzke, M.,Pröfrock, D.,Sanders, T.,Zimmermann, T. (2024) . Sediment core and pore water data for AL557. PANGEA, Vol. , , , , . DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Siems, A.,Metzke, M.,Pröfrock, D.,Sanders, T.,Zimmermann, T. (2024) . Sediment core and pore water data for HE586. PANGEA, Vol. , , , , . DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- McCormick Zonderman, A.,Ferdinand, M.,Hildebrandt, L.M.,Pröfrock, D. (2024) . Detection of Particulate and Metal(loid) Emissions from Offshore Wind Farms. SETAC Europe 34th Annual Meeting, Vol. , Sevilla (ESP), 05.05.2024 - 09.05.2024, , .
- Rohrweber, A. (2024) . Gesundheit der Ostee. Veranstaltung Studieren unter Segeln der FH Kiel, Vol. , Kiel (DEU), 03.05.2024 - 09.05.2024, , .
- Pröfrock, D. (2024) . From offshore windfarms to microplastics – Challenges and new analytical tools to decipher environmental impacts related with recent anthropogenic activities within the coastal zones. BAM Adlershofer Kolloquium, Vol. , Berlin (DEU), 26.03.2024 - 26.03.2024, , .
- Quante, M. (2024) . „Kipppunkte im Klimasystem – Was kippt da eigentlich?“. Universitätsgesellschaftlicher Dienstag im Museum Lüneburg, Vol. , Lüneburg (DEU), 30.04.2024 - 30.04.2024, , .
- O'Dell, J. (2024) . Concentration and distribution of microplastics in the deep-sea sediments of the Congo Canyon System. OPEN ACCESS
- Debler, F.,Gandrass, J. (2024) . Development of an analytical method for the determination of more than 300 pesticides and metabolites in the particulate and gaseous phase of ambient air. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Vol. , , , , . DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ebinghaus, R.,Barbaro, E.,Bengtson Nash, S.,de Avila, C.,de Wit, C.A.,Dulio, V.,Felden, J.,Franco, A.,Gandrass, J.,Grotti, M.,Herata, H.,Hughes, K.A.,Jartun, M.,Joerss, H.,Kallenborn, R.,Koschorrek, J.,Küster, A.,Lohmann, R.,Wang, Z.,MacLeod, M.,Pugh, R.,Rauert, C.,Slobodnik, J., Sühring, R.,Vorkamp, K.,Xie, Z. (2023) . Berlin Statement on Legacy and Emerging Contaminants in Polar Regions. Chemosphere, Vol. 327, , , , 138530. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Richtarski, P. (2023) . The analytical procedure of important pollutants of the Elbe river. 5th IMMERSE Transnational Estuary Exchange Lab, Vol. , Hull (GBR), 22.03.2023 - 23.03.2023, , .
- Quante, M.,Gasperini, B.,Belge, B. (2023) . Vom Regenmachen zur Klimaintervention - Ein Blick auf die Ideen- und Entwicklungsgeschichte des Climate Engineering. Warnsignal Klima: Hilft Technik gegen die Erderwärmung?, Vol. , , , , 34-42. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Quante, M. (2023) . Climate Engineering – Rettung oder Risiko?. Mitgliedertreffen SPD 60+ Lüneburg, Vol. , Adendorf (DEU), 12.04.2023 - 12.04.2023, , .
- Spiegel, T.,Dale, A.W.,Lenz, N.,Schmidt, M.,Sommer, S.,Kalapurakkal, H.T.,Przibilla, A.,Lindhorst, S.,Wallmann, K. (2023) . Biogenic silica cycling in the Skagerrak. Frontiers in Marine Science, Vol. 10, , , , 1141448. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Escher, B.I.,Altenburger, R.,Blüher, M.,Colbourne, J.K.,Ebinghaus, R.,Fantke, P.,Hein, M.,Köck, W.,Kümmerer, K.,Leipold, S.,Li, X.,Scheringer, M.,Scholz, S.,Schloter, M.,Schweizer, P.-J.,Tal, T.,Tetko, I.,Traidl-Hoffmann, C.,Wick, L.Y.,Fenner, K. (2023) . Modernizing Persistence-Bioaccumulation-Toxicity (PBT) Assessment with High Throughput Animal-free Methods. Archives of Toxicology, Vol. 97, , , , 1267-1283. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Hansen, J.,Hildebrandt, L.,Zimmermann, T.,El Gareb, F.,Fischer, E.K.,Pröfrock, D. (2023) . Quantification and characterization of microplastics in surface water samples from the Northeast Atlantic Ocean using Laser Direct Infrared Imaging. Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 190, , , , 114880. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ramacher, M.O.P.,Matthias, V.,Badeke, R.,Petrik, R.,Quante, M.,Arndt, J.,Fink, L.,Feldner, J.,Schwarzkopf, D.,Link, E.M.,Wedemann, R. (2023) . Urban Population Exposure to Air Pollution Under COVID-19 Lockdown Conditions - Combined Effects of Emissions and Population Activity. Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXVIII. ITM 2021, Vol. , , , , 319-327. DOI: .
- Römerscheid, M.;Lips, S.,Hildebrandt, L.,Schmitt-Jansen, M.,Pröfrock, D.,Jahnke, A. (2023) . Prioritization of consumer plastics for further testing based on artificial weathering combined with bioanalytical and chemical screening. SETAC Europe 2023, Vol. , Dublin (IRL), 30.04.2023 - 04.05.2023, , .
- Quante, M.,Leisner, T. (2023) . Das Strahlungsmanagement im Climate Engineering – ein Überblick. Warnsignal Klima: Hilft Technik gegen die Erderwärmung?, Vol. , , , , 222-230. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Possner, A.,Quaas, J.,Quante, M. (2023) . Impfen von Wolken zur Erhöhung der Reflektivität - Konzepte, Potentiale und Risiken. Warnsignal Klima: Hilft Technik gegen die Erderwärmung?, Vol. , , , , 250-255. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Gasparini, B.,Quante, M.,Lohmann, U. (2023) . Ausdünnung von Zirren um dem Klimawandel entgegenzuwirken?. Warnsignal Klima: Hilft Technik gegen die Erderwärmung?, Vol. , , , , 256-263. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Klein, O. (2023) . Investigation of the occurrence, distribution and fate of "Technology - Critical Elements" as potential "Emerging Contaminants" in the aquatic environment.
- Schwarzkopf, D.A.,Petrik, R.,Hahn, J.,Ntziachristos, L.,Matthias, V.,Quante, M. (2023) . Future Ship Emission Scenarios with a Focus on Ammonia Fuel. Atmosphere, Vol. 14, , , 5, 879. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Taube, K.,Dzaak, V.,Mühmer, M. (2023) . H2-Antrieb auf der Coriolis. HZwei - Das Magazin fuer Wasserstoff und Brennstoffzellen, Vol. , , , 3, 32-33. OPEN ACCESS
- Hildebrandt, L.,Pröfrock, D. (2023) . Microplastic analysis of complex marine water and sediment samples. SETAC Europe 2023, Vol. , Dublin (IRL), 30.04.2023 - 04.05.2023, , .
- Quante, M. (2023) . Climate modelling in the context of policy guidance and risk-assessments.. 9th S3C Summer School on Sustainable Chemistry for Sustainable Development, Vol. , Lüneburg (DEU), 10.07.2023 - 14.07.2023, , .
- Xie, Z.,Kallenborn, R. (2023) . Legacy and emerging per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in polar regions. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Vol. 42, , , , 100840. DOI: .
- Lange, M.,Cabana, D.,Ebeling, A.;Ebinghaus, R.,Joerss, H.,Rölfer, L.,Celliers, L. (2023) . Climate-smart socially innovative tools and approaches for marine pollution science in support of sustainable development. Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures, Vol. 1, , , , E23. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Bailey, J.,Ramacher, M.,Speyer, O.,Athanasopoulou, E.,Karl, M.,Gerasopoulos, E. (2023) . Localizing SDG 11.6.2 via Earth Observation, Modelling Applications, and Harmonised City Definitions: Policy Implications on Addressing Air Pollution. Remote Sensing, Vol. 15, , , 4, 1082. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Hildebrandt, L.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2023) . Laser microdissection pressure catapulting (LMPC): a new technique to handle single microplastic particles for number-based validation strategies. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Vol. 415, , , , 3041-3049. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Fink, L.,Karl, M.,Matthias, V.,Oppo, S.,Kranenburg, R.,Kuenen, J.,Moldanova, J.,Jutterström, S.,Jalkanen, J.,Majamäki, E. (2023) . Potential impact of shipping on air pollution in the Mediterranean region – a multimodel evaluation: comparison of photooxidants NO2 and O3. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 23, , , 3, 1825-1862. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Zimmermann, T.,Hildebrandt, L.,Fensky, F.,Pröfrock, D. (2023) . Elemental fingerprint analysis of (micro) plastics via ICP-MS/MS – A possible tool for source tracing?. European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Vol. , Ljubljana (SVN), 29.01.2023 - 03.02.2023, , .
- Klein, O.,Zimmermann, T.,Hildebrandt, L.,Pröfrock, D. (2023) . Using ICP-MS/MS in complex environments - spatial distribution and possible sources of technology-critical elements. European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Vol. , Ljubljana (SVN), 29.01.2023 - 03.02.2023, , .
- Ebeling, A.,Wippermann, D.,Zonderman, A.,Zimmermann, T.,Klein, O.,Erbslöh, H.,Kirchgeorg, T.,Weinberg, I.,Pröfrock, D. (2023) . From offshore wind to green Power-to-X products – how ICP-MS can help to monitor potential emerging chemical emissions. European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry 2023, Vol. , Ljubljana (SVN), 29.01.2023 - 03.02.2023, , .
- Hildebrandt, L.,Fensky, F.,Klein, O.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2023) . Bestimmung elementarer Fingerabdrücke von Korrosionsschutzbeschichtungen mittels ICP-MS/MS als wichtiger Baustein für die Mikroplastikanalytik. Wasser 2023 - Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft, Vol. , Augsburg (DEU), 15.05.2023 - 17.05.2023, , .
- Pohl, F.,De Falco, F.,Russell, C.,Hildebrandt, L.,Miramontes, E. (2023) . How could it get any worse? The ecotoxic legacy of plastic pollution and the role of plastic transport and distribution; fragmentation; degradation; and leaching of chemical additives. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vol. , Vienna (AUT), 23.04.2023 - 28.04.2023, , .
- Pohl, F.,Hildebrandt, L.,O’Dell, J.,Talling, P.,Baker, M.,El Gareb, F.,La Nasa, J.,De Falco, F.,Mattonai, M.,Ruffell, S.,Eggenhuisen, J.,Modugno, F.,Pröfrock, D.,Pope, E.,Silva Jacinto, R.,Heijnen, M.,Hage, S.,Simmons, S.,Hasenhündl, M.,Heerema, C. (2023) . The submarine Congo Canyon as a conduit for microplastics to the deep sea. Bouma Deep Water Geoscience Conference, Vol. , Utrecht (NLD), 17.04.2023 - 21.04.2023, , .
- Pröfrock, D.,Ebeling, A.,Wippermann, D.,Klein, O.,Zimmermann, T. (2023) . Offshore Windfarms als potentielle Punktquellen für Schadstoffe in der Marinen Umwelt. Workshop des AK Umweltmonitorings der GDCH, Vol. , Virtual, 24.01.2023 - 24.01.2023, , .
- Pröfrock, D.,Przibilla, A.,Klein, O.,Hildebrandt, L.,Ebeling, A.,el Gareb, F.,Rohrweber, A.,Witthoff, C.,Zimmermann, T. (2023) . New Applications of ICP-MS/MS and MC ICP-MS to study the chemical anthropocene. European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Vol. , Ljubljana (SVN), 28.01.2023 - 03.02.2023, , .
- Schattschneider, J. (2023) . Entwicklung einer Methode zur Bestimmung von organischen Plastikadditiven in wässrigen Proben mittels LC-MS/MS und GC-MSMS.
- Przibilla, A.,Sanders, T.,Zimmermann, T.,Schulz, G.,Nantke, C.,Pröfrock, D. (2023) . Response of metal contaminated Skagerrak sediments to changing oxygen conditions. Goldschmidt Conference 2023, Vol. , Lyon (FRA), 09.07.2023 - 14.07.2023, , .
- Koziol, K.,Kallenborn, R.,Xie, Z.,Larose, C.,Spolaor, A.,Barbaro, E.,Kavan, J.,Kępski, D.,Nikulina, A.,Zawierucha, K.,Pearce, D.,Cockerton, L.,Nawrot, A.,Pawlak, F.,Pakszys, P.,Cappelletti, D. (2023) . Harmonising Environmental Research and Monitoring of Priority Pollutants and Impurities in the Svalbard Atmosphere. SESS report 2022 : The State of Environmental Science in Svalbard - an annual report, Vol. , , , , 78-115. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Mi, L.,Xie, Z.,Xu, W.,Waniek, J.J.,Pohlmann, T.,Mi, W. (2023) . Air–sea exchange and atmospheric deposition of phthalate esters in the South China Sea. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 57, , , 30, 11195-11205. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Joerss, H.,Menger, F. (2023) . The complex ‘PFAS world’ - how recent discoveries and novel screening tools reinforce existing concerns. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, Vol. 40, , , , 100775. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Wippermann, D.,Zonderman, A.,Ebeling, A.,Klein, O.,Hans-Burkhard, E.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2023) . Potential of ICP-MS/MS to study the impact of trace metals released from offshore wind farm corrosion protection on marine biota. European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Vol. , Ljubljana (SVN), 29.01.2023 - 03.02.2023, , .
- den Otter, J.,Pröfrock, D.,Bünning, T.,Strehse, J.,Van der Heijden, A.,Maser, E. (2023) . Release of Ammunition-Related Compounds from a Dutch Marine Dump Site. Toxics, Vol. 11, , , 3, 238. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Klein, O.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2023) . Exploiting the Urban Mine - Methodology for TCE determination in electronic scrap material using ICP-MS/MS. 54th annual conference of the DGMS, Vol. , Dortmund (DEU), 14.05.2023 - 17.05.2023, , .
- Pohl, F.,Hildebrandt, L.,O’Dell, J.,Talling, P.,Baker, M.,El Gareb, F.,La Nasa, J.,De Falco, F.,Mattonai, M.,Ruffell, S.,Eggenhuisen, J.,Modugno, F.,Proefrock, D.,Pope, E.,Silva Jacinto, R.,Heijnen, M.,Hage, S.,Simmons, S.,Hasenhündl, M.,Heerema, C. (2023) . The submarine Congo Canyon as a conduit for microplastics to the deep sea. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vol. , Wien (AUT), 23.04.2023 - 28.04.2023, , .
- Przibilla, A.,Iwainski, S.,Zimmermann, T.,Nantke, C.,Pröfrock, D. (2023) . Analysis of dissolved trace metals in North Sea water: How to obtain reliable data using ICP-MS/MS?. 54th annual conference of the DGMS, Vol. , Dortmund (DEU), 14.05.2023 - 17.05.2023, , .
- Joerss, H.,Schaaf, J.,Schramm, T.,Menger, F.,Ahrens, L.,Ebinghaus, R. (2023) . Neuartige per- und polyfluorierte Alkylsubstanzen in europäischen Fluss-Meer-Systemen. Vom Wasser, Vol. 121, , , 2, 46-49. DOI: .
- (2023) . Warnsignal Klima: Hilft Technik gegen die Erderwärmung?.
- Ebeling, A.,Voigt, N.,Petrauskas, C.,Ludwig, J.,Rust, B.,Pieper, A.,Zimmermann, T.,Klein, O.,Pröfrock, D. (2023) . Metal distribution and Sr and Pb stable isotope ratios for sediment samples of Atair cruise AT275. PANGEA, Vol. , , , , . DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Menger, F.,Andersson, P.L.,Weiss M.J. (2023) . Integration of chemicals market data with suspect screening using in silico tools to identify potential new and emerging risk chemicals. Screening of Pollutants in the Environment: Non-target Strategies and Latest Trends, Book Series: The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, Vol. , , , , . DOI: .
- Hoppe, P.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2023) . How pollutants are transported - Distribution of organic and inorganic pollutants in different Elbe compartments. 7th PhD Seminar of the German Working Group for Analytical Spectroscopy (DAAS) in the GDCh Division of Analytical Chemistry, Vol. , Berlin (DEU), 15.11.2023 - 17.11.2023, , .
- Menger, F. (2023) . Environmental chemicals and human health. HEAL 2023 Conference – Collective Action for Health Environment and Climate, Vol. , Online (AUS), 14.11.2023 - 16.11.2023, , .
- Zonderman, A. (2023) . Anemoi: Investigating Chemical Emissions from Offshore Wind Farms in the North Sea. Microplastics Workshop for Early Career Researchers, Vol. , Ascona (CHE), 12.11.2023 - 17.11.2023, , .
- Zonderman, A. (2023) . Validated Particulate Sampling Workflow Applied to Offshore Wind Farm Areas in the North Sea. Microplastics Workshop for Early Career Researchers, Vol. , Ascona (CHE), 12.11.2023 - 17.11.2023, , .
- Rohrweber, A.,Przibilla, A.,Ebeling, A.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2023) . The spatial distribution of trace metals in North Sea and Baltic Sea - defining a baseline to study effects of potential ocean alkalinity enhancement activities. Goldschmidt2023 Conference, Vol. , Lyon (FRA), 09.07.2023 - 14.07.2023, , .
- Wippermann, D.,Zonderman, A.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2023) . Determination of technology-critical elements in seafood reference materials by inductively coupled plasma-tandem mass spectrometry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Vol. , , , , . DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Przibilla, A.,Sanders, T.,Neumann, A.,Nantke, C. (2023) . Pore water nutrient concentrations from sediments sampled during RV Alkor cruise AL557. PANGEA, Vol. , , , , . DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ebinghaus, R. (2023) . From the coastal margins to the Arctic ocean – PFAS in the marine environment. GDCh Kolloquium des Ortsverbandes Darmstadt (Wintersemester 2023/2024), Vol. , Darmstadt (DEU), 07.11.2023 - 07.11.2023, , .
- Ebeling, A.,Wippermann, D.,Zimmermann, T.,Klein, O.,Kirchgeorg, T.,Weinberg, I.,Hasenbein, S.,Plaß, A.,Pröfrock, D. (2023) . Investigation of potential metal emissions from galvanic anodes in offshore wind farms into North Sea sediments. Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 194, Part A, , , , 115396. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ebeling, A.,Voigt, N.,Pehlke, C.,Rust, B.,Pieper, A.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2023) . Metal distribution and Sr and Pb stable isotope ratios for sediment samples of ATAIR cruise AT261. PANGEA, Vol. , , , , . DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Joerss, H.,Schaaf, J.,Wittmann, A.,Beck, A.J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2023) . Per- und polyfluorierte Alkylsubstanzen entlang der europäischen Westküste - Verteilungsmuster und Trends für den Ersatzstoff HFPO-DA. Mitteilungen der Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Oekotoxikologie, Vol. 29, , , 4, 100-103.
- Ebeling, A.,Petrauskas, C.,Kruse, M.,Rust, B.,Pieper, A.,Klein, O.,El Gareb, F.R.,Erbslöh, H.B.,Pröfrock, D. (2023) . Metal distribution for sediment samples of Ludwig Prandtl cruise LP20200629. PANGEA, Vol. , , , , . DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ebeling, A.,Klein, O.,El Gareb, F.R.,Erbslöh, H.B.,Pröfrock, D. (2023) . Oceanographic parameters for the sample stations of Ludwig Prandtl cruise LP20200629. PANGEA, Vol. , , , , . DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Pröfrock, D.,Zimmermann, T.,von der Au, M.,Dutschke, F.,Ercegovac, M.,Irrgeher, J.,Ruhnau, C.,Schrödl, S.,Erbslöh, H.B.,Pieper, A. (2023) . Grain size distribution for the sediment sample stations of the Elbe river campaign LP201508 in 2015. PANGEA, Vol. , , , , . DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Wippermann, D.,Ebeling, A.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2023) . Using ICP-MS/MS to study the impact of offshore wind farms on the marine environment.. 7th PhD Seminar of the German Working Group for Analytical Spectroscopy (DAAS) in the GDCh Division of Analytical Chemistry, Vol. , Berlin (DEU), 15.11.2023 - 17.11.2023, , .
- Joerss, H. (2023) . Suspect- und Non-Target-Screening von per- und polyfluorierten Alkylsubstanzen (PFAS) in Oberbodenproben. Projektbericht an das Landesamt für Natur-, Umwelt- und Verbraucherschutz NRW, Vol. , , , , .
- Hildebrandt, L.,Pohl, F.,Mitrano, D.,Zimmermann, T. (2023) . The standardized Micro- and Nanoplastic Planet: Degradation; Fragmentation and Leaching. SETAC North America 44th Annual Meeting, Vol. , Louisville (USA), 12.11.2023 - 16.11.2023, , .
- Mi, L.,Xie, Z.,Zhang, L.,Waniek, J.J.,Pohlmann, T.,Mi, W.,Xu, W. (2023) . Organophosphate esters in air and seawater of the South China Sea: Spatial distribution, transport, and air-sea exchange. Environment & Health, Vol. 1, , , 3, 191-202. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Klein, O. (2023) . Investigation of the occurrence, distribution and fate of „Technology - Critical Elements“ as potential „Emerging Contaminants“ in the aquatic environment.
- Ebeling, A.,Wippermann, D.,Zonderman, A.,Klein, O.,Erbslöh, B.,Kirchgeorg, T.,Weinberg, I.,Hasenbein, S.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2023) . Korrosionsschutz und dessen Umweltauswirkung am Beispiel von Offshore Windkraftanlagen. Künstliche Intelligenz vs. Maritime Korrosion - Where do we go?, Vol. , Hamburg (DEU), 11.07.2023, , .
- Przibilla, A.,Iwainski, S.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2023) . Impact of storage temperature and filtration method on dissolved trace metal concentrations in coastal water samples. Water Environment Research, Vol. 95, , , 9, e10922. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Shi, Z.,Endres, S.,Rutgersson, A.,Al-Hajjaji, S.,Brynolf, S.,Booge, D.,Hassellöv, I.M.,Kontovas, C.,Kumar, R.,Liu, H.,Marandino, C.,Matthias, V.,Moldanová, J.,Salo, K.,Sebe, M.,Yi, W.,Yang, M.,Zhang, C. (2023) . Perspectives on shipping emissions and their impacts on the surface ocean and lower atmosphere: an environmental-social-economic dimension. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, Vol. 11, , , 1, 00052. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Wippermann, D.,Klein, O.,Zonderman, A.,Ebeling, A.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2023) . The ongoing race between emerging contaminants and analytical chemistry: New approaches in ICP-MS/MS and determination of technology-critical elements in marine biota reference materials. GeoBerlin 2023 – Geosciences Beyond Boundaries - Research, Society, Future, Vol. , Berlin (DEU), 03.09.2023 - 07.09.2023, , .
- Erbertseder, T.,Matthias, V.,Krajzewicz, D.,Righi, M.,Mertens, M.,Badeke, R.,Baier, F.,Handschuh, J.,Khorsandi, E.,Ramacher, M.,Quante, M.,Thaller, C. (2023) . Der Einfluss verschiedener Verkehrsträger auf die Luftqualität von Hamburg. Immissionsschutz, Vol. 3/2023, , , , . DOI: .
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- Ebeling, A.,Klein, O.,Zimmermann, T.,Rust, B.,Wippermann, D.,Faust, S.,Irrgeher, J.,Pröfrock, D. (2023) . From rivers to the sea: determination and tracing of TCEs in natural waters. GeoBerlin 2023 - Geosciences Beyond Boundaries - Research, Society, Future, Vol. , Berlin (DEU), 03.09.2023 - 07.09.2023, , .
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- Li, S.,Zhang, Y.,Cong, B.,Liu, S.,Mi, W.,Xie, Z. (2023) . Spatial distribution, source identification and flux estimation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organochlorine pesticides in basins of the Eastern Indian Ocean. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 905, , , , 166974. DOI: .
- Hildebrandt, L.,Pröfrock, D. (2023) . Release of plastic additives and microplastic particles from different consumer products into water under accelerated UV weathering conditions. Agilent Microplastics Virtual Symposium 2023, Vol. , Online, 05.10.2023 - 05.10.2023, , .
- Menger, F.,Römerscheid, M.,Nabi, D.,Hildebrandt, L.,Lips, S.,Bedulina, D.,Huber, C.,Gandrass, J.,Jahnke, A.,Krauss, M.,Beck, A.,Joerss, H. (2023) . Plastic, water & the sun – Characterization of chemicals leaching from plastic under UV light treatment. International Conference on Non-Target Screening (ICNTS 23), Vol. , Erding (DEU), 16.10.2023 - 19.10.2023, , .
- Hildebrandt, L.,Pröfrock, D. (2023) . Development and validation of methods for the sampling; extraction and analysis of marine microplastics. Agilent LDIR 8700 User Community Meeting 2023, Vol. , , , , .
- Fink, L.,Karl, M.,Matthias, V.,Oppo, S.,Kranenburg, R.,Kuenen, J.,Jutterström, S.,Moldanova, J.,Majamäki, E.,Jalkanen, J.P. (2023) . A multimodel evaluation of the potential impact of shipping on particle species in the Mediterranean Sea. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 23, , , 17, 10163–10189. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Voigt, N.,Ebeling, A.,Klein, O.,Pröfrock, D. (2022) . Grain size distribution for sediment samples of the cruise AT275. PANGEA, Vol. , , , , . DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Zimmermann, T.,Hildebrandt, L.,El Gareb, F.,Mitrano, D.,Pröfrock, D. (2022) . ICP-MS-basierte Elementanalytik zur Entwicklung neuer Probenahmetechniken für die Mikroplastikanalytik. 28. ICP-MS Anwender*innentreffen und 14. Symposium massenspektrometrische Verfahren der Elementspurenanalyse, Vol. , Leoben (AUT), 05.09.2022 - 09.09.2022, , .
- Pröfrock, D.,Przibilla, A.,Klein, O.,Hildebrandt, L.,Ebeling, A.,El Gareb, F.,Zimmermann, T. (2022) . More than trace elements – New Applications for ICP-MS to investigate the chemical anthropocene. 28. ICP-MS Anwender*innentreffen und 14. Symposium massenspektrometrische Verfahren der Elementspurenanalyse, Vol. , Leoben (AUT), 05.09.2022 - 08.09.2022, , .
- Wippermann, D.,Ebeling, A.,Przibilla, A.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2022) . Analytik von Meerwasserproben aus Offshore Windparks mittels ICP-MS unter Verwendung des Aufkonzentrierungssystems seaFAST®. 28. ICP-MS Anwender*innentreffen und 14. Symposium massenspektrometrische Verfahren der Elementspurenanalyse, Vol. , Leoben (AUT), 05.09.2022 - 08.09.2022, , .
- Klein, O.,Stefan Kremmler, T.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2022) . Erschließung der „urbanen Miene“ – Entwicklung einer Aufschlussmethode für Leiterplatinen zur Bestimmung der Metallgehälter mittels ICP-MS/MS. ICP-MS Anwender*innen Treffen, Vol. , Leoben (AUT), 05.09.2022 - 08.09.2022, , .
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- Klein, O.,Zimmermann, T.,Hildebrandt, L.,Pröfrock, D. (2022) . Technology-critical elements in Rhine sediments - A case study on occurrence and spatial distribution. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 852, , , , 158464. DOI: .
- Przibilla, A.,Iwainski, S.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2022) . Aufbereitung von Meerwasserproben für die Messung der Metallgehalte mittels seaFAST-ICP-MS: Einfluss von Filtrationsmethode und Lagerung auf die Ergebnisse. ICP-MS Anwender*innen Treffen, Vol. , Leoben (AUT), 05.09.2022 - 08.09.2022, , .
- Ebinghaus, R. (2022) . From the coastal margins to the Arctic ocean – PFAS in the marine environment. International Forum on Marine Environment and Ecosystem, Vol. , Virtual, 15.08.2022, , .
- Ebeling, A.,Klein, O.,Voigt, N.,de la Granda Grandoso, F.,Tewes, S.,Kirchgeorg, T.,Weinberg, I.,Pröfrock, D. (2022) . Oceanographic parameters for the sample stations of the cruise AT275. PANGEA, Vol. , , , , . DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Custódio, D.,Ebinghaus, R. (2022) . Near-global mapping of TGM based on aircraft measurements from intercontinental flights. Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 291, , , , 119354. DOI: .
- Van Dam, B.,Lehmann, N.,Zeller, M.,Neumann, A.,Pröfrock, D.,Lipka, M.,Thomas, H.,Böttcher, M. (2022) . Benthic alkalinity fluxes from coastal sediments of the Baltic and North seas: comparing approaches and identifying knowledge gaps. Biogeosciences, Vol. 19, , , 16, 3775-3789. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Marshall, T.,Granger, J.,Casciotti, K.,Dähnke, K.,Emeis, K.,Marconi, D.,McIlvin, M.,Noble, A.,Saito, M.,Sigman, D.,Fawcett, S. (2022) . The Angola Gyre is a hotspot of dinitrogen fixation in the South Atlantic Ocean. Communications Earth & Environment, Vol. 3, , , , 151. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Zonderman, A.,Wippermann, D.,Ebeling, A.,Klein, O.,Erbslöh, H.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2022) . Turbine-colonizing mussels (Mytilus edulis) as an indicator for environmental impacts of offshore wind farms in the North Sea. YOUMARES 13, Vol. , Berlin (DEU), 11.10.2022 - 14.10.2022, , .
- Logemann, A.,Reininghaus, M.,Schmidt, M.M.,Ebeling, A.,Zimmermann, T.,Wolschke, H.,Friedrich, J.,Brockmeyer, B.,Pröfrock, D.,Witt, G. (2022) . Determination of inorganic and organic pollutants in a dated sediment core of the Skagerrak (North Sea). PANGEA, Vol. , , , , . DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Zonderman, A. (2022) . Investigation of trace metal patterns in mussels (Mytilus edulis) from North Sea Offshore Wind Farms.
- von der Au, M.,Zimmermann, T.,Kleeberg, U.,von Tümpling, W.,Pröfrock, D. (2022) . Characteristic regional differences in trace element pattern of 2014 German North Sea surface Wadden sediments – A judge and assessment. Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 184, , , , 114208. DOI: .
- Menger, F.,Joerss, H. (2022) . The complex PFAS world - Recent discoveries and novel HRMS-based screening tools. NTS workshop on analytical techniques and implementation, Vol. , Odense (DNK), 29.11.2022 - 30.11.2022, , .
- Jesemann, A.,Matthias, V.,Böhner, J.,Bechtel, B. (2022) . Using Neural Network NO2-Predictions to Understand Air Quality Changes in Urban Areas—A Case Study in Hamburg. Atmosphere, Vol. 13, , , 11, 1929. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Quante, M. (2022) . Climate Engineering - Rettung oder Risiko. Universitätsgesellschaftlicher Dienstag, Vol. , Lüneburg (DEU), 08.11.2022 - 08.11.2022, , .
- Pieper, A.,Zimmermann, T.,Irrgeher, J.,Pröfrock, D. (2022) . Grain size distribution for sediment samples of Ludwig Prandtl cruise LP20160725. PANGEA, Vol. , , , , . DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Joerss, H.,Lange, M.,Takyar, H.,Baldewein, L.,Ebinghaus, R. (2022) . PFAS explorer. Coastal Pollution Toolbox, Vol. , , , , .
- Zimmermann, T.,Pieper, A.,Irrgeher, J.,Pröfrock, D. (2022) . Oceanographic parameters for the sample stations of Ludwig Prandtl cruise LP20160725. PANGEA, Vol. , , , , . DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Petrauskas, C.,Ebeling, A.,Zimmermann, T.,Pieper, A.,Irrgeher, J.,Pröfrock, D. (2022) . Metal distribution for sediment samples of the Ludwig Prandtl cruise LP20160725. PANGEA, Vol. , , , , . DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
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- Garnett, J.,Halsall, C.,Winton, H.,Joerss, H.,Mulvaney, R.,Ebinghaus, R.,Frey, M.,Jones, A.,Lesson, A.,Wynn, P. (2022) . Increasing Accumulation of Perfluorocarboxylate Contaminants Revealed in an Antarctic Firn Core (1958–2017). Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 56, , , 16, 11246-11255. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Pröfrock, D.,Hildebrandt, L.,El Gareb, F.,Nack, F.,Zimmermann, T.,Klein, O. (2022) . ICP-MS/MS and LDIR as complementary technique in small micro- and nanoplastic Research - From method optimization to the study of environmentally relevant polymers as vector for trace metals. Analytic Conference, Vol. , München (DEU), 21.06.2022 - 24.06.2022, , .
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- Hildebrandt, L.,Nack, F.,Zimmermann, T.,El Gareb, F.,Pröfrock, D. (2022) . Mikroplastik als Trojanisches Pferd für Spurenmetalle. Mitteilungen der Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Oekotoxikologie, Vol. 28, , , 1, 7-10. OPEN ACCESS
- Ebeling, A.,Zimmermann, T.,Klein, O.,Irrgeher, J.,Pröfrock, D. (2022) . Analysis of Seventeen Certified Water Reference Materials for Trace and Technology-Critical Elements. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, Vol. 46, , , 2, 351-378. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Logemann, A.,Reininghaus, M.,Schmidt, M.,Ebeling, A.,Zimmermann, T.,Wolschke, H.,Friedrich, J.,Brockmeyer, B.,Pröfrock, D.,Witt, G. (2022) . Assessing the chemical anthropocene – Development of the legacy pollution fingerprint in the North Sea during the last century. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 302, , , , 119040. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
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- Moldanová, J.,Hassellöv, I.-M.,Matthias, V.,Fridell, E.,Jalkanen, J.-P.,Ytreberg, E.,Quante, M.,Tröltzsch, J.,Maljutenko, I.,Raudsepp, U.,Eriksson, K.M. (2022) . Framework for the environmental impact assessment of operational shipping. Ambio, Vol. 51, , , 3, 754-769. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Custódio, D.,Pfaffhuber, K. A.,Spain, T. G.,Pankratov, F. F.,Strigunova, I.,Molepo, K.,Skov, H.,Bieser, J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2022) . Odds and ends of atmospheric mercury in Europe and over the North Atlantic Ocean: temporal trends of 25 years of measurements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 22, , , 6, 3827-3840. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- El Gareb, F.,Hildebrandt, L.,Kerstan, A.,Zimmermann, T.,Emeis, K.,Pröfrock, D. (2022) . Investigation of microplastics in the tropical Indian Ocean using Laser Direct Infrared (LDIR) Chemical Imaging and microwave-assisted sample preparation. SETAC Europe 2022 - annual meeting Copenhagen, Vol. , Kopenhagen (DNK), 15.05.2022 - 19.05.2022, , .
- El Gareb, F.,Hildebrandt, L.,Zimmermann, T.,Klein, O.,Kerstan, A.,Emeis, K.,Pröfrock, D. (2022) . Analyse des Vorkommens und der Verteilung von Mikrokunststoffen im tropischen Indischen Ozean mittels Laser Direct Infrared (LDIR) Chemical Imaging und mikrowellenunterstützter Probenaufbereitung. Wasser 2022 - Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft, Vol. , Wiesbaden (DEU), 23.05.2022 - 25.05.2022, , .
- Klein, O.,Zimmermann, T.,Ebeling, A.,Kruse, M.,Kirchgeorg, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2022) . Technologie-kritische Elemente - Entwicklung und Anwendung einer ICP-MS/MS basierten Methode zur Messung ihrer zeitlichen Variationen in Nordsee Sedimenten. Wasser 2022 - Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft, Vol. , Wiesbaden (DEU), 23.05.2022 - 25.05.2022, , .
- Hildebrandt, L.,Nack, F.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2022) . Mikroplastikpartikel als Sorbens für Metall- und Halbmetallionen. Wasser 2022 - Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft, Vol. , Wiesbaden (DEU), 23.05.2022 - 25.05.2022, , .
- Hildebrandt, L.,El Gareb, F.,Nack, F.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2022) . Nano-; microplastics and metals - how are they related?.
- Naumann, T.,Bento, C.,Wittmann, A.,Gandrass, J.,Tang, J.,Zhen, X.,Liu, L.,Ebinghaus, R. (2022) . Occurrence and ecological risk assessment of neonicotinoids and related insecticides in the Bohai Sea and its surrounding rivers, China. Water Research, Vol. 209, , , , 117912. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
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- Gandraß, J.,Küster, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Herata, H.,Xie, Z.,Koschorreck, J. (2022) . Act now - Legacy and Emerging Contaminants in Polar Regions : Workshop Report : Online Expert Workshop January 25th -26th 2022. OPEN ACCESS
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- Klein, O.,Zimmermann, T.,Ebeling, A.,Kruse, M.,Kirchgeorg, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2022) . Occurrence and Temporal Variation of Technology-Critical Elements in North Sea Sediments - A Determination of Preliminary Reference Values. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, Vol. 82, , , 4, 481-492. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Custódio, D.,Borrego, C.,Relvas, H. (2022) . Worldwide Evaluation of CAMS-EGG4 CO2 Data Re-Analysis at the Surface Level. Toxics, Vol. 10, , , 6, 331. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
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- Hildebrandt, L.,El Gareb, F.,Zimmermann, T.,Klein, O.,Kerstan, A.,Emeis, K.,Pröfrock, D. (2022) . Spatial distribution of microplastics in the tropical Indian Ocean based on laser direct infrared imaging and microwave-assisted matrix digestion. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 307, , , , 119547. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Badeke, R.,Matthias, V.,Karl, M.,Grawe, D. (2022) . Effects of vertical ship exhaust plume distributions on urban pollutant concentration – a sensitivity study with MITRAS v2.0 and EPISODE-CityChem v1.4. Geoscientific Model Development, Vol. 15, , , 10, 4077-4103. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Prohaska, T.,Irrgeher, J.,Benefield, J.,Böhlke, J.,Chesson, L.,Coplen, T.,Ding, T.,Dunn, P.,Gröning, M.,Holden, N.,Meijer, H.,Moossen, H.,Possolo, A.,Takahashi, Y.,Vogl, J.,Walczyk, T.,Wang, J.,Wieser, M.,Yoneda, S.,Zhu, X.,Meija, J. (2022) . Standard atomic weights of the elements 2021 (IUPAC Technical Report). Pure and Applied Chemistry, Vol. 94, , , 5, 573-600. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
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- Xie, Z.,Zhang, P.,Wu, Z.,Zhang, S.,Wei, L.,Mi, L.,Kuester, A.,Gandrass, J.,Ebinghaus, R.,Yang, R.,Wang, Z.,Mi, W. (2022) . Legacy and emerging organic contaminants in the polar regions. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 835, , , , 155376. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Hildebrandt, L.,El Gareb, F.,Hansen, J.,Takyar, H.,Lange, M.,Zimmermann, T.,Jahnke, A.,Bergmann, M.,Peeken, I.,Tekman, M.,Gerdts, G.,Bellou, N.,Pohl, F.,Baldewein, L.,Pröfrock, D.,Ebinghaus, R. (2022) . Microplastic Compendium. Coastal Pollution Toolbox, Vol. , , , , .
- Georgiadis, C.,Patias, P.,Verde, N.,Tsioukas, V.,Kaimaris, D.,Georgoula, O.,Kocman, D.,Athanasopoulou, E.,Speyer, O.,Raudner, A.,Karl, M.,Gerasopoulos, E. (2022) . State-of-play in addressing urban environmental pressures: Mind the gaps. Environmental Science & Policy, Vol. 132, , , , 308-322. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
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- Gerasopoulos, E.,Bailey, J.,Athanasopoulou, E.,Speyer, O.,Kocman, D.,Raudner, A.,Tsouni, A.,Kontoes, H.,Johansson, C.,Georgiadis, C.,Matthias, V.,Kussul, N.,Aquilino, M.,Paasonen, P. (2022) . Earth observation: An integral part of a smart and sustainable city. Environmental Science & Policy, Vol. 132, , , , 296-307. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Joerss, H.,Menger, F.,Tang, J.,Ebinghaus, R.,Ahrens, L. (2022) . Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg: Suspect Screening Reveals Point Source-Specific Patterns of Emerging and Novel Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in German and Chinese Rivers. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 56, , , 9, 5456-5465. DOI: .
- Hildebrandt, L.,Zimmermann, T.,Nack, F.,El Gareb, F.,Mitrano, D.,Pröfrock, D. (2021) . Nano-; microplastics and metals - how are they related?.
- Ebeling, A.,Voigt, N.,Obergfäll, D.,Zimmermann, T.,Erbsloeh, H.,Kirchgeorg, T.,Weinberg, I.,Irrgeher, J.,Proefrock, D. (2021) . Corrosion protection of offshore wind farms: An emerging contamination source for the marine environment?. The 52nd International Liège colloquium on ocean dynamics, Vol. , Virtual, 17.05.2021 - 21.05.2021, , .
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- Vetere, A.,Pröfrock, D.,Schrader, W. (2021) . Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation of Sulfur-Containing Compound Types in Heavy Crude Oil and Its Fractions. Energy & Fuels, Vol. 35, , , 10, 8723-8732. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
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- Klein, O.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2021) . Improved determination of technologically critical elements in sediment digests by ICP-MS/MS using N2O as a reaction gas. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, Vol. 36, , , 7, 1524-1532. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Joerss, H.,Menger, F.,Tang, J.,Ebinghaus, R.,Ahrens, L. (2021) . Suspect screening of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in German and Chinese river water affected by point sources. SETAC Europe 31st Annual Meeting, Vol. , Virtual, 03.05.2021 - 06.05.2021, , .
- Garnett, J.,Halsall, C.,Thomas, M.,Crabeck, O.,France, J.,Joerss, H.,Ebinghaus, R.,Kaiser, J.,Leeson, A.,Wynn, P. (2021) . Investigating the Uptake and Fate of Poly- and Perfluoroalkylated Substances (PFAS) in Sea Ice Using an Experimental Sea Ice Chamber. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 55, , , 14, 9601-9608. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Hildebrandt, L.,El Gareb, F.,Pröfrock, D. (2021) . Nano- und Mikroplastik-Analytik mittels ICP-MS/MS und LDIR Imaging - Zwei Anwendungsbeispiele. Agilent Analytik-Forum 2021, Vol. , Virtual, 26.05.2021 - 27.05.2021, , .
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- Tröger, R.,Ren, H.,Yin, D.,Postigo, C.,Nguyen, P.,Baduel, C.,Golovko, O.,Been, F.,Joerss, H.,Boleda, M.,Polesello, S.,Roncoroni, M.,Taniyasu, S.,Menger, F.,Ahrens, L.,Lai, F.,Wiberg, K. (2021) . What's in the water? – Target and suspect screening of contaminants of emerging concern in raw water and drinking water from Europe and Asia. Water Research, Vol. 198, , , , 117099. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Neumann, A.,Beusekom, J.,Eisele, A.,Emeis, K.,Friedrich, J.,Kröncke, I.,Logemann, E.,Meyer, J.,Naderipour, C.,Schückel, U.,Wrede, A.,Zettler, M. (2021) . Macrofauna as a major driver of bentho-pelagic exchange in the southern North Sea. Limnology and Oceanography, Vol. 66, , , 6, 2203-2217. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
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- Badeke, R.,Matthias, V.,Grawe, D. (2021) . Parameterizing the vertical downward dispersion of ship exhaust gas in the near field. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 21, , , 8, 5935-5951. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Bento, C.,Naumann, T.,Wittmann, A.,Tang, J.,Zhen, X.,Liu, L.,Ebinghaus, R. (2021) . River-Sea Systems: Spatial and temporal occurrence of Neonicotinoids, Glyphosate and related transformation products in the Chinese Bohai Sea and 36 surrounding Rivers. EGU General Assembly 2021, Vol. , Virtual, 19.04.2021 - 30.04.2021, , . DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Quante, M.,Karl, M.,Matthias, V.,Moldanova, J.,Ramacher, M. (2021) . Shipping in the Baltic Sea: Assessment of Current and Future Air Quality Implications. EM : Air & Waste Management Association's magazine for environmental managers, Vol. , , , 2, .
- Badeke, R.,Matthias, V.,Quante, M.,Petrik, R.,Arndt, J.,Ramacher, M.,Schwarzkopf, D.,Fink, L.,Feldner, J.,Link, E. (2021) . Air quality improvements caused by COVID-19 lockdown measures in Central Europe – contributions of emission sectors and the meteorological situation. EGU General Assembly 2021, Vol. , Virtual, 19.04.2021 - 30.04.2021, , . DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Hildebrandt, L.,Zimmermann, T.,Primpke, S.,Fischer, D.,Gerdts, G.,Pröfrock, D. (2021) . Comparison and uncertainty evaluation of two centrifugal separators for microplastic sampling. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 414, , , , 125482. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Hildebrandt, L. (2021) . Development and application of analytical methods to sample; isolate and characterize nano- and microplastics in aquatic environments and associated trace metals.
- Vlasenko, A.,Matthias, V.,Callies, U. (2021) . Simulation of chemical transport model estimates by means of a neural network using meteorological data. Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 254, , , , 118236. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Hansen, J. (2021) . Quantification and characterization of microplastics in filtration samples from the Northeast Atlantic Ocean.
- Clases, D.,Ueland, M.,Gonzalez de Vega, R.,Doble, P.,Pröfrock, D. (2021) . Quantitative speciation of volatile sulphur compounds from human cadavers by GC-ICP-MS. Talanta, Vol. 221, , , , 121424. DOI: .
- Deng, F.,Hellmann, S.,Zimmerman, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2021) . Using Sr-Nd-Pb isotope systems to trace sources of sediment and trace metals to the Weser River system (Germany) and assessment of input to the North Sea. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 791, , , , 148127. DOI: .
- Schwarzkopf, D.,Petrik, R.,Matthias, V.,Quante, M.,Majamäki, E.,Jalkanen, J. (2021) . A ship emission modeling system with scenario capabilities. Atmospheric Environment: X, Vol. 12, , , , 100132. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ebinghaus, R.,Grøsvik, B.,Hassellöv, I.,Moffat, C.,Simcock, A.,Sonesten, L.,Vlahos, P.,Achterberg, E.,Alo, B.,Andrade, C.,Bebianno, M.,Caetano, M.,Gnandi, K.,Hong, G.,Kim, S.,Lohmann, R.,Stankiewicz, M.,Wang, J. (2021) . Chapter 11: Changes in liquid and atmospheric inputs to the marine environment from land (including through groundwater), ships and offshore installations. The Second World Ocean Assessment, Vol. 2, , , , 101-150. OPEN ACCESS
- Klein, O.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2021) . Enhanced detection of technologically critical elements in sediment digestions via ICP-MS/MS utilizing N2O as a reaction gas. 6. Doktorandenseminar des DAAS, Vol. , Virtual, 20.09.2021 - 21.09.2021, , .
- Gerasopoulos, E.,Athanasopoulou, E.,Speyer, O.,Bailey, J.,Kocman, D.,Karl, M. (2021) . Urban resilience to environmental stressors via EO-based smart solutions. 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, Vol. , , , , 1194-1197. DOI: .
- Matthias, V.,Bieser, J.,Quante, M.,Winkler, C.,Seum, S. (2021) . Traffic Emissions 2040 - Impact on Air Quality in Germany. Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXVII. ITM 2019, Vol. , , , , 39-44. DOI: .
- Ramacher, M.,Karl, M.,Feldner, J.,Bieser, J. (2021) . The Impact of BVOC Emissions from Urban Trees on O3 Production in Urban Areas Under Heat-Period Conditions. Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXVII. ITM 2019, Vol. , , , , 241-248. DOI: .
- Karl, M.,Ramacher, M. (2021) . Urban Atmospheric Chemistry with the EPISODE-CityChem Model. Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXVII. ITM 2019, Vol. , , , , 235-239. DOI: .
- Lauenburg, M.,Karl, M.,Matthias, V.,Quante, M.,Ramacher, M. (2021) . City Scale Modeling of Ultrafine Particles in Urban Areas with Special Focus on Passenger Ferryboat Emission Impact. Toxics, Vol. 10, , , 1, 3. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ramacher, M.O.P.,Kakouri, A.,Speyer, O.,Feldner, J.,Karl, M.,Timmermans, R.,van der Gon, H.D.,Kuenen, J.,Gerasopoulos, E.,Athanasopoulou, E. (2021) . The UrbEm Hybrid Method to Derive High-Resolution Emissions for City-Scale Air Quality Modeling. Atmosphere, Vol. 12, , , 11, 1404. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Bieser, J.,Ramacher, M. (2021) . Multi-compartment Chemistry Transport Models. Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXVII. ITM 2019. Springer Proceedings in Complexity, Vol. , , , , 119-123. DOI: .
- Silva, V.,Alaoui, A.,Schlünssen, V.,Vested, A.,Graumans, M.,van Dael, M.,Trevisan, M.,Suciu, N.,Mol, H.,Beekmann, K.,Figueiredo, D.,Harkes, P.,Hofman, J.,Kandeler, E.,Abrantes, N.,Campos, I.,Martínez, M.Á.,Pereira, J.,Goossens, D.,Gandrass, J.,Debler, F.,Lwanga, E.,Jonker, M.,van Langevelde, F.,Sorensen, M.T.,Wells, J.M.,Boekhorst, J.,Huss, A.,Mandrioli, D.,Sgargi, D.,Nathanail, P.,Nathanail, J.,Tamm, L.,Fantke, P.,Mark, J.,Grovermann, C.,Frelih-Larsen, A.,Herb, I.,Chivers, C.-A.,Mills, J.,Alcon, F.,Contreras, J.,Baldi, I.,Pasković, I.,Matjaz, G.,Norgaard, T.,Aparicio, V.,Ritsema, C.J.,Geissen, V.,Scheepers, P.T.J. (2021) . Collection of human and environmental data on pesticide use in Europe and Argentina: Field study protocol for the SPRINT project. PLoS One, Vol. 16, , , 11, e0259748. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Zhang, F.,Chen, Y.,Su, P.,Cui, M.,Han, Y.,Matthias, V.,Wang, G. (2021) . Variations and characteristics of carbonaceous substances emitted from a heavy fuel oil ship engine under different operating loads. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 284, , , , 117388. DOI: .
- Jutterström, S.,Moldan, F.,Moldanová, J.,Karl, M.,Matthias, V.,Posch, M. (2021) . The impact of nitrogen and sulfur emissions from shipping on the exceedance of critical loads in the Baltic Sea region. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 21, , , 20, 15827-15845. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Hildebrandt, L.,Zimmermann, T.,El Gareb, F.,Pröfrock, D. (2021) . Nano- and Microplastics Analysis via LDIR and ICP-MS. Agilent - Microplastics in the Environment Virtual Symposium, Vol. , Virtual, 30.09.2021, , .
- Van Dam, B.,Zeller, M.,Lopes, C.,Smyth, A.,Böttcher, M.,Osburn, C.,Zimmerman, T.,Pröfrock, D.,Fourqurean, J.,Thomas, H. (2021) . Calcification-driven CO2 emissions exceed “Blue Carbon” sequestration in a carbonate seagrass meadow. Science Advances, Vol. 7, , , 51, eabj1372. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Deng, F.,Hellmann, S.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2021) . Sr-Nd-Pb isotope systems as fingerprinting tools to trace anthropogenic controls on the Weser river system (Germany). Goldschmidt2020, Vol. , Virtual, 21.06.2021 - 26.06.2021, , .
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- Deng, F.,Hellmann, S.,Zimmerman, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2021) . Sr-Nd-Pb isotope fingerprint analysis of sediment from the river Weser (Germany) and its implication to trace human and climate-induced impacts. EGU General Assembly 2020, Vol. , Virtual, 04.05.2020 - 08.07.2021, , . DOI: .
- Burdanowitz, N.,Rixen, T.,Gaye, B.,Emeis, K. (2021) . Signals of Holocene climate transition amplified by anthropogenic land-use changes in the westerly–Indian monsoon realm. Climate of the Past, Vol. 17, , , 4, 1735-1749. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Matthias, V.,Quante, M.,Arndt, J.,Badeke, R.,Fink, L.,Petrik, R.,Feldner, J.,Schwarzkopf, D.,Link, E.-M.,Ramacher, M.,Wedemann, R. (2021) . The role of emission reductions and the meteorological situation for air quality improvements during the COVID-19 lockdown period in central Europe. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 21, , , 18, 13931-13971. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Hildebrandt, L.,Nack, F.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2021) . Microplastics as a Trojan horse for trace metals. Journal of Hazardous Materials Letters, Vol. 2, , , , 100035. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
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- Garnett, J.,Halsall, C.,Vader, A.,Joerss, H.,Ebinghaus, R.,Leeson, A.,Wynn, P. (2021) . High Concentrations of Perfluoroalkyl Acids in Arctic Seawater Driven by Early Thawing Sea Ice. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 55, , , 16, 11049-11059. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ramacher, M.O.P.,Matthias, V.,Badeke, R.,Petrik, R.,Quante, M.,Arndt, J.,Fink, L.,Feldner, J.,Schwarzkopf, D.,Link, E.M.,Wedemann, R. (2021) . Urban Population Exposure to Air Pollution Under COVID-19 Lockdown Conditions—Combined Effects of Emissions and Population Activity. International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution and its Application, Vol. , Barcelona (ESP), 18.10.2021 - 22.10.2021, , .
- Tang, L.,Ramacher, M.O.P.,Moldanova, J.,Matthias, V.,Karl, M.,Johansson, L.,Jalkanen, J.-P.,Yaramenka, K.,Aulinger, A.,Gustafsson, M. (2020) . The impact of ship emissions on air quality and human health in the Gothenburg area – Part 1: 2012 emissions. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 20, , , 12, 7509-7530. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Petäjä, T.,Duplissy, E.,Tabakova, K.,Ebinghaus, R.,Xie, Z. (2020) . Overview: Integrative and Comprehensive Understanding on Polar Environments (iCUPE) – concept and initial results. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 20, , , 14, 8551-8592. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ramacher, M.O.P.,Karl, M. (2020) . Integrating Modes of Transport in a Dynamic Modelling Approach to Evaluate Population Exposure to Ambient NO2 and PM2.5 Pollution in Urban Areas. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 17, , , 6, 2099. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
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- Wang, P.,Mi, W.,Xie, Z.,Tang, J.,Apel, C.,Joerss, H.,Ebinghaus, R.,Zhang, Q. (2020) . Overall comparison and source identification of PAHs in the sediments of European Baltic and North Seas, Chinese Bohai and Yellow Seas. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 737, , , , 139535. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Zimmermann, T.,Mohammed, F.,Reese, A.,Wieser, M.,Kleeberg, U.,Pröfrock, D.,Irrgeher, J. (2020) . Zinc isotopic variation of water and surface sediments from the German Elbe River. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 707, , , , 135219. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ramacher, M.O.P.,Matthias, V.,Aulinger, A.,Quante, M.,Bieser, J.,Karl, M. (2020) . Contributions of traffic and shipping emissions to city-scale NOx and PM2.5 exposure in Hamburg. Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 237, , , , 117674. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Reese, A.,Voigt, N.,Zimmermann, T.,Irrgeher, J.,Proefrock, D. (2020) . Characterization of alloying components in galvanic anodes as potential environmental tracers for heavy metal emissions from offshore wind structures. Chemosphere, Vol. 257, , , , 127182. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Xie, Z.,Wang, Z.,Magand, O.,Thollot, A.,Ebinghaus, R.,Mi, W.,Dommergue, A. (2020) . Occurrence of legacy and emerging organic contaminants in snow at Dome C in the Antarctic. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 741, , , , 140200. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ebinghaus, R. (2020) . Emission sources; regional and global distribution of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). European Research Course on Atmospheres (ERCA), Vol. , Grenoble (F), 06.01.2020-31.01.2020, , .
- Ebinghaus, R. (2020) . Emission sources; regional and global distribution of atmospheric mercury. European Research Course on Atmospheres (ERCA), Vol. , Grenoble (F), 06.01.2020 - 31.01.2020, , .
- Custodio, D.,Ebinghaus, R.,Spain, T.,Bieser, J. (2020) . Source apportionment of atmospheric mercury in the remote marine atmosphere: Mace Head GAW station, Irish western coast. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 20, , , 13, 7929-7939. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Karl, M.,Pirjola, L.,Karppinen, A.,Jalkanen, J.,Ramacher, M.,Kukkonen, J. (2020) . Modeling of the Concentrations of Ultrafine Particles in the Plumes of Ships in the Vicinity of Major Harbors. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol. 17, , , 3, 777. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Hildebrandt, L.,Mitrano, D.,Zimmermann, T.,Pröfrock, D. (2020) . A Nanoplastic Sampling and Enrichment Approach by Continuous Flow Centrifugation. Frontiers in Environmental Science, Vol. 8, , , , 89. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Zhao, X.,Jin, H.,Ji, Z.,Li, D.,Kaw, H.,Chen, J.,Xie, Z.,Zhang, T. (2020) . PAES and PAHs in the surface sediments of the East China Sea: Occurrence, distribution and influence factors. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 703, , , , 134763. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Silva Campos, M.R.,Blawert, C.,Mendis, C.L.,Mohedano, M.,Zimmermann, T.,Proefrock, D.,Zheludkevich, M.L.,Kainer, K.U. (2020) . Effect of Heat Treatment on the Corrosion Behavior of Mg-10Gd Alloy in 0.5% NaCl Solution. Frontiers in Materials, Vol. 7, , , , 84. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
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- Zimmermann, T.,von der Au, M.,Reese, A.,Klein, O.,Hildebrandt, L.,Pröfrock, D. (2020) . Substituting HF by HBF4 – an optimized digestion method for multi-elemental sediment analysis via ICP-MS/MS. Analytical Methods, Vol. 12, , , 30, 3778-3787. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Zhang, F.,Guo, H.,Chen, Y.,Matthias, V.,Zhang, Y.,Yang, X.,Chen, J. (2020) . Size-segregated characteristics of organic carbon (OC), elemental carbon (EC) and organic matter in particulate matter (PM) emitted from different types of ships in China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 20, , , 3, 1549-1564. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Joerss, H.,Xie, Z.,Wagner, C.,von Appen, W.,Sunderland, E.,Ebinghaus, R. (2020) . Transport of Legacy Perfluoroalkyl Substances and the Replacement Compound HFPO-DA through the Atlantic Gateway to the Arctic Ocean—Is the Arctic a Sink or a Source?. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 54, , , 16, 9958-9967. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Zhang, X.,Karl, M.,Zhang, L.,Wang, J. (2020) . Influence of Aviation Emission on the Particle Number Concentration near Zurich Airport. Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 54, , , 22, 14161-14171. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Quante, M.,Zakrzweski, R. (2020) . Entwicklung und Grenzen der Wettervorhersage. Geographisches Kolloquium WS 2019/20; Institut für Stadt- und Kulturraumforschung; Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Vol. , Lüneburg (D), 14.01.2020 - 14.01.2020, , .
- Neumann, D.,Karl, M.,Radtke, H.,Matthias, V.,Friedland, R.,Neumann, T. (2020) . Quantifying the contribution of shipping NOx emissions to the marine nitrogen inventory – a case study for the western Baltic Sea. Ocean Science, Vol. 16, , , 1, 115-134. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Zhang, L.,Yan, W.,Xie, Z.,Cai, G.,Mi, W.,Xu, W. (2020) . Bioaccumulation and changes of trace metals over the last two decades in marine organisms from Guangdong coastal regions, South China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol. 98, , , , 103-108. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ramacher, M.,Karl, M.,Aulinger, A.,Bieser, J. (2020) . Population Exposure to Emissions from Industry, Traffic, Shipping and Residential Heating in the Urban Area of Hamburg. Air Pollution Modeling and its Application XXVI. ITM 2018. Springer Proceedings in Complexity, Vol. , , , , 177-183. DOI: .
- Hildebrandt, L.,El Gareb, F.,Zimmermann, T.,Klein, O.,Emeis, K.,Pröfrock, D.,Kerstan, A. (2020) . Fast, Automated Microplastics Analysis Using Laser Direct Chemical Imaging : Characterizing and quantifying microplastics in water samples from marine environments. OPEN ACCESS
- Zimmermann, T.,Klein, O.,Reese, A.,Wieser, M.,Mohamed, F.,Irrgeher, J.,Pröfrock, D. (2020) . “Non-Traditional” Stable Isotope Analysis as Tracer so Identify Sources and Sinks of Inorganic Contaminants in Riverine Environments. Goldschmidt 2020, Vol. , Virtual, 21.06.2020 - 26.06.2020, , . DOI: .
- Zimmermann, T.,Klein, O.,Reese, A.,Irrgeher, J.,Pröfrock, D. (2020) . Boron and strontium isotope ratio analysis of the Rhine river – tracer for anthropogenic boron emissions?. 53rd Annual Conference of the German Society for Mass Spectrometry DGMS including 27th ICP-MS User´s Meeting, Vol. , Münster (DEU), 01.03.2020 - 04.03.2020, , .
- El Gareb, F.,Hildebrandt, L.,Kerstan, A.,Zimmermann, T.,Emeis, K.,Pröfrock, D. (2020) . Microplastics in the Indian Ocean - Analyzed by Quantum Cascade laser- based infrared imaging. YOUMARES 11, Vol. , Virtual, 13.10.2020 - 16.10.2020, , .
- Ramacher, M. (2020) . Development of an urban dynamic exposure model - Quantifying the impact of anthropogenic atmospheric emissions on urban populations in Europe.
- Lechthaler, S.,Hildebrandt, L.,Stauch, G.,Schüttrumpf, H. (2020) . Canola Oil Extraction in Conjunction with a Plastic Free Separation Unit Optimises Microplastics Monitoring in Water and Sediment. Analytical Methods, Vol. 12, , , 42, 5128-5139. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Matthias, V.,Bieser, J.,Mocanu, T.,Pregger, T.,Quante, M.,Ramacher, M.,Seum, S.,Winkler, C. (2020) . Modelling road transport emissions in Germany – Current day situation and scenarios for 2040. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Vol. 87, , , , 102536. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Hildebrandt, L.,von der Au, M.,Zimmermann, T.,Reese, A.,Ludwig, J.,Pröfrock, D. (2020) . A metrologically traceable protocol for the quantification of trace metals in different types of microplastic. PLoS One, Vol. 15, , , 7, e0236120. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Joerss, H.,Ebinghaus, R. (2020) . Per- und polyfluorierte Alkylsubstanzen im Rheinverlauf - Vorkommen und Verteilung in Wasser und Sedimenten. Mitteilungen der Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie, Vol. 26, , , 3, 76-80. OPEN ACCESS
- Joerss, H.,Schramm, T.,Sun, L.,Guo, C.,Tang, J.,Ebinghaus, R. (2020) . Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in Chinese and German river water – Point source- and country-specific fingerprints including unknown precursors. Environmental Pollution, Vol. 267, , , , 115567. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Ramacher, M.,Tang, L.,Moldanova, J.,Matthias, V.,Karl, M.,Fridell, E.,Johansson, L. (2020) . The impact of ship emissions on air quality and human health in the Gothenburg area – Part II: Scenarios for 2040. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 20, , , 17, 10667-10686. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS
- Hildebrandt, L.,Zimmermann, T.,Mitrano, D.,Proefrock, D. (2020) . First lab-scale feasibility study on the enrichment of nanoplastic particles from water samples by continuous flow centrifugation using metal-doped nanoplastics and ICP-MS/MS detection. SETAC Europe Meeting, Vol. , Dublin (IRL), 03.05.2020 - 07.05.2020, , .
- Hildebrandt, L.,Proefrock, D.,Kerstan, A. (2020) . First steps in applying Quantum-Cascade-Laser Imaging for microplastic analysis in environmental samples. 37. Agilent Forum Analytik Wien 2020, Vol. , Wien (AUT), 11.02.2020 - 12.02.2020, , .
- Hamer, P.D.,Walker, S.-E.,Sousa-Santos, G.,Vogt, M.,Vo-Thanh, D.,Lopez-Aparicio, S.,Schneider, P.,Ramacher, M.,Karl, M. (2020) . The urban dispersion model EPISODE v10.0 – Part 1: An Eulerian and sub-grid-scale air quality model and its application in Nordic winter conditions. Geoscientific Model Development, Vol. 13, , , 9, 4323-4353. DOI: . OPEN ACCESS