Dr. Jürgen Schaper

Dr. Jürgen Schaper
Human Dimensions of Coastal Areas
ScientistPhone: +49 (0)4152 87-1829
Mobile: +49 (0)163-6820474
Research interests
• Multiple use of marine areas
• Transdisciplinary dialog processes in the triangle of offshore wind energy, nature conservation and fisheries in coastal areas
• Social science change processes and communication in climate change
• Risk analysis and assessment
DAM Research Mission
Project member of the BMBF project CoastalFutures, part of the research Mission sustainMare (since 2022) more
Land2Sea - integrated modelling of consequences of terrestrial activities and climate change for freshwater and coastal marine biodiversity and ecosystem services, EU ERA-NET (2019-2022) more
Spatio-temporal analysis of tipping points in the socio-ecological system of the North Sea, BMBF Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany (2019-2022) more
Coastal Hazard Risk Reduction and Management, Innovation Fund Denmark. (2017-2021) more
Extreme North Sea Storm Surges and their Consequences, BMBF Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany (2016-2019) more
Jürgen Schaper is a social scientist, communications expert and biologist. He is a communication expert for transdisciplinary actor communication and stakeholder dialogs in coastal areas and marine spaces in the context of marine uses, climate change, risk assessments, conflicts and governance. He designs and researches transdisciplinary dialog processes with qualitative methods of empirical social research involving stakeholders. He has practical experience in the design, facilitation, moderation and evaluation of transdisciplinary dialog forums and methods (face-to-face and online workshops, interviews, group discussions, focus groups, etc.) and uses methods of participatory risk assessment and analysis (Bow-Tie Risk Assessment). The aim is to record and analyze stakeholder-specific perspectives and the participatory development and derivation of possible options for action in the case of multiple uses of marine space in the triangle of offshore wind energy, fisheries, nature conservation and other marine uses.
- Stelzenmüller, V., Letschert, J., Blanz, B., Blöcker, A.M., Claudet, J., Cormier, R., Gee, K., Held, H., Kannen, A., Kruse, M.,Rambo, H., Schaper, J., Sguotti, C., Stollberg, N., Quiroga, M., Möllmann, C. (2024): Exploring the adaptive capacity of afisheries social-ecological system to global change, Ocean & Coastal Management, Volume 258, 2024, 107391, ISSN 0964-5691, doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2024.107391
- Kruse, M., Letschert, J., Cormier, R., Rambo, H., Gee, K., Kannen, A., Schaper, J., Möllmann, C-, & Stelzenmüller, V. (2024): Operationalizing a fisheries social-ecological system through a Bayesian belief network reveals hotspots for its adaptive capacity in the southern North sea. Journal of Environmental Management, Vol 357, 120685, doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.120685
- Ratter, B.; Schaper, J. (2019): Risikomanagement in der Badewanne - Wenn in Ostfriesland bei Sturmflut das Wasser von allen Seiten kommt. Geographische Rundschau, 9/2019, 28–33
- Schaper, J.; Ulm, M.; Arns, A.; Jensen, J.; Ratter, B.M.W.; Weisse, R. (2019): Transdisziplinäres Risikomanagement im Umgang mit extremen Nordsee-Sturmfluten: Vom Modell zur Wissenschafts-Praxis-Kooperation. Die Küste, 87, 2019. https://doi.org/10.18171/1.087112
- Weisse, Ralf; Grabemann, Iris; Gaslikova, Lidia; Meyer, Elke; Tinz, Birger; Fery, Natacha; Möller, Thomas; Rudolph, Elisabeth; Brodhagen, Tabea; Arns, Arne; Jensen, Jürgen; Ulm, Marius; Ratter, Beate; Schaper, Jürgen (2019): Extreme Nordseesturmfluten und mögliche Auswirkungen: Das EXTREMENESS Projekt. In: Die Küste 87. Karlsruhe: Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau. S. 39-45. https://doi.org/10.18171/1.087110