● Smallmatek (PT)
● Latvijas Universitates (LT)
● Synpo Akciova Spolecnost (CZ)
● Tartu Ulikool (EE)
● Technolabor OU (EE)
● Colorlak (CZ)
● Kauno Technologlios Universitates (LT)
● Belarusian State University (BY)

Mechanisms of magnetic sensing coatings
The need to develop and use products made out of residues or sub-products from industry is creating pressure over fields where more traditional, linear economy concepts prevail. In this project we address one important stage of the life cycle of products, particularly trying to extend its service life, thereby contributing for advances towards circular economy via increase in durability of materials and use of greener materials. In particular, this proposal addresses the problem of protection and monitoring of corrosion of metallic substrates used in different applications.
Structured in previous experience with a recently finished MSCA-RISE project SMARCOAT (ref. 645662, 2015-2018), this project aims at developing ecofriendly multifunctional coatings with capacity to protect and detect corrosion based on different mechanisms combining nanostructured inhibiting and sensing additives. Two types of coating systems are intended to be developed, one for temporary protection during storage and transportation based on biodegradable materials and another on thermosetting polymers obtained using raw materials from sustainable sources.
A relevant part of this project includes the study of fate and ecotoxicity of different coating components and Life cycle analysis, which will be equaled as a figure of merit with performance factors to select the most promising systems and launch demonstrators for standard and field tests.

Department of Functional Surfaces
Phone: +49 (0)4152 87-1947