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Helmholtz Coastal Data Center (HCDC)

Coastal research generates data and information of the coastal zone and its fascinating environment. The Helmholtz Coastal Data Center (HCDC) offers a digital infrastructure to capture, process, archive and disseminate observation and model data, as well as for communicating research results of scientists.

HCDC integration into DataHub

The HCDC integration into the DataHub.

HCDC is part of the DataHub


The DataHub has been established as the foundation for open and FAIR research data management (RDM) within the joint research program. The DataHub is designed as a distributed infrastructure for research data. Each center manages its data locally, but all can provide their data in standardized services and formats. Based on the Sensor Data Infrastructure (SDI) implemented in each involved Helmholtz center, cross-center harvesting is possible. This is how we get data from the research field Earth & Environment (E&E) via the single access point of theEarth Data Portal.

Enter the Earth Data Portal To the DataHub initiative page of the Department of Data Management Coastal Research

Infrastructure and workflows

The HCDC infrastructure is a comprehensive data and information structure that complies with general standards. We cooperate and conceputalize workflows with other data centres and data structures of the Helmholtz Association, the German Alliance for Marine Research (DAM) and theNFDI4Earth consortium in the national research data infrastructure.

The HCDC is operated by the Department of Data Management Coastal Research.