Küste Hero Istock-1618458398 Chirapriya Thanakonwirakit

Dr. Moritz Mathis


Dr. Moritz Mathis

Earth System Modeling


Phone: +49 (0)4152 87-2131

E-mail contact

Research focus

• Global and regional ocean modeling
• Regionalization of global climate projections
• Carbon cycle in shelf and marginal seas
• Ocean-atmosphere interaction
• Exchange processes between the open ocean and the shelf
• Marine biogeochemistry


  • CLICCS Climate, Climatic Change and Society
  • APOC Anthropogenic impacts on particulate organic carbon cycling in the North Sea
  • RACE Regional Atlantic Circulation and Global Change
    RACE Synthese
  • ECODRIVE Ecosystem Change in the North Sea: Processes, Drivers, Future Scenarios

Research associate

• Since 2019
Postdoc at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Institute for Coastal Systems
• 2013-2019
Postdoc at the Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology, Department Ocean in the Earth System


• 2009-2013
PhD at the University of Hamburg, Institute of Oceanography
• 2001-2009
Diploma studies of Naval Architecture at the Technical University Hamburg-Harburg
• 2000
Graduation from high school

Moritz Mathis studied Naval Architecture at the Technical University Hamburg-Harburg with a main interest in computational fluid dynamics and marine engineering. His research at the University of Hamburg and the Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology was based on the application of various high-resolution regional model systems to advance our understanding about the complex dynamics of the Northwest European Shelf region and its large-scale driving mechanisms including climate-induced changes. Since then, particular focus of his work is laid on physical and biogeochemical exchange processes between the shelf and the open Northeast Atlantic as well as coupled air-sea interaction. He further collaborates in interdisciplinary projects to assess and improve the predictive understanding of changes in the trophodynamic structure and functioning within the North Sea relative to different drivers of ecosystem change. At the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, he is leading the development of the global ocean-biogeochemistry model ICON-Coast, which enables for the first time a seamless two-way coupling of the open and coastal ocean via regional grid refinement and enhanced process representation. This new model system is considered an innovative and powerful tool to explore the role of the land-ocean transition zone in the global carbon cycle, and to narrow related uncertainties in global future projections.