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Polydays Conference 2019

The Transformation of Polymer Research by Digital Technologies

In 2019, the Berlin-Brandenburg Association of Polymer Science’s ‘Polydays’ conference was organised by the Institute of Biomaterial Science of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG) and Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. Around 100 experts in the area of Macrololecular and Nanotechnology met for scientific discussions from the 11th to the 13th September at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.

Logo Polydays 2019 Polymer Science and Engineering in View of Digitalization. 11.-13. September 2019

This year, the Polydays Conference, motto: "Polymer Science and Engineering in View of Digitalization" focusses on the transformation of material science using digital technologies, such as Artifical Intelligence and 3D printing. Professor Andreas Lendlein, conference chair and head of the HZG-Institute of Biomaterial Science said “modern computer-based approaches give new impetus to the design and production of multifunctional polymers.”

Functional and structural material systems are now being designed by calculating their properties and functions starting from quantum theories, using electronic structure calculations and molecular dynamics simulations in a wide range of length and time scales. The ability not only to model, but also to predict the behaviour of materials based on their composition, microstructure, method of processing, and interactions will be within the scope of future materials research.

One of the plenary speakers is the Australian Physicist Dr Amanda Banard, Chief Scientist at the Data61 division of the Australian national science research agency, CSIRO. In 2014, she was the first woman to receive the Feynman prize for Nanotechnology. She believes that the combination of machine learning and material science has “the potential to uncover hidden structure/property relationships we can use to design new high-performing technologies”.

The Gerhard Kanig Lecture was awarded to another of the plenary speakers, Professor Dr. H. Jerry Qi, from the School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology. He explained “A grand challenge for additive manufacturing is to develop new faster 3D/4D printing technologies that can meet the future industrial manufacturing needs. The polymer science and engineering community is uniquely positioned to offer breakthrough solutions that can overcome the current hardware barriers through innovative molecular designs”.

Hans Börner, W3-Professor at the Institute of Chemistry at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin and co-chair of the conference described it as an “interdisciplinary seminar with internationally recognised experts and a poster session with talented early career scientists, who presented their vision for the digital research of the future.

About Polydays 2019

The Polydays conference series is dedicated to modern topics of polymer research, and is organized every two years by the Berlin-Brandenburg Association of Polymer Science (BVP).

The location is the Erwin Schrödinger center at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. Further information can be found here. Website Polydays



Dr. Fraeya Whiffin

Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht

Phone: +49 (0)3328-352 278

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Institute of Biomaterial Science
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14513 Teltow