Selected Publications
- Nowak, G, Stefanescu, I; Beldowski, A; Fenske, J; Hall-Wilton, R; Müller, M, A design study of a 1-m Multi-Wire-Proportional-Chamber Position-Sensitive-Neutron-Detector (MWPC-PSND), EPJ Web of Conferences 286, 03007 (2023)
- Andersen, KH; Argyriou, DN; Jackson, AJ; Fenske, J; Nowak, GJ; et al., The instrument suite of the European Spallation Source, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A 957 (2020) 163402
- Rouijaa, M.; Kampmann, R.; Saroun, J.; Fenske, J.; Beran, P.; Mueller, M.; Lukas, P.; Schreyer, A., Beam modulation: A novel ToF-technique for high resolution diffraction at the Beamline for European Materials Engineering Research (BEER), Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. A 889 (2018) 7
- Dovzhenko G., Hanke S., Staron P., Maawad E., Schreyer A., Horstmann M., Residual stresses and fatigue crack growth in friction surfacing coated Ti-6Al-4V sheets, J. Mater. Process. Technol. 262 (2018) 104
- V. Kononikhina, A. Stark, W. Gan, A. Schreyer, F. Pyczak, Ordering and disordering of β/β0-phase in γ-TiAl based alloys investigated by neutron diffraction, Materials Research Society symposia proceedings. Materials Research Society (2017)
- I. Stefanescu, M. Christensen, J. Fenske, R. Hall-Wilton, P. Henry, O. Kirstein, M. Müller, G. Nowak, D. Pooley , D. Raspino , N. Rhodes , J. Šaroun, J. Schefer, E. Schooneveld, J. Sykora, W. Schweika , Neutron Detectors for the ESS diffractometers, JINST 12 P01019, (2017)
- Zobkalo, I., Gavrilov, S., Matveev, V., Fenske, J., New POLDI – project of reincarnation of a polarized neutron diffractometer at the reactor PIK, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser 862 (2017) 12031
- Grigor’eva, N.A.; Eckerlebe, H.; Eliseev, A.A.; Lukashin, A.V.; Napol’skii, K.S.; Kraje, M.; Grigor’ev, S.V., Structural and magnetic properties of the nanocomposite materials based on a mesoporous silicon dioxide matrix, J. Exp. Theor. Phys., 124 (2017) 476
- J. Fenske, M. Rouijaa, J. Šaroun, R. Kampmann, P. Staron, G. Nowak, J. Pilch, P. Beran, P. Šittner, P. Strunz, H.-G. Brokmeier, V. Ryukhtin, L. Kadeřávek, M. Strobl, M. Müller, P. Lukáš, A. Schreyer, BEER-The Beamline for European Materilas Engineering Research at the ESS, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 746 (2016) 012009
- J. Šaroun, J. Fenske, M. Rouijaa, P. Beran, J. Navrátil, P. Lukáš, A. Schreyer, M. Strobl, Neutron optics concept for the materials engineering diffractometer at the ESS, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 746 (2016) 012011
- G. Nowak, M. Störmer, H.-W. Becker, C. Horstmann, R. Kampmann, D. Höche, M. Haese-Seiller, J. - F. Moulin, M. Pomm, C. Randau, U. Lorenz, R. Hall-Wilton, M. Müller, A. Schreyer, Boron Carbide coatings for neutron detection probed by x-rays, ions, and neutrons to determine thin film quality, J. Appl. Phys., 117, 034901 (2015)
- J. Fenske, D. Lott, E.V. Tartakovskaya, H. Lee, P.R. Leclair,G.J. Mankey, W. Schmidt, K. Schmalzl, F. Klose, A. Schreyer, Magnetic order and phase transitions in Fe50Pt50-xRhx, Journal of Applied Crystallography, 48, pp. 1142-1158 (2015)