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Andreas Kannen becomes Germany’s ICES-representative

The Hereon coastal researcher and geographer is looking forward to an international honorary task

Special recognition for coastal researcher Andreas Kannen: The geographer and deputy head of department at Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon was named at the end of February to act as Germany's representative on the Science Committee of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). At ICES he aims to build bridges, acting as link between national and international research around the typical topics.

Portraitt of Andreas Kannen

Andreas Kannen becomes Germany's representative on the ICES. Photo: A. Kannen/C.Reddemann

Dr. Andreas Kannen is a research associate at the Institute of Coastal System Analysis and Modeling at Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon. He conducts research on marine use patterns and conflicts, maritime spatial planning and traditional activities such as fishing such as fishing as well as more recent ones such as offshore wind energy. "For me, this appointment is a real appreciation of my work. Still too often, our social science research is seen as rather marginal and not always sufficiently recognized," says Kannen.

Social science perspective

Generally, the perceptions of people on the coasts and their context are his area of interest. What drives for example young fishermen and what challenges do they face? What is their institutional positioning? How does this change their prospects for the future? As a social scientist, his interests focus on the role of different actors, institutions, policy concepts, planning processes, and governance structures and how they shape the marine and coastal environment. "A lot is changing in the marine space right now because of renewable energy. It is always exciting for me to interview the different actors about their subjective perceptions. What is affecting whom and how? And how can we meet the different needs and demands in a changing environment?" says Kannen.

Andreas Kannen has been involved with ICES since 2006. He has experience coordinating and leading national and international projects and working groups and is active in several research networks. For example, he chaired the ICES Working Group on Marine Planning and Coastal Zone Management (WGMPCZM) for six years and often aims to bridge the gap between science and planning practice.

ICES: a global network

The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) is a multinational marine science organization that seeks to meet society's need for impartial scientific knowledge on the state and sustainable use of our oceans. The network includes 6000 scientists from more than 700 marine institutes in 20 member countries. Through its strategic partnerships, ICES activities extend beyond the Atlantic Ocean as original ICES area, towards the Arctic and the Mediterranean, the Black Sea and the North Pacific. ICES' goal: to advance understanding of marine ecosystems and the services they provide. Moreover, to use this knowledge to develop appropriate advice for planning and management to achieve conservation, management, and sustainability goals.

Further Information


Andreas Kannen Deputy head Department of Human Dimensions of Coastal Areas

Phone: +49 4152 87-1874

E-mail contact

Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
Institute of Coastal Systems - Analysis and Modeling

Christoph Wöhrle Press Officer

Phone: +49 4152 87-1648

E-mail contact

Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
Communication and Media