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Prof. Dr. Corinna Schrum


Prof. Dr. Corinna Schrum

Institute of Coastal Systems - Analysis and Modeling

Director of Institute

Phone: +49 (0)4152 87-1833

E-mail contact

Present position

  • Director of the Hereon Institute of Coastal Systems - Analysis and Modeling
  • Professor at the University of Hamburg


  • Diploma in Oceanography, University of Hamburg, 1990. Thesis: Modellierung barokliner Instabilitäten an mesoskaligen Fronten
  • Dr. rer. nat., Department of Geosciences, University of Hamburg, 1994. Thesis: Numerische Modellierung von thermodynamischen Prozessen in der Deutschen Bucht

Expertise and significant contributions

Schrum has a broad interdisciplinary expertise in coastal research. She has studied dynamics of various coastal systems, including adjacent seas, mediterranean seas, enclosed seas and estuaries addressing topics such as air-sea, land-ocean and ocean-shelf coupling. Using coupled modelling together with a broad range of observations as a primary research tool, she studies dynamics and decadal to multi-decadal variability of shelf systems. A significant part of Schrum´s research efforts went into the development of coupled models, resulting in one of the first regional coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean models, a NPZD-hydrodynamic model, an End-to-End ecosystem model and a coupled ground water-sea water model. Current focus of her research is the impact of multiple drivers on matter transport, marine ecosystems and organisms and the predictability potential for marine resources.

Schrum guided the compilation of a number of modeling databases and observational based gridded products, which have found their way into a wider research community and are distributed to the users via the ICES working group WGOOFE and through the coastDat model database.

Current projects

Academic Career
Synergistic Activities
Review Activities
Teaching and Supervision

Peer reviewed in international journals & book chapters
