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Agreement Forges Strong Ties in Magnesium Sheet Metal Research

The third German-Korean workshop on the "Production and Application of Semi-Finished Magnesium Products" took place in Lüneburg

The third German-Korean workshop on the "Production and Application of Semi-Finished Magnesium Products" took place in Lüneburg from July 13th-15th, 2015. Approximately fifty representatives from industry and research took part in the meeting organised by materials researchers at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht.

The representatives Dr. Hwang Sueon, Dr. Han Sungho, Dr. Oh Duck Kwon, Dr. Min Hong Seo, Dr. Chang-Hee Yim, as well as Dr. Oliver Schauerte, Dr. Astrid Wollenberger and Dr. David Klaumünzer and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kaysser and Prof. Dr. Karl Ulrich Kainer

From left to right:
Representatives of POSCO-Korea Dr. Oh Duck Kwon, Min Hong Seo and POSCO-Europe Chang-Hee Yim plus Dr. Oliver Schauerte (Volkswagen), Dr. Astrid Wollenberger, David Klaumünzer (Volkswagen), Prof. Wolfgang Kaysser (Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht) and MagIc-Director Prof. Karl Ulrich Kainer. Photo: HZG

This year, a focus of the workshop in Lüneburg lay in initialising and strengthening ties between the Korean and German research institutions and industry partners.

The Magnesium Innovation Center (MagIC) at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG) is an important scientific partner in industrial lightweight engineering. The unique research platform, led by Prof. Karl Ulrich Kainer, is used to extensively research magnesium technologies of the future.
The fifty participants exchanged ideas at the workshop on possible uses of magnesium sheet metals and wrought magnesium materials in motor vehicles.

Engineers and scientists at large automotive manufacturing companies are working intensively to build lighter vehicles. Each kilogram reduced lowers the fuel consumption and therefore the CO2 emissions. The advantage of magnesium is that it is approximately three-quarters lighter than steel and is even thirty percent lighter than aluminium. The material is therefore already used in many areas of the automobile industry. These components are usually produced as castings, such as in chassis.

The participants of the German-Korean-Workshop

The participants of the German-Korean-Workshop. Photo: HZG

For wide body parts such as doors, flaps or roofs, it would, however, be more favourable to use rolled magnesium sheet metals. The MagIC materials researchers in Geesthacht study such rolled sheet metals so that they can be utilised in automotive manufacturing.

In addition to the Geesthacht materials scientists, researchers and industry representatives from VW and POSCO, for example, as well as from universities and research organisations took part in the successful three day workshop.


Dr. Dietmar Letzig
Dr. Dietmar Letzig

Magnesium Innovation Centre - MagIC

Phone: +49 (0)4152 - 87 1994

E-mail contact

Max-Planck-Straße 1
D-21502 Geesthacht

Heidrun Hillen
Heidrun Hillen

Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Phone: +49 (0)4152 87 1648

Max-Planck-Straße 1
D-21502 Geesthacht