EU-Projects since the year 2000 at Hereon
HGF Research Field: Key Technologies
Core Programme: Advanced Engineering Materials
The projects are arranged chronologically according to their end date, with longest residual term at the top.
Acronym | Title | Further information |
REPTiS | Responsible extraction and processing of Titanium and other primary raw materials for sourcing EU industrial value chains and strategic sectors | |
DurAMat | Sustainable production, processing and modelling of durable additive manufactured materials for enhanced performance and long-term service in complex environments | |
DigiPass | Harmonization of advanced materials ecosystems serving strategic innovation markets to pave the way to a Digital Materials & Product Passport | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
Tools4TestingH2 | Development of tools for cost-effective testing of materials' susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement for their use in H2 gas storage and distribution metallic components | |
MA.D.AM (ERC Consolidator Grant) | Modelling Assisted Solid State Materials Development and Additive Manufacturing | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
Sure2Coat | Sustainable surface treatments of complex shape components for transsectorial industrial innovation | |
COAT4LIFE | Eco-friendly corrosion protective coatings based on smart nanotechnology platforms for a circular economy | |
VIPCOAT | Virtual Open Innovation Platform for active protective coatings guided by modelling and optimization | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
COMETA | Advanced chemistry and methods to obtain environmental-friendly Cr/P-free conversion coatings on metals | |
Stir4Steel | Friction stir welding for improving joinability of high-performance steels for automotive components to boost green road mobility | |
OpenModel | Integrated Open Access Materials Modelling Innovation Platform for Europe | |
AUTOTREAT | New autonomous power supply based on real-time electrochemical measurement for anodising treatments | |
CUIDETECT | Corrosion under insulation detection and prediction in steel pipes | |
FUNCOAT | Development and design of novel multifunctional PEO coatings | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
INNOMEM | Open Innovation Test Bed for nano-enabled membranes | |
OntoTRANS | Ontology driven Open Translation Environment | |
MARINAL | Safe use of aluminium in marine multi-material constructions | |
MACBETH | Membranes and catalysts beyond economic and technological hurdles | |
BIOCOMEM | Bio-based copolymers for membrane end products for gas separations | |
H2Free | Investigation and modelling of hydrogen effusion in electrochemically plated ultra-highstrength-steels used for landing gear structures | |
HYDRIDE4MOBILITY | Hydrogen fuelled utility vehicles and their support systems utilising metal hydrides | |
TRANSFERR | Transition metal oxides with metastable phases: a way towards superior ferroic properties | |
HyCARE | An innovative approach for renewable energy storage by a combination of hydrogen carriers and heat storage | |
MICROFORM | Forming of micro-perforated outer skin of HLFC wings assisted by FEM simulation | |
GrowBot | Towards a new generation of plant-inspired growing artefacts | |
TAIFUN | Towards Artificial Intelligent Maintenance System (AIMS) via predictive failure modelling and numerical simulation | |
CO2MPRISE | CO2 absorbing Materials Project - RISE | |
MgSafe | Promoting patient safety by a novel combination of imaging technologies for biodegradable magnesium implants | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
ADVANCE | Sophisticated experiments and optimisation to advance an existing CALPHAD database for next generation TiAl alloys | |
ACTICOAT | Active environmental friendly coatings for light metals based on a combination of nano- and micro-containers | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
DAHLIAS | Development and application of hybrid joining in lightweight integral aircraft structures | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
SeaMag | High-performance seawater magnesium batteries for marine application | |
LORCENIS | Long Lasting Reinforced Concrete for Energy Infrastructure under Severe Operating Conditions | |
LASIMM | Large Additive Subtractive Integrated Modular Machine | |
EMMC-CSA | European Materials Modelling Council | |
SMARCOAT | Development of smart nano and microcapsulated sensing coatings for improving of material durability/performance | |
MULTISURF | Multi-functional metallic surfaces via active layered double hydroxide treatments | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
TUMOCS | Tuneable multiferroics based on oxygen octahedral structures | |
ALMAGIC | Aluminium and Magnesium Alloys Green Innovative Coatings | |
DELASTI | Development of advanced Laser based technologies for the manufacturing of Titanium HLFC structures | |
MAGPLANT | Localized Corrosion Studies for Magnesium Implant Devices | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
ECOSTORE | Novel Complex Metal Hydrides for Efficient and Compact Storage of Renewable Energy as Hydrogen and Electricity | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
PROAIR | Active protection of multi-material assemblies for aircrafts | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
FUNCTIONAL | Strengthen International Research Collaborations on the Development of Functional Surfaces between the EU, Brazil and Mexico | |
BOR4STORE | Fast, reliable and cost effective boron hydride based high capacity solid state hydrogen storage materials | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
LAWENDEL | Laser welding of newly developed Al-Li alloy | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
iTHEUS | Fundamental investigations on improved materials and storage concepts for a hydrogen based integrated total energy utilisation system | |
EXTRA-LASER | Extrapolation and technical and economic study of a Laser Beam Welding technology | |
SELFMEM | Self-Assembled Polymer Membranes | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
HARCANA | High Aspect Ratio Carbon-based Nanocomposites | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
SOLHYDROMICS | Nanodesigned Electrochemical Converters of Solar Energy into Hydrogen Hosting Natural Enzymes or their Mimics | |
FLYHY | Fluorine Substituted High Capacity Hydrides for Hydrogen Storage at Low Working Temperatures | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
MechaMoDe | Mechanism Based Modelling of Plastic Deformation | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
COSY | Complex Solid State Reactions for Energy Efficient Hydrogen Storage | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
EXOMET | Physical processing of molten light alloys under the influence of external fields | |
MAGFORGE | Magnesium Forged Components for Structural Lightweight Automotive Applications | |
POLYMERS | Polymers of intrinsic microporosity - synthesis, transport properties and free volume | |
FIBLAS TRAINING | Investigation into Fracture Mechanics and Ductile Fracture Propagation in Fibre Laser Welded High Strength Steel | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
COMPOSE | Multicomponent nanostructured materials for separation membranes | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
CONDPOLS-2 | Development of new polymer materials with electrical conductivity and stimuli-sensitive attributes | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
COINS | Cost Effective Integral Metallic Structure | |
FIBLAS | Improvement in Steel Utilisation and Manufacturing by Recent Break-Through in High-Power Fibre Laser Welding | |
CARISMA | Coordination Action of Research on Intermediate and high temperature Specialised Membrane electrode Assembles | |
FITNET | European Fitness for Service Network | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
SPECSEP | Development of new materials and processes to enhance specialty gas separations | |
MEMBRANE | Membrane technology | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
FENET | A thematic network for promoting best practice industrial application of Finite Element Technology | |
MAGNEXTRUSCO | Hydrostatic extrusion process for efficient production of magnesium structural components | |
DRYCOMFORT | Membrane dehumidification for energy saving and comfort-efficient air handling systems in fixed and mobile applications | |
DIPLOMAT | Development of an interactive process technology database and design guidelines for friction stir welding of lightweight materials | |
RENOMEM | Recycling chemicals, energy and water from aggressive waste streams with novel modified nanofiltration (NF) membranes | |
H-Sorption in MG | Improved hydrogen sorption kinetics in new magnesium composites for clean energy storage and transport | |
CAMERTOIL | A new process using membrane reactor technology to improve the healthcare aspects of hydrogenated edible oils | |
CRETE | Development and harmonisation of Creep Crack Growth (CCG) testing for industrial specimens - A route to a European Code of Practice. | |
WAFS | Welding of airframes by friction stir | |
FCTESTNET | The fuel cell testing and standardisation network | |
CERHYSEP | Ceramic membranes for hydrogen separation | |
ADVANCED CREEP | Coordination of advanced creep activities to improve safety and durability of high temperature plant materials | |
IDA | Investigation on damage tolerance behaviour of Aluminium alloys | |
JETCUT | Remotely operated abrasive water jet cutting for offshore oil and gas well removal | |
PIPETAP | Remotely operated Hot Tapping of Deep Water Subsea Pipelines | |
JOTSUP | Development of advanced joining technologies for supermartensitic stainless steel line pipes | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
ERNST | European research network for sustainable technologies | |
FRICSURF | Friction surfacing for multi-sectorial applications | |
Gubeljak | An estimation of integrity of a welded structure regarding constraint | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
SALINITY POWER | Power production from the osmotic pressure difference between fresh water and sea water | |
QUALISTIR | Development of novel non-destructive testing techniques and integrated online process control for robotic and flexible Friction Stir Welding systems. | |
NESSHY | Novel efficient solid storage for hydrogen | |
SYNFAB | Improving the competitiveness of the European steel fabrication industry using synchronised tandem wire welding technology | |
EUROMEMBRANES | European Conferences and Training in Membrane Technology | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
HYTRAIN | Hydrogen Storage Research Training Network | |
STORHY | Hydrogen storage systems for automotive applications | |
NANOMEMPRO | Expanding membrane macroscale applications by exploring nanoscale material properties | |
SOLVSTIR | Solving welding problems by the use of friction stir | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |
WELAIR | Development of short distance welding concepts for airframes | |
MOREPOWER | Compact direct (m)ethanol fuel cell for portable applications | Co-ordination: Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon |