Dr. Andreas Kannen

Dr. Andreas Kannen
Human Dimensions of Coastal Areas
ScientistPhone: +49 (0)4152 87-1874
Deputy Head of Department
Andreas Kannen’s work involves approaches for institutional and social assessments of environmental and economic changes in coastal areas. His focus is on changes in marine use patterns and evolvement of maritime industries, particularly offshore wind farming, Marine/Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) and institutional aspects of marine governance. Dr. Kannen’s specific interests include dimensions of scale (in time and space), differences in problem perspectives between actors from different sectors and countries, and the transnational dimensions of spatial planning.
Trained as a geographer, and following a research study in Bangladesh, Dr. Kannen gained experience at a consulting company before he joined the Research and Technology Centre Westcoast in Buesum, Northern Germany from 1996 to 2007. He finished his PhD on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) at Kiel University in the year 2000 and has worked at Hereon in the Department Human Dimensions of Coastal Areas since May 2007. Dr. Kannen is an experienced coordinator and work package leader of large national and international projects. Furthermore, he has been involved in several international research networks and advisory groups. Since 2010 and has served as chair of the ICES Working Group on Marine Planning and Coastal Zone Management (WGMPCZM) and as co-chair of related ICES Workshops such as Quality Assurance of MSP and Cultural Dimensions of Ecosystem Services.
- Coastal Management
- Marine planning and informal approaches
- synthesis/integration of natural- and social sciences
- environment/society-interaction
- Stelzenmüller, V., Letschert, J., Blanz, B., Blöcker, A.M., Claudet, J., Cormier, R., Gee, K., Held, H., Kannen, A., Kruse, M.,Rambo, H., Schaper, J., Sguotti, C., Stollberg, N., Quiroga, M., Möllmann, C. (2024): Exploring the adaptive capacity of afisheries social-ecological system to global change, Ocean & Coastal Management, Volume 258, 2024, 107391, ISSN 0964-5691, doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2024.107391
- Kruse, M., Letschert, J., Cormier, R., Rambo, H., Gee, K., Kannen, A., Schaper, J., Möllmann, C-, & Stelzenmüller, V. (2024): Operationalizing a fisheries social-ecological system through a Bayesian belief network reveals hotspots for its adaptive capacity in the southern North sea. Journal of Environmental Management, Vol 357, 120685, doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.120685
- Abspoel, L., Mayer, I., Keijser, X., Warmelink, H., Fairgrieve, R., Ripken, M., Abramic, A., Kannen, A., Cormier, R., & Kidd, S. (2021): Communicating Maritime Spatial Planning: The MSP Challenge approach. Marine Policy, Volume 132, 2021, 103486, doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2019.02.057
- Stelzenmüller, V., Cormier, R., Gee, K., Shucksmith, R., Gubbins, M., Yates, K.L., Morf, A., Nic Aonghusa, C., Mikkelsen, E., Tweddle, J.F., Pecceu, E., Kannen, A., & Clarke, S.A. (2021): Evaluation of marine spatial planning requires fit for purpose monitoring strategies. Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 278, Part 2, 111545, doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111545
- Lauerburg. R.A.M., Diekmann, R., Blanz, B., Gee, K., Held, H., Kannen, A., Möllmann, C., Probst, W.N., Rambo, H., Cormier, R., & Stelzenmüller, V. (2020): Socio-ecological vulnerability to tipping points: A review of empirical approaches and their use for marine management. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 705, 2020, 135838, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135838
- Abspoel, L., Mayer, I., Keijser, X., Warmelink, H., Fairgrieve, R., Ripken, M., Abramic, A., Kannen, A., Cormier, R., & Kidd, S. (2019): Communicating Maritime Spatial Planning: The MSP Challenge approach. Marine Policy, doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2019.02.057
- Cormier, R., & Kannen, A. (2019): Managing Risk Through Marine Spatial Planning. In: Zaucha, J., & Gee, K. (eds): Maritime Spatial Planning. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-98696-8_15
- Gee, K., Blazauskas, N., Dahl, K., Göke, C., Hassler, B., Kannen, A., Leposa, N., Morf, A., Strand, H., Weig, B., & Zaucha, J. (2019): Can tools contribute to integration in MSP? A comparative review of selected tools and approaches. Ocean & Coastal Management, Volume 179, doi:10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2019.104834
- Diana Süsser, Andreas Kannen (2017): ‘Renewables? Yes, please!’: perceptions and assessment of community transition induced by renewable-energy projects in North Frisia. Sustainability Science online. DOI: 10.1007/s11625-017-0433-5
- Cormier, R., Kannen, A., Austen, M., and Therriault, T. (Eds). 2016. Multidisciplinary perspectives in the use (and misuse) of science and scientific advice in marine spatial planning. ICES Cooperative Research Report 333.
- Cormier, R., Kannen, A., Austen, M., and Therriault, T. (2016): Chapter 1: Introduction. In: Multidisciplinary perspectives in the use (and misuse) of science and scientific advice in marine spatial planning. ICES Cooperative Research Report 333, pp. 1-4.
- Cormier, R., Kannen, A., Austen, M., and Therriault, T. (2016): Chapter 2: Multidisciplinary considerations. In: Multidisciplinary perspectives in the use (and misuse) of science and scientific advice in marine spatial planning. ICES Cooperative Research Report 333, pp. 5-8.
- Cormier, R., Kannen, A., Austen, M., and Therriault, T. (2016): Chapter 3: Concluding remarks. In: Multidisciplinary perspectives in the use (and misuse) of science and scientific advice in marine spatial planning. ICES Cooperative Research Report 333, p. 9.
- Fischer, C., Kannen, A. (2016): The Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation: a model for transnational cooperation in MSP and MSFD (Extended abstract). Chapter 4.2 in Multidisciplinary perspectives in the use (and misuse) of science and scientific advice in marine spatial planning. ICES Cooperative Research Report 333, pp. 11-13.
- Fischer, C., Kannen, A. (2016): Kapitel 7.4.4: Offshore-Windparks. Beitrag zu Kapitel 7 – Ökosystemleistungen von Küsten und Meeren. In: von Haaren, C., Albert, C. (2016): Naturkapital Deutschland – TEEB-DE: Ökosystemleistungen in ländlichen Räumen – Grundlage für menschliches Wohlergehen und nachhaltige wirtschaftliche Entwicklung. Leibniz-Universität Hannover und Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung – UFZ. Hannover, Leipzig, pp.195-200.
- Gee K., Kannen, A., Adlam, R., Brooks, C., Chapman, M., Cormier, R., Fischer, C., Fletcher, S., Gubbins, M., Shucksmith, R., Shellock, R. (2016): Identifying culturally significant areas for marine spatial planning. Ocean and Coastal Management (accepted).
- Kannen, A. (2016): Science–policy interactions: between policy fragmentation, integration, and new paradigms for planning and management (Abstract). Chapter 4.5 in Multidisciplinary perspectives in the use (and misuse) of science and scientific advice in marine spatial planning. ICES Cooperative Research Report 333, p. 24.
- Kannen, A., Fischer, C. (2016): Kapitel 10.9.2: Maritime Raumordnungsplanung. Beitrag zu Kapitel 10 – Stand und Potenziale der Integration des Ökosystemleistungskonzepts in bestehende Planungs- Regelungs- und Anreizmechanismen. In: von Haaren, C., Albert, C. (2016): Naturkapital Deutschland – TEEB-DE: Ökosystemleistungen in ländlichen Räumen – Grundlage für menschliches Wohlergehen und nachhaltige wirtschaftliche Entwicklung. Leibniz-Universität Hannover und Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung – UFZ. Hannover, Leipzig, pp.292-293.
- Alexander, Karen; Kershaw, Peter; Cooper, Philip; Gilbert, Alison; Hall-Spencer, Jason; Heymans, Johanna; Kannen, Andreas, Los, Hans; O'Higgins, Tim; O'Mahony, Cathal; Tett, Paul; Troost, Tineke; van Beusekom, Justus (2015): Challenges of achieving Good Environmental Status in the North East Atlantic. Ecology and Society 20 (1): 49.
- Blenckner, T., A. Kannen, A. Barausse, C. Fischer, J. Heymans, T. Luisetti, V. Todorova, M. Valman, and L. Mee (2015): Past and future challenges in managing European seas. Ecology and Society 20(1): 40.
- Cormier, R., Kannen, A., Elliott, M. and, Hall, P. 2015. Marine Spatial Planning Quality Management System. ICES Cooperative Research Report 327, 106 pp.
- Emeis, Kay-Christian/van Beusekom, Justus/Callies, Ulrich/Ebinghaus, Ralf/Kannen, Andreas/Kraus, Gerd/Kröncke, Ingrid/Lenhart, Hermann/Lorkowski, Ina (2014): The North Sea–A Shelf Sea In The Anthropocene. Journal of Marine Systems. Volume 141, January 2015, Pages 18–33.
- Kannen, A., Ratter B.M. W. (2015): Adaptation to change in the North Sea area: Maritime spatial planning as a new planning challenge in times of climate change. In: Glavovic, B. / Kelly, M. / Kay, R. / Travers, A. (Eds.) (2015): Climate Change and the Coast – Building Resilient Communities, chapter 19, pp. 435-447. CRC Press, ISBN 978-1-4822-8858-2.
- Mee, L., P. Cooper, A. Kannen, A. J. Gilbert, and T. O'Higgins (2015): Sustaining Europe’s seas as coupled social-ecological systems. Ecology and Society 20(1): 1.
- Hans von Storch, Kay Emeis, Insa Meinke, Andreas Kannen, Volker Matthias, Beate M. W. Ratter, Emil Stanev, Ralf Weisse, Kai Wirtz (2015): Making coastal research useful - Cases from practice. Vol. 57, Iss. 1, pp. 3-16.
- Sandy Kerr, Laura Watts, John Colton, Flaxen Conway, Angela Hull, Kate Johnson, Simon Jude, Andreas Kannen, Shelley MacDougall, Carly McLachlan, Tavis Potts, Jo Vergunst (2014): Establishing an agenda for social studies research in marine renewable energy. Energy Policy, Volume 67, Pages 694–702
- Kannen, A., (2014): Challenges for marine spatial planning in the context of multiple sea uses, policy arenas and actors based on experiences from the German North Sea. Regional Environmental Change, Vol. 14, 2139-2150.
- Busch, M. / Kannen, A. / Garthe, S. / Jessopp, M. (2013): Consequences of a cumulative perspective on marine environmental impacts: offshore wind farming and seabirds at North Sea scale in context of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Ocean and Coastal Management. In: Ocean and Coastal Management. Vol. 71, p. 213-224.
- Cormier, R. Kannen, A., Elliott, M., Hall, P., Davies, I.A (2013): Marine and coastal ecosystem-based risk management handbook. ICES Cooperative Research Report No. 317. March 2013. 60pp.
- Cormier, R., Davies, I.A., Kannen, A. (eds) (2013). Integrated Coastal Zone Risk Management. ICES Cooperative Research Report No. 320. Nov. 2013, 145 pp.
- Fischer, C. / Kannen, A. (2013): Die Trilaterale Wattenmeerkooperation – ein Vorbild für die Umsetzung von MRO und MSRL? In: Henning, P. / Vött, A. (Hrsg.): Die Küste als Lebensraum und Risikozone. Aspekte moderner Küstenforschung. Beiträge der 30. Jubiläums-Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Geographie der Meere und Küsten. Mainzer Geographische Studien, Heft 55.
- Kannen, A., Gee, K., Fischer, C.: Recommendations for Marine Governance in the EU. KnowSeas Policy Brief No. 4. EU FP7 KNOWSEAS Project.
- Kannen A., Kremer H., Gee K., Lange, M. (2013): Renewable Energy and Marine Spatial Planning: Scientific and Legal Implications. In: Myron H. Nordquist, John Morton Moore, Aldo Chircop, Ronan Long (Eds): The Regulation of Continental Shelf Development: Rethinking International Standards. Center of Oceans Law and Policy, COLP 17, 153-178.
- Lamond, J., Kannen, A., Francis, R., Bulkeley, H., Vafeidis, N., Mason, P., Chung, Chao-Yi, Booth, C., Solecki, W., Gupta, K., Kithiia, J., Measham, T., Barbi, F., Moglia, M., Marin, V. (2013): Reducing risk from natural hazard, pollution and climate change in megacities and associated networks. Chapter 5 in Mark Pelling and Sophie Blackburn (Eds.): Megacities and the coast, page 130-172.
- Mayer, I., Zhou, Q., Lo, J., Abspoel, L., Keijser, X., Olsen, E., Nixon, E., Kannen, A. (2013): "Integrated, Ecosystem-based Marine Spatial Planning: Design and Results of a Game-based, Quasi-Experiment". Ocean and Coastal Management, 82, 7-26.
- Farmer, A. / Mee. L. /Langmead, O. / Cooper, P. / Kannen, A. / Kershaw, P. / Cherrier, V. (2012): KnowSeas Policy Brief: Ecosystem Approach in Marine Management: Policy Brief No. 2.
- Mayer, I. / Zhou, Q. / Lo, J. / Abspoel, L. / Keijser, X. / Olsen, E. / Nixon, E. / Kannen, A. (2012): Integrated, Ecosystem-based Marine Spatial Planning: First Results from International Simulation-Game Experiment. Third International Engineering Systems Symposium CESUN 2012, Delft University of Technology, 18-20 June 2012.
- Swaney, D.P. / Humborg, C. / Emeis, K. / Kannen, A. / Silvert, W. / Tett, P. / Pastres, R. / Solidoro. C. / Yamamuro, M. / Henocque, Y. / Nicholls, R. (2012): Five critical questions of scale for the coastal zone. In: Estuar Coast Shelf Sci. Vol. 96. p. 9-21.
- Gee K, Kannen A, Heinrichs B (2011) BaltSeaPlan vision 2030 for Baltic sea space. Hamburg, Autumn 2011.
- Gee, K. / Kannen, A. / Heinrichs, B. (2011): BaltSeaPlan. Towards a Common Spatial Vision: Implications of the international and national policy context for Baltic Sea space and MSP. BaltSeaPlan Report No. 8.
- Kannen, A. / Forbes, D.L. / Cormier, R. / Solomon, J. (2011): Integrated approaches to Coastal Change in the Arctic. In: Forbes, D.L. (Ed.): State of the Arctic Coast 2010. Scientific Review and Outlook. Helmholtz-Zentrum: Geesthacht. p. 79-87.
- Kannen, A. (2011): Küste und Meer - Dynamische Natur- Wirtschafts- und Küstenräume. Geographie und Schule. Vol. 33. No. 190. p.4-9.
- Knieling, J. / Fröhlich, J, / Greiving, S./ Kannen, A. / Morgenstern, N. / Moss, T. / Ratter, B. / Wickel, M. (2011). Planerisch-organisatorische Anpassungspotenziale an den Klimawandel. In: von Storch, H. / Claussen, M. (Eds). Klimabericht für die Metropolregion Hamburg. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 231–270.
- Lantuit, H. / Couture, N. / Andreeva, E. / Ford, J. / Kannen, A. / Syvitski, J.P.M. / Yefimenko, A. (2011): Monitoring, Detecting and Modelling Coastal Change. In: Forbes, D.L. (Ed.) (2011). State of the Arctic Coast 2010. Scientific Review and Outlook. Helmholtz Zentrum: Geesthacht. p 87-103.
- Busch, M., A. Kannen & M. Striegnitz (2010): Raumnutzungskonflikte in der Küstenzone: Informelle Lösungsansätze am Beispiel der naturschutzrechtlichen Kompensation des JadeWeserPorts. In: Kannen, A., G. Schernewski, I. Krämer, M. Lange, H. Janßen & N. Stybel (Eds.): Forschung für ein Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement: Fallbeispiele Odermündungsregion und Offshore-Windkraft in der Nordsee, Coastline Reports pp. 71-84 .
- Hohmeyer, O. / Kannen, A. / Lange, M. / Koehn, J. (2010): Analysing potential impacts of offshore wind farms on regional economic development. In: Lange, M. / Burkhard, B. / Garthe, S. / Gee, K. / Kannen, A. / Lenhart, H. / Windhorst, W. (Eds.) (2010). Analysing Coastal and Marine Changes - Offshore Windfarming as a Case Study. Zukunft Küste - Coastal Futures Synthesis Report - Land Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone. Vol. 36. p. 109-120.
- Kannen, A. / Gee, K. / Bruns, A. (2010): Governance Aspects of Offshore Wind Energy and Maritime Development. In: Lange, M. / Burkhard, B. / Garthe, S. / Gee, K. / Kannen, A. / Lenhart, H. / Windhorst, W. (Eds.) (2010). Analysing Coastal and Marine Changes - Offshore Windfarming as a Case Study. Zukunft Küste - Coastal Futures Synthesis Report - Land Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone. Vol. 36, p. 170-190.
- Kannen, A. / Schernewski, G. / Kraemer, I. / Lange, M. / Janssen, H. / Stybel , N. (Eds.) (2010): Coastline Reports - Forschung fuer ein Integriertes Kuestenzonenmanagement: Fallbeispiele Odermuendungsregion und Offshore-Windkraft in der Nordsee. Vol. 15. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland: Warnemünde.
- Kannen, A. / Burkhard, B. / Windhorst, W. (2010): The Integrated Approach in Zukunft Kueste - Coastal Futures. In: Lange, M. / Burkhard, B. / Garthe, S. / Gee, K. / Kannen, A. / Lenhart, H. / Windhorst, W. (Eds.) (2010). Analysing Coastal and Marine Changes - Offshore Windfarming as a Case Study. Zukunft Küste - Coastal Futures Synthesis Report - Land Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone. Vol. 36. p. 30 - 38.
- Kannen, A. / Windhorst, W. (2010): Introduction: Analyzing Coastal and Marine Change in Zukunft Kueste - Coastal Futures. In: Lange, M. / Burkhard, B. / Garthe, S. / Gee, K. / Kannen, A. / Lenhart, H. / Windhorst, W. (Eds.) (2010). Analysing Coastal and Marine Changes - Offshore Windfarming as a Case Study. Zukunft Küste - Coastal Futures Synthesis Report - Land Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone. Vol. 36. p. 17 - 21.
- Lange, M., B. Burkhard, K. Gee & A. Kannen (2010): Risiko im Kontext von Offshore-Windkraft und systemischem Risikodiskurs. In: Kannen, A., G. Schernewski, I. Krämer, M. Lange, H. Janßen & N. Stybel (Eds.): Forschung für ein Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement: Fallbeispiele Odermündungsregion und Offshore-Windkraft in der Nordsee, Coastline Reports, pp. 1-13.
- Lange, M. / Burkhard, B. / Garthe, S. / Gee, K. / Kannen, A. / Lenhart, H. / Windhorst, W. (Eds.) (2010): Analysing Coastal and Marine Changes - Offshore Windfarming as a Case Study. Zukunft Küste - Coastal Futures Synthesis Report - Land Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone. Vol. 36.
- Windhorst, W. / Kannen, A. / Gee, K. (2010): Conclusions: The usefulness of applying a multi-scale systems approach. In: Lange, M. / Burkhard, B. / Garthe, S. / Gee, K. / Kannen, A. / Lenhart, H. / Windhorst, W. (Eds.) (2010): Analysing Coastal and Marine Changes - Offshore Windfarming as a Case Study. Zukunft Küste - Coastal Futures Synthesis Report - Land Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone. Vol. 36. p. 191 - 196.
- Glaeser, B., A. Kannen & H. Kremer (2009): Introduction: The Future of Coastal Areas - Challenges for Planning Practice and Research. GAIA 18/2. pp 145-149.
- Kannen, A. & B. Burkhard (2009): Integrated Assessment of Coastal and Marine Changes Using the Example of Offshore Wind Farms: the Coastal Futures Approach. – GAIA 18/3. pp 229–238.
- Kannen, A., Ahrendt, K., Bruns, A., Burkhard, B., Diembeck, D., Gee, K., Glaeser, B., Licht-Eggert, K., Michler, T, Meyer-Engelhard, O., Nunneri, C., Stragies, S. & W. Windhorst (2009): Exploring the future of seas and coasts: Scenarios within the joint research project Zukunft Küste - Coastal Futures. In: Dahl, E, Moksness, E, Støttrup, J (Eds): Integrated Coastal Zone Management. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, London, chapter 16, pp. 207-218.
- Liu, X. / Wirtz, K.W. / Kannen, A. / Kraft, D. (2009). Willingness to pay among households to prevent coastal resources from polluting by oil spills: A pilot survey. In: Marine Pollution Bulletin. Vol. 58. No. 10. p. 1514-1521.
- Glavovic, B.C. / Kannen, A. / Green, D.R. / Krishnamurthy, R.R. / Agardy, T.S. / Zengcui, H. / Ramanathan, A.L. (2008). ICZM - The Way Forward. In: Krishnamurthy, R.R. / Glavocic, B. / Kannen, A. / Green, D.R. / Ramanathan, A.L. / Han, Z. / Tinti, S. / Agardy, T.S. (Eds.) (2008). Integrated Coastal Zone Management. Research Publishing, Singapore and Chennai. p. 745-764.
- Kannen, A. / Green, D.R. / Glavovic, B.C. / Agardy, T.S. / Ramanathan, A.L. / Krishnamurthy, R.R. / Zengcui, H. (2008). ICZM – The Global Challenge. In: Krishnamurthy, R.R. / Glavocic, B. / Kannen, A. / Green, D.R. / Ramanathan, A.L. / Han, Z. / Tinti, S. / Agardy, T.S. (Eds.) (2008). Integrated Coastal Zone Management. Research Publishing: Singapore. p. 1-19.
- Kannen, A. / Gee, K. / Licht-Eggert, K. (2008). ICZM – Global to Local Scales: Managing Changes in Sea Use Across Scales: North Sea and North Sea Coast of Schleswig-Holstein. In: Krishnamurthy, R.R. / Glavocic, B. / Kannen, A. / Green, D.R. / Ramanathan, A.L. / Han, Z. / Tinti, S. / Agardy, T.S. (Eds.) (2008). Integrated Coastal Zone Management. Research Publishing: Singapore. p. 93-108.
- Krishnamurthy, R.R. / Glavocic, B. / Kannen, A. / Green, D.R. / Ramanathan, A.L. / Han, Z. / Tinti, S. / Agardy, T.S. (Eds.) (2008): Integrated Coastal Zone Management. Research Publishing, Singapore and Chennai, ISBN 978-981-05-8948-6, 779 pp.
- Licht-Eggert K., K. Gee, A. Kannen, B. Grimm & S. Fuchs (2008): Addressing stakeholder perceptions and values in determining future options for the coast. In: Kannen, A., R.R. Krishnamurthy, , B. Glavocic, D. R. Green, A. L. Ramanathan, Z. Han, S. Tinti & T. S. Agardy (Eds.) (2008): Integrated Coastal Zone Management. Research Publishing, Singapore and Chennai, 2008, pp. 241-262.
- Glaeser, B., A. Kannen, G. Schernewski (2007): Unterstützung für IKZM - Netzwerke und Forschungsverbünde in Nord- und Ostsee. In: Informationen zur Raumentwicklung, Heft 5 2007, pp 297-305. Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung, Bonn.
- Licht-Eggert, K., A. Kannen, K. Ahrendt, B. Burkhard, A. Bruns, D. Diembeck, K. Gee, B. Glaeser, B. Grimm, J. Köhn, T. Michler, C. Nunneri, S. Stragies, W. Windhorst (2007): Szenarien über mögliche Zukünfte der Nordseeküste bis 2055. In: G. Gönnert, B. Pflüger & J.-A. Bremer (Eds.): Von der Geoarchäologie über die Küstendynamik zum Küstenzonenmanagement. Coastline Reports 9: 207-216.

Dr. Andreas Kannen is part of the research project Coastwise. Further information can be found here: Projects

Dr. Andreas Kannen is part of the research project Land2Sea. Further information can be found here: Projects

Dr. Andreas Kannen is part of the research project Coastwise. Further information can be found here: Projects
He was part of the following research projects: