Küste Hero Istock-1071052286 Hraun

Kai Hoppe


Kai Hoppe

Institute for Coastal Systems Analysis and Modeling


Phone: +49 (0)4152 87 1825

E-mail contact

ICZM – Integrated Coastal Zone Management used to be a buzz word in the early 2000s, and I was in the middle of it. On one hand I was actually trying to manage ecological problems as a private consultant in Kiel, but on the other we were developing the principles of integration in the scientific community. Both did not work very well at the time, but 20 years later the need for management is even more obvious, and research much more focused.
In between, I worked in the Baltic Sea and abroad as a research diver, with aquaculture of algae and fish, with MSFD and HELCOM, non-indigenous species and environmental education.

However, my personal research interest is with marine wood boring animals like shipworms and gribbles and I have been monitoring Teredo navalis in the Western Baltic for 20+ years.

Personal Homepage: Küstenbiologie
since 2021Helmholtz Hereon, Coordinator for the research mission “PROTECTION AND SUSTAINABLE USE OF THE OCEANS”
2020 – 2021MELUND Kiel, supporting the German chairmanship of HELCOM
2017 – 2018Development and support of the “Neobiota Platform” for the German coastal states and the national expert group on non-indigenous species
2013 – 2016IOW Rostock and BfN, biodiversity relevant aspects of the EU MSFD, + HELCOM “BalticBoost” project
2005 – 2013Independent consultant in “Küstenbiologie Kai Hoppe”, project in Indonesia (“SPICE”), Venice and northern Germany, wood borer studies for coastal construction and marine archaeology
1998 – 2013Cooperation with “Eiderdrift e.V.”, annual courses in marine ecology
1996 – 2004Employee and later partner in the consultancy CRM in Kiel. ICZM, EIAs, aquaculture, shipworms, lectures, TV, …
1993 – 1996Odd jobs and internships at AIMS (Townsville), IAÖ (Rostock), University Kiel, ABION (Jülich) etc.
1985 – 1992Studies of Biology in Cologne and Kiel; Diploma in Zoology, Marine Biology and Marine Chemistry