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Information products of the research area Earth and Environment

Scientists at Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon develop scientifically sound information products of various research foci. They explain important scientific topics, like for example emerging contaminants, and support government, administration and business in their efforts to adapt to climate change.


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In this section you can find edited scientific information for the interested public in the form of Spotlights that are added by map and information material. The Spotlights explain in a nutshell important topics of the research conducted at the Institute of Coastal Research, for example shipping emissions, ocean currents and the Wadden Sea. An important aspect of the work carried out by the scientists is the research of matter cycles in coastal seas. Access to the spotlights

North German Coastal and Climate Office

Logo Norddeutsches Küsten- und Klimabüro

Climate is changing - including in Northern Germany. The North German Coastal and Climate Office publishes new climate research results for the public and decision makers in Northern Germany. Here you can find various information products of past and possible future climate change as well as its consequences in Northern Germany. The North German Coastal and Climate Office (German only)


Climate Fact Sheets GERICS

GERICS offers in a scientifically sound manner products, advisory services and decision-relevant information in order to support government, administration and business in their efforts to adapt to climate change. We develop prototypes which are tested in practice, before potentially being offered to third parties to be put into application. Access to Climate-Fact-Sheets


COSYNA App Screenshot

It is COSYNA’s mission to develop and operate an integrated observing and modelling system suitable for investigating the environmental state and variability of coastal areas, with a focus on the North Sea and Arctic coastal waters.

COSYNA aims to provide data and knowledge tools to help evaluate the role of coastal systems for local and regional scientific questions and to provide authorities, industry, and the public with tools to plan and manage routine tasks, respond to emergency situations and to evaluate trends. COSYNA specifically develops scientific products and instruments, and provides its infrastructure to the scientific community. To the COSYNA App