Küste Hero Istock-1618458398 Chirapriya Thanakonwirakit

Nguyen Thi Thao

Nguyen Thi Thao

Hydrodynamics and Data Assimilation

PhD Student

Phone: +49 (0) 4152 87-1884

E-mail contact


• Wind-induced waves and nearshore wave transformation
• Coupled ocean – wave model
• Coastal extremes

Current Project

  • CliCCS Excellence Cluster Climate, Climatic Change, and Society

Scientific Employment:

• 12.2019 – present: PhD student at Hamburg Univerisity; working at Dept. of Hydrodynamics and Data Assimilation, Helmholtz – Zentrum, Geesthacht, Germany.
• 2009 – 2019: Researcher, Institute of Mechanics, Hanoi, Vietnam


• 2017: M.Sc. in Engineering Mechanics, VNU University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam
Title of graduation thesis: "Caculating wave asymmetry parameters in the nearshore"
• 2008: B.Sc. in Mathematics and Mechanics, VNU Hanoi University of Science, Vietnam


• CLICCS, A6 – Earth system variability and predictability in a changing climate (Hereon)
• Modelling beach morphological evolution due to waves and currents (Nafosted, Vietnam, 2015-2019)

Journal Articles:

Conference Papers:

  • Nam, P.T., Staneva, J., Larson, M., Camenen, B., Thao, N.T. (2019). Modeling fine-grained sediment transport due to velocity skewness and asymmetry. Cohesive Sediment Transport (INTERCOH2019), 13-17 October, 2019, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Nam, P.T., Staneva, J., Thao, N.T., Larson, M., Hoan, L. (2019). Modelling nonlinear near-bed orbital velocity in the shallow water. Coastal Structures 2019, Hannover, Germany.