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Work & Family Life

Balancing your work and private life can sometimes be a real challenge. In this, we support our employees by having personnel policies with a focus on families and life phases and we provide a wide range of offers to ease the burden:

The Helmholtz Centre Geesthacht has been recognised for ensuring that work and family life remain compatible since 2008.

Part-time Models and Flexible Working Hours

Work & Family Life - Part-time Models and Flexible Working Hours

Photo: stocksnap.io

We offer our employees a high degree of flexibility so that they can organise their working hours in line with their needs. This means that our employees can determine their own working hours within a generous framework and without core working hours. We also offer various part-time models.

Mobile Work

Picture Work & Family Life - Mobile Work

Photo: iStock/Marko Skrbic

As a modern instrument for making the spatial organisation of work more flexible, we offer our employees the chance to perform part of their work on the go, meaning they are not tied to a specific location.

This way, we want to create a working environment for our employees that is both task- and results-orientated and allows for an even better work-life balance.

Our Geesthacht Nursery

Picture Work & Family Life - Our Geesthacht Nursery

Photo: unsplash.com

Welcome to “Einsteinchen CompanyKids”!

“Einsteinchen” offers a total of 40 places for the children of our Hereon employees:
One elementary group is made up of 20 children between the ages of three and six years, while two crèche groups are made up of ten children each between the ages of eight weeks and three years.

Our nursery attaches particular importance to

  • the educational guidelines set out by the state of Schleswig-Holstein
  • the educational work in early childhood development
  • arranging educational processes, e. g.: exploring natural sciences and experimenting with the “Little Scientists’ House” as part of holistic pre-school work
  • language development, e. g., literacy, ToyTalk, early English
  • social learning and emotional development
  • physical education
  • creativity and early musical education
  • observation and documentation
  • a healthy, balanced diet

Please find more reading material here:

Kita Concept Einsteinchen (1,4 MB)Contribution rules Kita Einsteinchen (212 KB)Find the “KiTa Einsteinchen” pages here

If you are interested in a place for your child at the nursery, please send us an email (kita@hereon.de).

Your contact persons

Head of "Einsteinchen"

pme Familienservice GmbH

Phone: +49 (0)4152 1396-801

E-mail contact


Luzia Rettler

Corporate Health Management

Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon

Phone: +49 (0)4152 87-1147

E-mail contact

Parent-child room Teltow

Parent-child-room Teltow

Photo: privat Hereon staff member

Our parent-child-room at the Teltow site offers employees at the Institute of Active Polymers in Teltow the option of self-organised childcare to bridge periods in which their regular childcare is temporarily unavailable.

Provision of Childcare Services

Our service provider offers employees the following agency-independent consulting and placement services free of charge:

  • individual information and advice on different childcare models
  • consultation and arranging of places at private and public schools
Photo Childcare Services

Photo: unsplash.com

Other Childcare Services

Short-term Childcare Options

In emergencies, i. e. if their regular childcare setting is unexpectedly unavailable, our employees are able to take advantage of up to 20 so-called back-up days at the company nursery “Einsteinchen CompanyKids”, which is located close to the company.

Children’s Holiday Camp

During the summer holidays our umbrella organisation, the Helmholtz Association, organises a holiday camp for the children of employees of the Helmholtz Centres.

Holiday Childcare

Photo Work and Familiy Life - Other Childcare Services

Photo: unsplash.com

When childcare is required due to school holidays, our employees can take advantage of up to 20 so-called childcare back-up days for children up to 12 years of age.

Advice on Educational Issues

certificate audit berufundfamilie since 2008 small

certificate audit berufundfamilie

With a team of social educators, educators, and parent advisers, our service provider offers individual advice for employees on both organisational and educational issues.
This service is free of charge for our employees.

Elderly Care Advice and Placement

Photo Work and Familiy Life - Elderly Care Advice and Placement

Photo: unsplash.com

In cooperation with our service provider, we offer our employees comprehensive support in all aspects of family care by providing free advice.

With the help of supporting measures, the care of the person in need can be adapted in order to reduce the burden on relatives.

Dual Career - Service

Photo Work and Familiy Life - Dual Carrier

Photo: pexels.com

The Hereon offers top scientists and other highly qualified employees a dual career service for life partners in the course of personnel recruitment. The service can be used, for example, in the context of appointment negotiations. The costs for external services are usually borne by the employees.

In addition, we have the most important information for all employees in the Welcome Office so that life partners of new employees from abroad can get a professional foothold.


Martina Ollesch

Head of the group Personnel Development

Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon

Phone: Tel: +49 (0)4152 87-1651

E-mail contact

Dual Career Network Hamburg + der Norden

We are part of the “Dual Career Network Hamburg + der Norden” (Hamburg + the North), whose aim is to support scientific, cultural, and economic institutions in their efforts to attract top executives for the Hamburg metropolitan region and the north of Germany:

Please find further information here (german)

Life Situations – Coaching

Photo work and family life - Life Situations – Coaching

Photo: unsplash.com

Our service provider is available to provide advice to Hereon employees free of charge and around the clock (24-hour hotline).

Advisory services:

  • results-orientated advice and coaching in dealing with professional and private issues such as mental health, conflicts at work, domestic crises, educational issues, or financial hardship
  • anonymous 24-hour hotline (also at night and on weekends) and immediate psychological help in acute crisis situations
  • support provided by special teams of experts in matters of conflicts at work and support following extreme incidents at the workplace
  • conflict resolution for issues at work