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Conducting projects at the European level has a year-long tradition at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon. The following pages review EU-funded projects with the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon acting as either the project co-ordinator or a participant. Arrangement of the projects is according to Funding Periods of the European Union and Research Fields of the Helmholtz Association. Information is confined to projects which have been conducted at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon since the year 2000, covering the periods of the 5th, 6th and 7th EU Research Framework Programmes (FP5, FP6 and FP7), Horizon 2020, and the current EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation 2021-2027, Horizon Europe. Under H2020 and Horizon Europe, we also review projects which benefit from co-funding of other instruments of the European Union, particularly within the European Research Area (ERA).

We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the European Union for both the projects reviewed here and all other EU-Projects of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon completed in the past.

EU-Projects at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon arranged according to Helmholtz Research Fields and EU Programmes

Helmholtz Research Fields     
Earth and EnvironmentHorizon EuropeH2020FP7FP6 FP5
InformationHorizon EuropeH2020FP7FP6FP5
MatterHorizon EuropeH2020FP7FP6
Health - Regenerative Medicine (now Key Technologies)FP7FP6FP5
Climate Service Center (now Earth and Environment)FP7  

Number of projects

Total number of projects since 2000: 277 (Horizon Europe: 47, H2020: 97; FP7: 48; FP6: 33; FP5: 52)
Number of running projects in 2024: 68 (Horizon Europe: 46, H2020: 22)
Number of projects in negotiation phase: 8

We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the European Union for both the projects reviewed here and all other EU-Projects of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon completed in the past.

Recently started projects:

  • REPTiS Responsible extraction and processing of Titanium and other primary raw materials for sourcing EU industrial value chains and strategic sectors
  • ECOTWIN Emulating complex causal socio-ecological models in Digital Twins of Ocean
  • SEADOTs Social-ecological ocean management applications with Digital Ocean Twins
  • MEDSEAPLAN Data and Scenarios for a Sustainable Mediterranean Blue Economy
  • Tools4TestingH2 Development of tools for cost-effective testing of materials' susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement for their use in H2 gas storage and distribution metallic components
  • FOXSTORM (ERC Consolidator Grant) Feedbacks on extreme storms by ocean turbulent mixing
  • DigiPass Harmonization of advanced materials ecosystems serving strategic innovation markets to pave the way to a Digital Materials & Product Passport
  • AQUARIUS Aqua Research Infrastructure Services for the health and protection of our unique, oceans, seas and freshwater ecosystems
  • LandSeaLot Land-Sea interface: Let’s observe together!
  • SEA-Quester Blue Carbon production, export and sequestration in emerging polar ecosystems
  • CROSSEU Cross-sectoral framework for socio-economic resilience to climate change and extreme events in Europe
  • FOCCUS Forecasting and observing the open-to-coastal ocean for Copernicus users
  • NEPHEWS Neutrons and photons elevating Worldwide science

Partners of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon in EU-Projects:

H2020 FP7 FP6 FP5

Last Update: 02 September 2024

Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
International Projects Department SE
Dr. Laura Schwabe: email
Dr. Hans-Jörg Isemer; email
Silke Köppen; email