
● NOVA University of Lisbon (PT)
● University of Gothenburg (SE)
● Technische Universität Dresden (DE)
● University of Warwick (UK)

DurAMat aims to accelerate the slow uptake of new and sustainable additively manufactured materials across a wide range of industries - from the energy to the medical sector - and will pave a way in the future for additively manufactured metal products. The Helmholtz Center Hereon is involved in the research with two PhD students.
The aim of the research project is to develop sustainable AM-components made by WAAM technology (Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing) from various metal alloy families. Duramat is an EU Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network that brings together academia and industry providing scientific and personal development to young researchers. In particular, sustainable production, processing and modelling of durable additively-manufactured materials for enhanced performance and long-term service in complex environments is the focus in the project.
Other objectives of the project are to reduce metal waste by developing better repair methods and to create the basis for the widespread application of additively manufactured materials.
Website of the project DurAMat

Director of Institute
Institute of Surface Science
Phone: +49 (0)4152 87-1988

Head of Department
Department of Electrochemistry and Big Data
Phone: +49 (0)4152 87-2190

Department of Interface Modelling
Phone: +49 (0)4152 87-2125