Küste Hero Istock-1199905757 Luchterduinen Aerovista Luchtfotografie


  • CliCCS excellence cluster University of Hamburg (Steering Board Member, Projects A5 and C3, PI: Corinna Schrum)
  • Helmholtz Excellence Network CliCCS (PI: Corinna Schrum, HGF-IVF)
  • CHESS - Chinese and European Coastal Shelf Seas Ecosystem Dynamics – a Comparative Assessment, Sino-German Mobility Program funded by DFG and NSFC, 01/2020-12/2022 (PI: Corinna Schrum and Wenyan Zhang)
  • I2B Fonds – Unravelling the linkages between benthic biological functioning, biogeochemistry and coastal morphodynamics – from big data to mechanistic modelling 02/2019-01/2022 (PI Wenyan Zhang)
  • Microbes – Megafauna Modelling of Arctic Seas (MiMeMo), project within the ‚Changing in the Arctic Ocean’ program, cofunded by BMBF and NERC, 07/2018 – 06/2021 (PI Ute Daewel)
  • Development of a numerical model framework for the evaluation of the Northsea by means of eutrophication criteria according to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MOBENSEUT). Funded by the Federal Agency of Environment (Umweltbundesamt), 06/2018-06/2020, (PI Onur Kerimoglu)
  • ZOOplankton Formulations in Marine BIogeochemical Models (ZOOMBI), Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service, Service Evolution, 04/2018-03/2020, (PI Ute Daewel) zoombi
  • Advanced Earth System Modelling Capacity (ESM): A contribution to solving Grand Challenges by developing and applying innovative Earth System Modelling capacity, 04/2017-12/2020. HGF strategic (PI C. Schrum) esm-project.net
  • Pilot project: Reduced Complexity Models (RedMod): Using advanced data science methods for the Development of reduced complexity models for a broad range of applications from environmental-, energy- and health research and from the field of robotic. 11/2017-11/2020. HGF strategic project (Co-ordinator C. Schrum) redmod-project.de
  • HindCasts: Ensemblesimulation basierend auf unterschiedlichen Forcings, Erstellung von Hindcasts inklusive Extremwertanalyse 10/2017-12/2020 (PI C. Schrum, U. Daewel)
  • IGOSP Integrated Global Observation System for Persistent Pollutants. ERA-PLANET H2020 ERA-NET cofunded project (PI J. Bieser)
  • BALMEX Baltic Sea Mercury Exposure. Modelling the impact of legacy mercury pollution on the marine environment 2017-2018
  • SAMSILT: Feasibility study-Developing a strategy to overcome Georgetown harbor silting 10/2017-05/2018, South Carolina local government funded project (collaborating PI W. Zhang)
  • Contouritic sedimentary systems on the northern continental margin of South China Sea 04/2017-03/2020, National Natural Science Foundation of China funded project (collaborating PI W. Zhang)
  • EU-SponGES project: Deep-sea Sponge Grounds Ecosystems of the North Atlantican integrated approach towards their preservation and sustainable exploitation, 03/2016-02/2020 (PI Corinna Schrum, Kai Logemann, Feifei Liu, Ute Daewel)