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Multi-functional FSW equipment


The FlexiStir is a multi-functional FSW equipment, developed for In-situ experiments at Desy (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron). This equipment have a few exchangeable components, like welding heads for specific requirements of each process variant or material/material combination.

The Flexi Stir Is being used for a wide range of solid-state process variants, like FSW, FSP, BT-FSW, FS, HFDB.

Technical Data
Six axes controlled by motors, one manually adjustable axis and two independently controllable spindles.

Bobbin Tool Friction Stir Welding (BT-FSW) Spindle
• Bobbin tool processing spindle with upper shoulder and lower shoulder separately controlled
• Axial Force (Z): 40 kN
• Gap force Between the Shoulder: up to 4 kN
• Revolutions of the Spindle: up to 2000 rpm
• Torque of the Spindle: 20 Nm
• Friction Stir Welding (FSW) Spindle
• Axial Force (Z): 40 kN
• Radial Force (X,Y): 15 kN
• Torque of the Spindle: 80 Nm
• Spindle Refrigeration: Oil