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Horizon Europe

Total number of partners:501
of which:- Industry, SME and other:206
- Research Organisations, Universities:295
Number of countries (including Germany):44
Number of projects:47
Countries: Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegowina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jordanien, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Montenegro, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, The Netherlands, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA
AustriaResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Universität WienMARCO-BOLO ReMade@ARI
 International Institute for Applied Systems AnalysisThe HuT
 Montanuniversität LeobenMetroPOEM REPTiS
 Universität für Bodenkultur WienAquaINFRA CROSSEU MAGICA OptFor-EU
 Institut für höhere StudienSUNRISE
 AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbHSUNRISE
 Industry and SME
 AC2T Research GmbHDigiPass
 Weblyzard Technology GmbHCLIMATEUROPE2
 Fresh-Thoughts Consulting GmbHNAPSEA
 Climate Change Centre AustriaMAGICA
BangladeshResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 International Centre For Diarrhoeal Disease Research BangladeshIDAlert
BelgiumResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Laserlab-Europe AISBLReMade@ARI
 Université de LiègeAQUARIUS CMEMS2 BS-MFC LandSeaLot NECCTON
 Eigen Vermogen Van Het Instituut Voor Natuur- En BosonderzoekDTO-BioFlow
 OCAS Onderzoekscentrum voor Aanwending van Staal N.V.DurAMat
 European Coil Coating Association AISBLDigiPass
 Vrije Universiteit BrusselDurAMat
 Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch OderzoekAQUARIUS
 Vlaams Instituut Voor de ZeeAQUARIUS DTO-BioFlow MARCO-BOLO
 Federale Overheidsdienst EconomiePlasticTrace
 Interuniversitair Micro-Electronica CentrumReMade@ARI
 Institut Royal Meteorologique de BelgiqueMAGICA
 Royal Belgian Institute for Natural SciencesANEMOI AQUARIUS FOCCUS MarinePlan
 Eigen Vermogen van het Instituut voor Landbouw-, Visserij- en VoedingsonderzoekANEMOI ECOTWIN
 Katholieke Universiteit LeuvenReMade@ARI
 Universiteit AntwerpenANEMOI
 Industry and SME
 European Powder Metallurgy Association AISBLREPTiS
 Plateforme Technologique et de L'Innovation De L'Aquaculture Europeenne ASBLOLAMUR
 RAMBOLL Management, ConsultingCLIMATEUROPE2
 Open Geospatial Consortium EuropeSEADOTs
 European Association of Remote Sensing CompaniesVALORADA
 Innovation in Research & Engineering SolutionsDigiPass REPTiS
 Innoviris: l'institut bruxellois pour la recherche et l'innovationMAGICA
 Service Public Federal de Programmation Politique ScientifiqueMAGICA
 Provinciale Ontwikkelings Maatschappij West- VlaanderenANEMOI
 Joint Programming Initiative On Healthy And Productive Seas And OceansMAGICA
 European Synchrotron and Free Electron Laser User OrganisationNEPHEWS
Bosnia-HerzegowinaResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Agencija Za Ekonomski Razvoj Opstine PrijedorCLIMABOROUGH
 Industry and SME
BrazilResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Instituto Nacional De Pesquisas EspaciaisSEA-Quester
BulgariaResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Bulgarian Academy of SciencesDANUBIUS-IP
 Institute of Oceanology - Bulgarian Academy of SciencesCMEMS2 BS-MFC
 Sofiiski Universitet "Sveti KlimentT Ohridski"CMEMS2 BS-MFC
 Industry and SME
 Stolichna ObshtinaCLIMABOROUGH
CanadaIndustry and SME 
 Department of Fisheries and OceansMarinePlan
ChinaResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Nanjing UniversityIMPETUS4CHANGE
CroatiaResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Ruder Boskovic InstituteReMade@ARI
 Institut Za FizikuReMade@ARI
 Industry and SME
CyprusResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Cyprus Marine and Maritime InstituteMEDSEAPLAN
 Industry and SME
 Additess Advanced Integrated Technology Solutions & Services LtdSUNRISE
Czech RepublicResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Ustav Jaderne Fyziki AV CRReMade@ARI
 Univerzita KarlovaIMPETUS4CHANGE
 Fyzikalni Ustav Av Cr V.V.IReMade@ARI
 Cesky Metrologicky Institut MetroPOEM
 Czech University Of Life Sciences PragueCROSSEU
 Ustav Fyzikalni Chemie J. Heyrovskeho AV CR, v. v. i.ReMade@ARI
 Jihoceska Univerzita V Ceskych BudejovicichDANUBIUS-IP
 VSB - Technical University of OstravaDTO-BioFlow
 Centrum Vyzkumu Globalni Zmeny Av Cr VviAQUARIUS DANUBIUS-IP
 Nuclear Physics InstituteNEPHEWS
 Industry and SME
 Sprava Informacnich Technologii Mesta Plzne, Prispevkova OrganizaceCLIMABOROUGH
 Institut Mikroelektronickych Aplikaci SroSUNRISE
DenmarkResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Gronlands NaturinstitutAQUARIUS SEA-Quester
 Danmarks Nationale Metrologinstitut DFM A/SPlasticTrace
 International Council for the Exploration of the SeaDTO-BioFlow SEADOTs
 Danish Meteorological InstituteEDITO-Model Lab FOCCUS IMPETUS4CHANGE OLAMUR
 Aalborg UniversitetAquaINFRA CLIMABOROUGH
 Danish Technological InstituteReMade@ARI
 University of AarhusDTO-BioFlow MetroPOEM NEPHEWS OLAMUR SEA-Quester
 Köbenhavns UniversitetOLAMUR
 Industry and SME
 Kerteminde Seafarm ApsOLAMUR
 Bolding & Bruggeman APSNECCTON
 Kattegatcentrets DriftsfondOLAMUR
 Danish Outdoor CouncilBEACH-SOS
EstoniaResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 University of TartuAquaINFRA OLAMUR
 Industry and SME
 Ösel Aquafarms OÜOLAMUR
 Estonian Supply Chain Association PROLOGSUNRISE
 Redstorm OÜOLAMUR
FinlandResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Finnish Meteorological InstituteAQUARIUS MAGICA VALORADA
 Finnish Environment Institute SYKEAQUARIUS AquaINFRA LandSeaLot PlasticTrace
 National Land Survey of FinlandAquaINFRA
 University of HelsinkiMetroPOEM The HuT
 University of JyvaskylaReMade@ARI
 ABO AkademiSEA-Quester
 Industry and SME
 HELCOM Helsinki CommissionAquaINFRA
 CSC - IT Center for ScienceAquaINFRA DTO-BioFlow
 Radiation and Nuclear Safety AuthorityMetroPOEM
FranceResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Météo France, Centre de Recherches MétéorologiquesDAWN IMPETUS4CHANGE
 Agence Nationale de la RechercheMAGICA
 Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et Aux Energies Alternatives MetroPOEM
 Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d'EssaisMetroPOEM PlasticTrace
 Institut De Recherche Pour Le DeveloppementAQUARIUS
 Societé Civile Synchrotron SoleilNEPHEWS
 Universite du LittoralDTO-BioFlow
 Institut Francais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer IFREMERANEMOI AQUARIUS FOCCUS LandSeaLot NECCTON
 European Synchrotron Radiation FacilityNEPHEWS ReMade@ARI
 Institut Max von Laue - Paul LangevinNEPHEWS ReMade@ARI
 Institut Mines-TelecomCLIMABOROUGH EDITO-Model Lab
 European Marine Biological Center European Research Infrastructure ConsortiumAQUARIUS DTO-BioFlow MARCO-BOLO
 Service Hydrographique et Oceanographique de la MarineFOCCUS
 Industry and SME
 Grenoble-Alpes-Metropole MetroCLIMABOROUGH
 The Climate Data FactoryCLIMATEUROPE2
 Grand Port Maritime de BordeauxSUNRISE
 EDF Electricite de FranceCROSSEU
 Energy Cities/Energie-Cites AssociationCLIMABOROUGH
 Aerospace ValleyVALORADA
 World Ocean CouncilMEDSEAPLAN
 Centre for Studies and Expertise on Risks, the Environment, Mobility and Urban PlanningMEDSEAPLAN
 Nestle Waters Management & TechnologyPlasticTrace
 TransEurope MarinasLandSeaLot
 Three O'ClockIDAlert
 Societe D'economie Mixte Issy - Media (Sem Issy Media)CLIMABOROUGH
 Collecte Localisation Satellites SAFOCCUS NECCTON
 Conference of Peripheral Maritime RegionsMEDSEAPLAN
 Synchrotron Soleil Societe CivileReMade@ARI
GermanyResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH - UFZCLIMATEUROPE2 MARCO-BOLO NAPSEA
 Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität BonnReMade@ARI
 Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung AWIAQUARIUS MARCO-BOLO OLAMUR SEA-Quester
 DESY Stifung Deutsches Elektronen SynchrotronNEPHEWS ReMade@ARI
 Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfungMetroPOEM PlasticTrace
 Universität LeipzigIDAlert
 European Molecular Biology LaboratoryAQUARIUS DTO-BioFlow
 Helmholtz-Zentrum HereonCIRCE COASTAL-RISKS FOXSTORM (ERC Consolidator Grant)
 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover MetroPOEM
 Technische Universität BraunschweigANEMOI
 Ecologic Institute GmbHCLIMATEUROPE2
 Hochschule BochumAquaINFRA
 European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Facility GmbHNEPHEWS
 Universität HamburgMarinePlan
 Technische Universität MünchenReMade@ARI
 HafenCity Universität HamburgVALORADA
 Leuphana Universität LüneburgIMPETUS4CHANGE
 Senckenberg Gesellschaft für NaturforschungMARCO-BOLO
 Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu KielDurAMat
 Vattenfall Europe Windkraft GmBHOLAMUR
 Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V., MünchenIMPETUS4CHANGE
 Bundesamt für Seeschiffahrt und HydrographieANEMOI DEISY NECCTON VERIBLUE
 Universität BremenCLIMATEUROPE2 SEA-Quester
 Technische Universität DresdenAquaINFRA DANUBIUS-IP DurAMat
 Johann Heinrich von Thünen-InstitutMarinePlan
 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V.CLIMATEUROPE2 DigiPass PlasticTrace REPTiS
 Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungszentrum GFZThe HuT
 Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbHAquaINFRA CLIMATEUROPE2
 Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt DLRMAGICA
 UmweltbundesamtNAPSEA PlasticTrace
 GCF-Global Climate Forum EVOLAMUR
 Physikalisch-Technische BundesanstaltMetroPOEM
 Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.AquaINFRA
 Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbHReMade@ARI
 Bundesanstalt für WasserbauDANUBIUS-IP
 Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde IOWSEA-Quester
 Helmholtz Zentrum für Infektionsforschung Braunschweig GmbHSUNRISE
 EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V.BEACH-SOS
 Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e. V.MetroPOEM NEPHEWS ReMade@ARI
 Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbHNEPHEWS ReMade@ARI
 GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung KielDTO-BioFlow SEADOTs
 Universitätsklinikum HeidelbergIDAlert
 Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)AquaINFRA
 Industry and SME
 Siemens AktiengesellschaftSure2Coat
 Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V.CLIMATEUROPE2
 Plating Electronic GMBHAUTOTREAT
 WindMW Service GmbHOLAMUR
 ICLEI European Secretariat Gmbh (ICLEI Europasekretariat)IMPETUS4CHANGE MAGICA
 Element 22 GmbHREPTiS
 Daten-Kompetenzzentrum Städte und Regionen DKSR GmbHCLIMABOROUGH
 Postnova Analytics GmbH PlasticTrace
 Nordfriesische Seemuschel GmbHOLAMUR
 Wyk 8 Muschelfischereibetrieb GmbHOLAMUR
 Composites United EVDigiPass
 52°North Initiative for Geospatial Open Source Software GmbHAquaINFRA
 Carsten Brockmann ConsultFOCCUS LandSeaLot
GreeceResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 University Of The AegeanMarinePlan
 Aristotle University of ThessalonikiDigiPass VALORADA
 Idryma Technologias Kai ErevnasReMade@ARI
 Democritus University of ThraceECOTWIN
 Hellenic Center for Marine ReearchAQUARIUS DANUBIUS-IP DTO-BioFlow LandSeaLot NECCTON
 Benaki Phytopathological InstituteIDAlert
 Ellinikos Georgikos Organismos - DIMITRAECOTWIN
 Industry and SME
 Municipality of IoanninaCLIMABOROUGH
 Terra Spatium Ae Proionton Kai Ypiresion Geopliroforikis Kai DiastimatosVALORADA
 DIMOS Athinaion Epicheirisi MichanografisisCLIMABOROUGH
 Green FundMAGICA
 Organic Electronic Technologies Private CompanyDigiPass
HungaryResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 KFKI Atomic Energy Research InstituteNEPHEWS
 Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Energiatudomanyi KutatokozpontReMade@ARI
 Industry and SME
 Közép-Tisza-vidéki Vízügyi IgazgatóságThe HuT
IcelandResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Haskoli IslandsSEADOTs
 Vedurstofa IslandsThe HuT
 Industry and SME
 National Commissioner of the Icelandic PoliceThe HuT
 AusturbrüThe HuT
IrelandResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Environmental Protection Agency of IrelandMAGICA
 The Queen's University of BelfastMarinePlan
 University College CorkDANUBIUS-IP MAGICA
 Trinity College DublinECOTWIN NEPHEWS
 University of LimerickAQUARIUS
 Marine InstituteAQUARIUS MarinePlan
 Industry and SME
 IBM Ireland LimitedECOTWIN
 ERINN Innovation LimitedMARCO-BOLO
 Gavin and Doherty Geosolutions LtdECOTWIN
 Irish Coastal Environment Group CoastwatchECOTWIN
 CARR Communications LimitedSUNRISE
IsraelIndustry and SME 
 Municipality of JerusalemSUNRISE
ItalyResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Istituto Nazionale Di Oceanografia E Di Geofisica Sperimentale OgsAQUARIUS NECCTON
 Centro Euro-Mediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici SCARLCLIMATEUROPE2 CMEMS2 BS-MFC EDITO-Model Lab FOCCUS IDAlert MAGICA NECCTON The HuT VALORADA
 Stazione Zoologica Anton DohrnMARCO-BOLO MarinePlan
 Universita degli Studi di SalernoThe HuT
 Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheAQUARIUS DANUBIUS-IP FOCCUS LandSeaLot MARCO-BOLO NECCTON OptFor-EU ReMade@ARI The HuT
 Associazione Urban LabCLIMABOROUGH
 Fondazione Links - Leading Innovation & Knowledge For SocietyCLIMABOROUGH
 Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico IIMarinePlan
 Consortium for the Management of the Centre of Coordination of Research on the Venice Lagoon SystemDANUBIUS-IP
 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e VulcanologiaAQUARIUS
 Istituto Nazionale Di Fisica NucleareReMade@ARI
 Agenzia Nazionale Per Le Nuove Tecnologie, L'energia E Lo Sviluppo Economico SostenibileReMade@ARI
 Universita ca Forscari di VeneziaDANUBIUS-IP
 Alma Mater Studiorum - Università die BolognaEDITO-Model Lab
 Universita Degli Studi di ParmaPlasticTrace
 CINECA Consorzio InteruniversitarioEDITO-Model Lab
 Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica PlasticTrace
 Institute for Sustainable Society and InnovationMEDSEAPLAN
 Politecnico di MilanoCLIMABOROUGH ReMade@ARI Sure2Coat
 Universita degli Studi di PadovaCROSSEU
 Università di Torino NISPlasticTrace
 Fondazione Coispa ETSDTO-BioFlow
 Istituto Superiore Di SanitaSUNRISE
 Industry and SME
 Comune di TorinoCLIMABOROUGH
 Ge Avio SRL Sure2Coat
 Hydro Dolomiti Energia SRLSUNRISE
 Hermes Bay S. R. L.SUNRISE
 Trieste Trasporti SPASUNRISE
 Fondazione IconsThe HuT
 Commpla SRLDTO-BioFlow
 Conoscenza E Innovazione Societa Aresponsabilita Limitata SemplificataCROSSEU
 Regione Autonoma Friuli-Venezia GiuliaSUNRISE
 Leitha S.R.L.The HuT
 Commune Di SorrentoThe HuT
 Inkode Societa CooperativaAQUARIUS
 Confagricoltura Nuoro OgliastraThe HuT
 Bluebiloba Startup Innovativa S.R.L.OptFor-EU
 ANCI Toskana AssociazioneCLIMABOROUGH
 INSIEL - Informatica Per Il Sistema Degli Enti Locali S.P.A.SUNRISE
 Sincrotrone TriesteNEPHEWS ReMade@ARI
 Marine INnovation Depollution & Services (MINDS) Technologies and Environmental SciencesNECCTON
JordanienResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Synchroton-Light for Experimental Science and Applications in the Middle EastNEPHEWS
LatviaResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Latvian Institute of Aquatic EcologyAquaINFRA
 Industry and SME
 Foundation for Environmental Education LatviaBEACH-SOS
 Saulkrasti MunicipalityBEACH-SOS
LithuaniaResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Vilniaus UniversitetasThe HuT
 Mykolo Romerio UniversitetasOptFor-EU
 Klaipedos UniversitetasOLAMUR
LuxemburgResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Luxembourg Institute of Science and TechnologyDigiPass
 LISER - Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic ResearchSUNRISE
 Industry and SME
 Netcompany-Intrasoft SASEADOTs
 Ville de DifferdangeCLIMABOROUGH
 Syndicat Intercommunal de Gestion InformatiqueCLIMABOROUGH
MaltaResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Malta College of Arts, Science and TechnologyMEDSEAPLAN
 Universita ta MaltaAquaINFRA
MontenegroIndustry and SME 
 Glavni Grad OodgoricaCLIMABOROUGH
NorwayResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 HavforskningsinstituttetAQUARIUS OLAMUR
 SINTEFAquaINFRA DTO-BioFlow PlasticTrace Sure2Coat
 Stiftelsen Norges Geotekniske InstituttThe HuT
 University of TromsoeMARCO-BOLO
 Norwegian Meteorological Office, OsloFOCCUS
 Stiftelsen Nansen Senter for FjernmaalingEDITO-Model Lab FOCCUS IMPETUS4CHANGE NECCTON
 University Of South-Eastern NorwayOptFor-EU
 Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyCLIMABOROUGH DigiPass
 University of BergenIMPETUS4CHANGE
 Research Council of NorwayMAGICA
 Norwegian Institute for Water ResearchAQUARIUS AquaINFRA PlasticTrace
 Norwegian University of Life SciencesDigiPass MetroPOEM
 Norsk RegnesentralIMPETUS4CHANGE
 Institute for Energy TechnologyMetroPOEM
 Industry and SME
 Covartec ASLandSeaLot
 Leroy Seafood Group ASAOLAMUR
 Maritime Robotics ASOLAMUR
 Skarv Technologies ASOLAMUR
 Stiftelsen Grid ArendalSEA-Quester
PolandResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
  Institute of Oceanology, P A S, SopotSEA-Quester
 Jagiellonian UniversityNEPHEWS
 Politechnika WroclawskaSure2Coat
 Industry and SME
 Municipality of Gdańsk, Gdansk Sports CentreBEACH-SOS
 International Additive Manufacturing GroupREPTiS
 Micro-Arc S.C. Molon Z, Wieczorek TSure2Coat
 Katowice Miasto Na Prawach PowiatuCLIMABOROUGH
 Wyzsza Szkola Bankowa w PoznaniuCLIMATEUROPE2
PortugalResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 IMAR - Instituto Do MarMarinePlan NECCTON
 Centro Interdisciplinar De Investigacao Marinha E AmbientalAQUARIUS DTO-BioFlow MARCO-BOLO
 Universidade de CoimbraReMade@ARI
 +ATLANTIC Associacao Para Unlaboratorio Colaborativo DoatlanticoEDITO-Model Lab FOCCUS LandSeaLot
 Fundacao da Faculdade de Ciencias da Universidade de LisboaDANUBIUS-IP
 Instituto Superior TecnicoReMade@ARI
 FCIENCIAS.ID - Associacao Para A Investigacao E Desenvolvimento De CienciasDANUBIUS-IP MAGICA PlasticTrace
 Centro De Ciencias Do Mar Do AlgarveAQUARIUS
 Universidade De AveiroSure2Coat
 BOSCH Termotecnologia SASure2Coat
 Instituto Portugues da QualidadePlasticTrace
 Universidade Nova de LisboaDurAMat
 Instituto HidrográficoAQUARIUS PlasticTrace
 Industry and SME
 Emac Empresa Municipal De Ambientede Cascais Em SaCLIMABOROUGH
 SMALLMATEK - Small Materials and Technologies LDADurAMat
RomaniaResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Institutul National De Cercertare Dezvoltare Pentru Stiinte Biologice RaDANUBIUS-IP
 Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Fizica si Inginerie Nucleara ‘Horia Hulubei’ MetroPOEM
 Administratia Nationala de MeteorologieCROSSEU OptFor-EU
 Universitatea din BucurestiCROSSEU DANUBIUS-IP MARCO-BOLO
 Intitutul National de Hidrologie si Gospodarire a Apelor BucurestiCMEMS2 BS-MFC
 National Institute of Marine Geology and Geo-EcologyAQUARIUS DANUBIUS-IP LandSeaLot MARCO-BOLO
 Institutul National de Cercetare - Dezvoltare MarinaAQUARIUS
 Maritime Hydrographic DirectorateFOCCUS
 Institutul National des Cercetare-Dezvoltare in SilviculturaOptFor-EU
 Industry and SME
 Asociatia WWF RomaniaOptFor-EU
 Software Imagination & Vision SRLOptFor-EU
SerbiaResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Republicki Hidrometeoroloski ZavodsrbijeCLIMATEUROPE2
 Institut Za Nuklearne Nauke Vinča University of BelgradeMetroPOEM
 Industry and SME
 Elektroenergetski Koordinacioni Centar DooSUNRISE
 Privredno Drustvo Zentrix Lab Drustvo Sa Ogranicenom Odgovornoscu PancevoSEADOTs
 Centar Za Promocuu NaukeCLIMATEUROPE2
SlovakiaIndustry and SME 
 Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern EuropeThe HuT
SloveniaResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Univerzitetni Klinicni Center LjubljanaSUNRISE
 University of LjubljanaSure2Coat
 Institut Za Korporativne Varnostne Studije LjubljanaSUNRISE
 E-ZAVOD, Zavod Za Projektno Svetovanje, Raziskovanje In Razvoj Celovitih ResitevCLIMABOROUGH
 Jozef Stefan InstituteMetroPOEM ReMade@ARI
 Industry and SME
 ZUM urbanizem, planiranje, projektiranje d.o.o.CLIMABOROUGH
 Plinovodi D. o. o.SUNRISE
 Slovenske Zeleznice Infrastruktura Druzba Za Upravljanje In Vzdrzevanje Zelezniske Infrastrukture Ter Vodenje ZelezniskeSUNRISE
 Eles Doo Sistemski Operater Prenosnega Elektroenergetskega OmrezjaSUNRISE
 Telekom Slovenue DDSUNRISE
 XLAB Razvoj Programske Opreme In Svetovanje DooSUNRISE
 Prometni Institut Ljubljana DooSUNRISE
 Ministrstvo Za InfrastrukturoSUNRISE
 Slovenske Zeleznice DooSUNRISE
 Mestna Obcina MariborCLIMABOROUGH
SpainResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Universidad Pompeu FabraIDAlert
 Fundacio Institut Catala De Nanociencia I NanotecnologiaReMade@ARI
 Universidade da CoruñaPlasticTrace
 Centro De Investigacion Ecologica Yaplicaciones ForestalesAquaINFRA
 Universidad Politécnica de ValenciaThe HuT
 Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de SupercomputacionCLIMATEUROPE2 EDITO-Model Lab IDAlert IMPETUS4CHANGE
 Consorcio para la Construccion, Equimamiento y Explotación del Laboratorio de Luz de SincrotónNEPHEWS ReMade@ARI
 Consorcio Para El Diseno, Construccion, Equipamiento Y Explotacion Del Centro De Laseres Pulsados Ultracortos UltraintensosReMade@ARI
 Consorcio para la construccion, equipamiento y explotacion del Sistema de Observacion CostAQUARIUS EDITO-Model Lab FOCCUS
 Consorcio Para El Diseno, Construccion, Equipamiento Y Explotacion De La Plataforma Oceanica De CanariasAQUARIUS
 Universidad de SevillaDANUBIUS-IP MARCO-BOLO ReMade@ARI
 Universitat Politecnica De CatalunyaAQUARIUS DANUBIUS-IP The HuT
 Tecnalia Research and InnovationCLIMATEUROPE2 REPTiS
 Universitat Autònoma de BarcelonaIDAlert
 Universidad Politécnica de MadridSUNRISE
 Consejo Superior de Investigaciones CientificasAQUARIUS AquaINFRA DTO-BioFlow IDAlert IMPETUS4CHANGE MarinePlan
 Fundacio Institut De Ciencies FotoniquesReMade@ARI
 Fundacion CIDETECSure2Coat
 E-Science European Infrastructure For Biodiversity And Ecosystem ResearchDTO-BioFlow MARCO-BOLO
 Universidad Autonoma De MadridReMade@ARI
 Asociacion Centro Tecnologico Naval Y Del MarMEDSEAPLAN
 Azti FundazionaMarinePlan
 Industry and SME
 Talento Transformación Digital S.LAUTOTREAT
 Microtest S.A.Tools4TestingH2
 Arantec Enginheria SLThe HuT
 Associacion Espanola de NormalizacionSure2Coat
 Telefonica Investigacion Y Desarrollo SASUNRISE
 ROBOLAN Ingenieria Robotica SLCUIDETECT Tools4TestingH2
 Autoridad Portuaria de SevillaDANUBIUS-IP MARCO-BOLO
 Ministerio Del InteriorSUNRISE
 IDCQ Hospitales Y Sanidad SLSUNRISE
 Design, Business & Verification Services SLCUIDETECT Tools4TestingH2
 ECOPATH International Iniative AcociacionMarinePlan NECCTON
 ATOS IT Solutions and Services Iberia SLSUNRISE
 M&M Mecanizados Y Montajes Aeronauticos S.A.AUTOTREAT
 Trescientosmilkilometrosporsegundo S.L.IMPETUS4CHANGE
 AMBIENTA Ingenieria Y Servicios Agrarios Y Forestales SlOptFor-EU
 Tecnitest Ingenueros S.L.Tools4TestingH2
 Lobelia Earth SLNECCTON
 Serveis De Suport A La Gestio SLOptFor-EU
 Ocean EcostructuresMEDSEAPLAN
 Consorcio Regional De Transportes Publicos Regulares De MadridSUNRISE
 QS Instituto De Investigacion E Innovacion SLSUNRISE
 Agencia de Salut Publica de BarcelonaIDAlert
SwedenResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Interact-International Network for terrestrial Research and MonitoringAQUARIUS
 Stiftelsen Voice of the OceanOLAMUR
 Göteborg UniversitetDTO-BioFlow DurAMat MARCO-BOLO
 UMEA UniversitetIDAlert
 Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological InstituteAQUARIUS CLIMATEUROPE2 FOCCUS LandSeaLot
 Hogskolan VastREPTiS
 Swedish University of Agricultural SciencesAQUARIUS
 RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB DurAMat
 Uppsala UniversitetReMade@ARI
 Stockholms UniversitetSEADOTs
 Lunds UniversitetNEPHEWS ReMade@ARI
 Statens Veterinaermedicinska AnstaltIDAlert
 Industry and SME
 Sandvik Machining Solutions ABDurAMat
 GKN Aerospace Sweden ABREPTiS
 X-Officio Advokat ABDANUBIUS-IP
 Forskningsrådet För Miljö, Areella Näringar Och SamhällsbyggandeMAGICA
SwitzerlandResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule ZürichMetroPOEM ReMade@ARI
 Université de GenèveThe HuT
 Paul Scherrer InstituteNEPHEWS ReMade@ARI
 Scuola Universitaria Professionale Della Svizzera ItalianaSure2Coat
 Industry and SME
 COWA Thermal SolutionsSure2Coat
 The World Meteorological Organization (WMO)CLIMATEUROPE2 CROSSEU
 European Neutron Scattering AssociationNEPHEWS
TaiwanResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Academia SinicaIMPETUS4CHANGE
The NetherlandsResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Stichting Wageningen ResearchCLIMATEUROPE2 MAGICA MarinePlan
 Netherlands Organisation for applied Scientific ResearchDTO-BioFlow
 Institute For European Energy And Climate Policy StichtingOptFor-EU
 Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch InstituutCLIMATEUROPE2
 Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea ResearchANEMOI
 Utrecht UniversityNECCTON
 Stichting VU-VUMCReMade@ARI
 Erasmus Universitair Medisch Centrum RotterdamIDAlert
 Radboud UniversityNEPHEWS ReMade@ARI
 Stichting Nederlandse Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek InstitutenAQUARIUS NECCTON
 Universiteit of TwenteMEDSEAPLAN
 Stichting Naturalis Biodiversity CenterDTO-BioFlow
 Industry and SME
 Stichting International Red Cross Red Crescent Centre On Climate Change And Disaster PreparednessIDAlert
 Ministerie van Infrastructuur En WaterstaatNAPSEA
 Nutriënten Management Instituut NMI B.V.NAPSEA
 Mariene Informatie Service "MARIS" B.V.AQUARIUS CLIMATEUROPE2 DTO-BioFlow LandSeaLot
TurkeyResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Bursa Technical UniversityMEDSEAPLAN
 Turkish Accelerator and Radiation LaboratoryNEPHEWS
 Bandirma Onyedi Eylul UniversityMEDSEAPLAN
 National Metrology Institute of Turkey UMEAQUARIUS MetroPOEM
 Karadeniz Teknik UniversitesiMEDSEAPLAN
 Industry and SME
 Elkon - Electric System IntegratorMEDSEAPLAN
UkraineResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 Ukrainian Scientific Centre of Ecology of the SeaMARCO-BOLO
 Odessa State Environmental UniversityDANUBIUS-IP
 Industry and SME
 VELTA LLC Production & Commercial CompanyREPTiS
United KingdomResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 University of StirlingDANUBIUS-IP LandSeaLot
 University of WarwickDurAMat SUNRISE
 University of East AngliaCROSSEU
 Marine Biological AssociationDTO-BioFlow MARCO-BOLO
 European Centre for Medium-Range Weather ForecastCLIMATEUROPE2 VALORADA
 University College LondonCROSSEU IDAlert The HuT
 Imperial College of Science, Technology and MedicineSEA-Quester
 University of Newcastle upon TyneIMPETUS4CHANGE
 University of ReadingMAGICA
 University of St. AndrewsDTO-BioFlow
 National Oceanography CentreMARCO-BOLO
 London School of Economics and Political ScienceIDAlert
 University of LeicesterOptFor-EU
 International Estuarine & Coastal Specialists LtdMarinePlan
 Plymouth Marine LaboratoryDANUBIUS-IP LandSeaLot NECCTON
 United Kingdom Research and InnovationCLIMATEUROPE2 CROSSEU MAGICA NEPHEWS ReMade@ARI The HuT
 NPL National Physical Laboratory Management Limited MetroPOEM
 University of ExeterMAGICA OptFor-EU
 Industry and SME
 Innerspec Technologies UK LTDCUIDETECT
 Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE)BEACH-SOS
 Blue Lobster IT LimitedAquaINFRA ECOTWIN
 Michael Rea DANUBIUS-IP
 WIKKI LimitedDigiPass
 Global Network Of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster ReductionThe HuT
 LGC LimitedMetroPOEM PlasticTrace
 Marine ScotlandMARCO-BOLO
 World Energy & Meteorology CouncilCROSSEU
USAResearch Organisations, Universities, Authorities and others 
 University Corporation for Atmospheric ResearchIMPETUS4CHANGE