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In: Ocean Dynamics, Vol. 74, 555-567. - journal articleStorm Surges and Extreme Sea Levels: Review, Establishment of Model Intercomparison and Coordination of Surge Climate Projection Efforts (SurgeMIP)Bernier, N.B.,Hemer, M.,Mori, N.,Appendini, C.M.,Breivik, O.,de Camargo, R.,Casas-Prat, M.,Duong, T.M.,Haigh, I.D.,Howard, T.,Hernaman, V.,Huizy, O.,Irish, J.L.,Kirezci, E.,Kohno, N.,Lee, J.W.,McInnes, K.L.,Meyer, E.M.I.,Marcos, M.,Marsooli, R.,Martin Oliva, A.,Menendez, M.,Moghimi, S.,Muis, S.,Polton, J.A.,Pringle, W.J.,Ranasinghe, R.,Saillour, T.,Smith, G.,Tadesse, M.G.,Swail, V.,Tomoya, S.,Voukouvalas, E.,Wahl, T.,Wang, P.,Weisse, R.,Westerink, J.J.,Young, I.,Zhang, Y.J. (2024)
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In: Environmental Research Letters, Vol. 19, 081004. - journal articleImpacts of Extreme River Discharge on Coastal Dynamics and Environment: Insights from High-Resolution Modeling in the German BightNguyen, T.T.,Staneva, J.,Grayek, S.,Bonaduce, A.,Hagemann, S.,Pham, N.T.,Kumar, R.,Rakovec, O. (2024)
In: Regional Studies in Marine Science, Vol. 73, 103476. - journal articleHolocene sedimentary distribution and morphological characteristics reworked by East Asian monsoon dynamics in the Mekong River shelf, South VietnamWang, X.,Zhang, W.,Xie, X.,Chen, H.,Chen, B. (2024)
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In: Regional Studies in Marine Science, Vol. 74, 103525. - journal articleMesoscale modelling of North Sea wind resources with COSMO-CLM: model evaluation and impact assessment of future wind farm characteristics on cluster-scale wake lossesBorgers, R.,Dirksen, M.,Wijnant, I.L.,Stepek, A.,Stoffelen, A.,Akhtar, N.,Neirynck, J.,Van de Walle, J.,Meyers, J.,van Lipzig, N.P.M. (2024)
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In: State of the Planet, Vol. 3-slre1, 5. - journal articleAnalysis of terrestrial and riverine sources of plastic litter contributing to plastic pollution in the Western Black Sea using а lagrangian particle tracking modelZlateva, I.,Ricker, M.,Slabakova, V.,Slavova, K.,Doncheva, V.,Staneva, J.,Stanev, E.,Popov, I.,Gramcianinov, C.,Raykov, V. (2024)
In: Marine Pollution Bulletin, Vol. 209, Part A, 117108. - journal articleSeegangsbetrachtung zum Untergang der MS “MELANIE SCHULTE” im Jahr 1952Teutsch, I.,Groll, N. (2024)
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In: Nature Geoscience, Vol. 17, 1268-1276. - journal articleLeveraging Artificial Oxygenation Efficacy for Coastal Hypoxia via Taking Advantage of Local HydrodynamicsMeng, Q.,Pan, Y.,Chen, Y.,Xuan, J.,Zhou, F.,Fan, W.,Di, Y.,Jiang, Z.P.,Xiao, C.,Zhang, W.,Daewel, U.,Chen, J.,Huang, D. (2024)
In: Environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 58, 49, 21629–21640. - journal articleSource-to-sink pathways of dissolved organic carbon in the River-Estuary-Ocean Continuum: A Modeling InvestigationYao, J.,Chen, Z.,Ge, J.,Zhang, W. (2024)
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In: Communications Biology, Vol. 7, 1618. - journal articleThermohaline Intrusions as Seen by Argo Floats: The Case of the Black SeaStanev, E.V.,Gramcianinov, C.B.,Staneva, J.,Slabakova, V. (2024)
In: Journal of Geophysical Research : Oceans, Vol. 129, 12, e2024JC021762. - journal articleExploring the adaptive capacity of a fisheries social-ecological system to global changeStelzenmüller, V.,Letschert, J.,Blanz, B.,Blöcker, A.M.,Claudet, J.,Cormier, R.,Gee, K.,Held, H.,Kannen, A.,Kruse, M.,Rambo, H.,Schaper, J.,Sguotti, C.,Stollberg, N.,Quiroga, E.,Möllmann, C. (2024)
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In: Nature Communications, Vol. 15, 10248. - journal articleDownscaling sea surface height and currents in coastal regions using convolutional neural networkYuan, B.,Jacob, B.,Chen, W.,Staneva, J. (2024)
In: Applied Ocean Research, Vol. 151, 104153. - journal articleFirst comprehensive assessment of industrial-era land heat uptake from multiple sourcesGarcía-Pereira, F.,González-Rouco, J.F.,Melo-Aguilar, C.,Steinert, N.J.,García-Bustamante, E.,de Vrese, P.,Jungclaus, J.,Lorenz, S.,Hagemann, S.,Cuesta-Valero, F.J.,García-García, A.,Beltrami, H. (2024)
In: Earth System Dynamics, Vol. 15, 3, 547-564. - journal articleInterannual sea level variability in the North and Baltic Seas and net flux through the Danish StraitsPham, N.T.,Staneva, J.,Bonaduce, A.,Stanev, E.V.,Grayek, S. (2024)
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In: Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 470, 143299. - journal articleSea state contributions to thermosteric sea-level in high-resolution ocean-wave coupled simulationsBonaduce, A.,Pham, N.T.,Staneva, J.,Grayek, S.,Raj, R.P.,Breivik, Ø. (2024)
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In: Ecological Modelling, Vol. 498, 110870. - journal articleTidal impacts on air-sea CO2 exchange on the North-West European ShelfKossack, J.,Mathis, M.,Daewel, U.,Liu, F.,Demir, K.T.,Thomas, H.,Schrum, C. (2024)
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In: Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 739, 257-268.
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In: Frontiers in Marine Science, Vol. 10, 1148714. - journal articleThe 3D biogeochemical marine mercury cycling model MERCY v2.0 – linking atmospheric Hg to methylmercury in fishBieser, J.,Amptmeijer, D.J.,Daewel, U.,Kuss, J.,Soerensen, A.L.,Schrum, C. (2023)
In: Geoscientific Model Development, Vol. 16, 9, 2649-2688. - journal articleA framework for estuarine future sea level scenarios: Response of the industrialised Elbe estuary to projected mean sea level rise and internal variabilityPein, J.,Staneva, J.,Mayer, B.,Palmer, M.D.,Schrum, C. (2023)
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In: Fisheries Management and Ecology, Vol. 30, 4, 360-377. - journal articleAdded Value of Including Waves into a Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Model System within the North Sea AreaGrayek, S.,Wiese, A.,Ho-Hagemann, H.T.M.,Staneva, J. (2023)
In: Frontiers in Marine Science, Vol. 10, 1104027. - journal articleSubtidal secondary circulation induced by eddy viscosity-velocity shear covariance in a predominantly well-mixed tidal inletChen, W.,Jacob, B.,Valle-Levinson, A.,Stanev, E.,Staneva, J.,Badewien, T.H. (2023)
In: Frontiers in Marine Science, Vol. 10, 1105626. - journal articleCompound flood events: analysing the joint occurrence of extreme river discharge events and storm surges in northern and central EuropeHeinrich, P.,Hagemann, S.,Weisse, R.,Schrum, C.,Daewel, U.,Gaslikova, L. (2023)
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In: Journal of Geophysical Research : Atmospheres, Vol. 128, 3, e2022JD037235. - journal articleThe large-scale impact of anthropogenic mixing by offshore wind turbine foundations in the shallow North SeaChristiansen, N.,Carpenter, J.R.,Daewel, U.,Suzuki, N.,Schrum, C. (2023)
In: Frontiers in Marine Science, Vol. 10, 1178330. - journal articleThe impact of the Agulhas Current system on precipitation in southern Africa in regional climate simulations covering the recent past and futureTim, N.,Zorita, E.,Hünicke, B.,Ivanciu, I. (2023)
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