Dr. Frauke Feser
Dr. Frauke Feser
Coastal Climate and Regional Sea Level Changes
ScientistPhone: +49 (0)4152 87-2816
Coordination of Storm Themes
More information on my ResearchGate website
Coordination of Storm Themes more
- Matte, D., Christensen, J.H., Drews, M., Sobolowski, S., Paquin, D., Lynch, A., Bremer, S., Engholm, I., Brunet, N.D., Kolstad, E.W., Kettleborough, H., Thompson, V., Bevacqua, E., Heinrich, D., Pryor, S.C., Böhnisch, A., Feser, F., Prein, A.F., Fischer, E., & Leduc, M. (2024): How to engage and adapt to unprecedented extremes. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-24-0138.1
- Pinto, J.G., Feser, F., Ludwig, P., & Reyers, M. (2024): Der Klimawandel: Auswirkungen auf Winde und Zyklonen. In: Brasseur, G.P., Jacob, D., Schuck-Zöller, S. (eds): Klimawandel in Deutschland. Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg, doi:10.1007/978-3-662-66696-8_8
- von Storch, H., Feser, F., Blender, R., Camargo, S., Cavicchia, L., Di Luca, A., Fu, G., Gozzo, L., Koks, E., Messmer, M., Mori, N., Priestley, M., Roy, T., Schultz, D., Watanabe, S., & Weisse, R. (2024): Storms as Forming and Threatening Factors for Coasts. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science, doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190228620.013.853
- Feser, F., Krueger, O., Woth, K., & van Garderen, L. (2021): North Atlantic winter storm activity in modern reanalyses and pressure-based observations. Journal of Climate, 1-45, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-20-0529.1
- Krieger, D., Krueger, O., Feser, F., Weisse, R., Tinz, B., & von Storch, H. (2021): German Bight storm activity, 1897–2018. Int J Climatol., 41 (Suppl. 1), E2159– E2177, doi:10.1002/joc.6837
- van Garderen, L., Feser, F., & Shepherd, T.G. (2021): A methodology for attributing the role of climate change in extreme events: a global spectrally nudged storyline. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 171–186, doi:10.5194/nhess-21-171-2021
- Ho-Hagemann, H.T.M., Hagemann, S., Grayek, S., Petrik, R., Rockel, B., Staneva, J., Feser, F., & Schrum, C. (2020): Internal Model Variability of the Regional Coupled System Model GCOAST-AHOI. Atmosphere 2020, 11, 227, doi:10.3390/atmos11030227
- Matulla, C., Feser, F., Tordai, J., Schlögl, M., Starke, H., Schöner, W., Enigl, K., Chimani, B., Hofstätter, M., & Andre, K. (2020): Stürme. In: Glade, T., Mergili, M., & Sattler, K. (Hg.): ExtremA 2019 - Aktueller Wissensstand zu Extremereignissen alpiner Naturgefahren in Österreich. V&R Unipress, Vienna University Press, open access
- Merz, B., Kuhlicke, C., Kunz, M., Pittore, M., Babeyko, A., Bresch, D.N., Domeisen, D.I.V., Feser, F., Koszalka, I., Kreibich, H., Pantillon, F., Parolai, S., Pinto, J.G., Punge, H.J., Rivalta, E., Schröter, K., Strehlow, K., Weisse, R., & Wurpts, A. (2020): Impact Forecasting to Support Emergency Management of Natural Hazards. Reviews of Geophysics, 58, e2020RG000704, doi:10.1029/2020RG000704
- von Storch, H., Feser, F., Laprise, R., Stendel, M., & Takayabu, I. (2020): Editorial: Modelling, Simulating and Forecasting Regional Climate and Weather. Front. Environ. Sci., 8:99, doi:10.3389/fenvs.2020.00099
- Krueger, O., Feser, F., & Weisse, R. (2019): Northeast Atlantic Storm Activity and its Uncertainty from the late 19th to the 21st Century. J. Climate, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0505.1
- Schaaf, B., Feser, F., & Meinke, I. (2019): Long-Term Atmospheric Changes in a Convection-Permitting Regional Climate Model Hindcast Simulation over Northern Germany and the German Bight. Atmosphere 2019, 10, 283, doi:10.3390/atmos10050283
- Feser, F., & Tinz, B. (2018): Stürme über dem Nordatlantik und Nordeuropa. In: Lozán, J.L., Breckle, S.-W., Graßl, H., Kasang, D., & Weisse, R. (Hsg.): Warnsignal Klima: Extremereignisse, www.klima-warnsignale.uni-hamburg.de/wetterextreme/
- von Storch, H., Cavicchia, L., Feser, F. & Li, D. (2018): The concept of large-scale conditioning of climate model simulations of atmospheric coastal dynamics: current state and perspectives. Atmosphere, 9(9), 337; https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos9090337.
- Barcikowska, M.J., Weaver, S.J., Feser, F., Russo, S., Schenk, F., Stone, D.A., Wehner, M.F., & Zahn, M. (2018): Euro-Atlantic winter storminess and precipitation extremes under 1.5 °C vs. 2 °C warming scenarios. Earth Syst. Dynam., 9, 679-699, doi:10.5194/esd-9-679-2018
- Zahn, M., Akperov, M., Rinke, A., Feser, F., & Mokhov, I.I. (2018): Trends of cyclone characteristics in the Arctic and their patterns from different re-analysis data. Journal of Geophysical Research, doi:10.1002/2017JD027439
- Feser, F. (2018): Constructing Records of Storminess. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Climate Science, doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190228620.013.5
- Schaaf, B., & Feser, F. (2018): Is there added value of convection-permitting regional climate model simulations for storms over the German Bight and Northern Germany? Meteorology Hydrology and Water Management, 2018, doi:10.26491/mhwm/85507
- Storch, H. von, Feser, F., Geyer, B., Klehmet, K., Li, D., Rockel, B., Schubert-Frisius, M., Tim, N., & Zorita, E. (2017): Regional re-analysis without local data - exploiting the downscaling paradigm. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres, 122(16), pp 8631-8649, doi:10.1002/2016JD026332
- Schaaf, B., Storch, H. von, & Feser, F. (2017): Does Spectral Nudging Have an Effect on Dynamical Downscaling Applied in Small Regional Model Domains? Monthly Weather Review, 145, pp 4303-4311, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-17-0087.1
- Schaaf, B., & Feser, F. (2017): The effect of the Wadden Sea for very high resolution atmospheric regional climate models. Research Activities in Atmospheric and Oceanic Modelling (Blue Book). WCRP Report No.12/2017
- Barcikowska, M., Kapnick, S., & Feser, F. (2017): Impact of large-scale circulation changes in the North Atlantic sector on the current and future Mediterranean winter hydroclimate. Climate Dynamics, doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3735-5
- Barcikowska, M., Feser, F., Zhang, W., & Mei, W. (2017): Changes in intense Tropical Cyclone Activity for the Western North Pacific during the last decades derived from a Regional Climate Model Simulation. Climate Dynamics, 49(9-10), pp 2931-2949, doi:10.1007/s00382-016-3420-0
- Schubert-Frisius, M., Feser, F., Storch, H. von, & Rast, S. (2017): Optimal spectral nudging for global dynamical downscaling. Monthly Weather Review, 145, 909-927, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-16-0036.1
- Xia, L., Storch, H. von, Feser, F. & Wu, J. (2016): A Study of quasi-millennial extratropical winter cyclone activity over the Southern Hemisphere. Climate Dynamics, 47, 2121-2138, doi:10.1007/s00382-015-2954-x
- Feser, F., Barcikowska, M., Haeseler, S., Lefebvre, C., Schubert-Frisius, M., Stendel, M., Storch, H. von, & Zahn, M. (2015): Hurricane Gonzalo and its extratropical transition to a strong European storm. In "Explaining Extreme Events of 2014 from a Climate Perspective". Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96(12), S51-S55.
- Prein, A., Langhans, W., Fosser, G., Andrew, F., Ban, N., Goergen, K., Keller, M., Tölle, M., Gutjahr, O., Feser, F., Brisson, E., Kollet, S., Schmidli, J., Lipzip, N. van, & Leung, L.R. (2015): A review on convection permitting climate modeling: demonstrations, prospects, and challenges. Reviews of Geophysics, 53, 2, 323-361, doi:10.1002/2014RG000475
- Feser, F. (2015): CLIMATE SCIENCES MEET VISUAL ARTS - The visiting artist researcher experiment. Journal of Science Communication, 14 (01), C02.
- Feser, F., Barcikowska, M., Krueger, O., Schenk, F., Weisse, R., & Xia, L. (2015): Storminess over the North Atlantic and Northwestern Europe - A Review. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 141, 350-382, January 2015 B, doi:10.1002/qj.2364
- Feser, F., & Barcikowska, M. (2014): Changes in typhoons over the last decades as given in observations and climate model simulations. In: "Natural Disasters - Typhoons and Landslides - Risk Prediction, Crisis Management and Environmental Impacts", Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, New York. ISBN: 978-1-63463-309-3
- Storch, H. von, Feser, F., Haeseler, S., Lefebvre, C., & Stendel, M. (2014): A violent mid-latitude storm in Northern Germany and Denmark, 28 October 2013. In "Explaining Extremes of 2013 from a Climate Perspective". Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 95(9), S76-S78
- Krueger, O., Feser, F., Bärring, L., Kaas, E., Schmith, T., Tuomenvirta, H., & Storch, H. von (2014): Comment on “Trends and low frequency variability of extra-tropical cyclone activity in the ensemble of Twentieth Century Reanalysis” by Wang, X.L., Feng, Y., Compo, G.P., Swail, V.R., Zwiers, F.W., Allan, R.J., & Sardeshmukh, P.D., Clim. Dyn., 42, 3-4, 1127-1128, doi:10.1007/s00382-013-1814-9
- Krueger, O., Schenk, F., Feser, F., & Weisse, R. (2013): Inconsistencies between long-term trends in storminess derived from C20 reanalysis and observations. J. Climate, 26, 868-874, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00309.1
- Xia, L., Storch, H. von, & Feser, F. (2013): Quasi-stationarity of centennial Northern Hemisphere midlatitude winter storm tracks. Clim. Dyn. 41: 901–916, doi:10.1007/s00382-012-1543-5
- Barcikowska, M., Feser, F., & Storch, H. von (2012): Usability of best track data in climate statistics in the western North Pacific. Mon. Wea. Rev., 140, 2818-2830, doi:10.1175/MWR-D-11-00175.1
- Feser, F., & Barcikowska, M. (2012): The Influence of Spectral Nudging on Typhoon Formation in Regional Climate Models. Environ. Res. Lett., 7, 014024, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/7/1/014024
- Xia, L., Feser, F., Storch, H. von, Hodges, K.I., & Zahn, M. (2012): A Comparison of Two Identification and Tracking Methods for Polar Lows. Tellus A, 64, 17196, doi:10.3402/tellusa.v64i0.17196
- Feser, F., Rockel, B., Storch, H. von, Winterfeldt, J., & Zahn, M. (2011): Regional Climate Models add Value to Global Model Data: A Review and selected Examples. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., doi:10.1175/2011BAMS3061.1
- Weisse, R., Storch, H. von, Callies, U., Chrastansky, A., Feser, F., Grabemann, I., Guenther, H., Pluess, A., Stoye, T., Tellkamp, J., Winterfeldt, J., & Woth, K. (2009): Regional meteorological-marine reanalyses and climate change projections: Results for Northern Europe and potentials for coastal and offshore applications. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 90, 849-860, doi:10.1175/2008BAMS2713.1
- Feser, F., & Storch, H. von (2008): Regional modelling of the western Pacific typhoon season 2004. Meteorolog. Z., 17 (4), 519-528, doi:10.1127/0941-2948/2008/0282
- Feser, F., & Storch, H. von (2008): A dynamical downscaling case study for typhoons in SE Asia using a regional climate model. Mon. Wea. Rev., 136 (5), 1806-1815, doi:10.1175/2007MWR2207.1
- Vetter, M., Churkina, G., Jung, M., Reichstein, M., Zaehle, S., Bondeau, A., Chen, Y., Ciais, P., Feser, F., Freibauer, A., Geyer, R., Jones, C., Papale, D., Tenhunen, J., Tomelleri, E., Trusilova, K., Viovy, N., & Heimann, M. (2008): Analyzing the causes and spatial pattern of the European 2003 carbon flux anomaly in Europe using seven models. Biogeosciences, 5, 561-583, doi:10.5194/bg-5-561-2008
- Jung, M., Vetter, M., Herold, M., Churkina, G., Reichstein, M., Zaehle, S., Cias, P., Viovy, N., Bondeau, A., Chen, Y., Trusilova, K., Feser, F., & Heimann, M. (2007): Uncertainties of modeling gross primary productivity over Europe: A systematic study on the effects of using different drivers and terrestrial biosphere models. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 21, GB4021, doi:10.1029/2006GB002915
- Feser, F. (2006): Enhanced detectability of added value in limited area model results separated into different spatial scales. Monthly Weather Review, 134(8), 2180-2190
- Koch, W., & Feser, F. (2006): Relationship between SAR derived wind vectors and wind at ten meters height represented by a mesoscale model. Mon. Wea. Rev., 134 (5), 1505-1517
- Feser, F., & Storch, H. von (2005): A spatial two-dimensional discrete filter for limited area model evaluation purposes. Monthly Weather Review, 133(6), 1774-1786
- Weisse, R., Storch, H. von, & Feser, F. (2005): Northeast Atlantic and North Sea Storminess as Simulated by a Regional Climate Model during 1958-2001 and Comparison with Observations. J. Climate, 18 (3), 465-479, doi:10.1175/JCLI-3281.1
- Meinke, I., Storch, H. von, & Feser, F. (2004): A Validation of the Cloud Parameterization in the Regional Model SN-REMO. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 109, D13205, doi:10.1029/2004JD004520
- Feser, F., Storch, H. von, Weisse, R., & Zorita, E. (2003): Aliasing in power spectra: Comment on "Improved global maps and 54-year history of wind-work on ocean inertial motions" by Alford, M.H., Geophys. Res. Lett., 30 (22), art. 2165, doi:10.1029/2003GL018026
- Weisse, R., & Feser, F. (2003): Evaluation of a method to reduce uncertainty in wind hindcasts performed with regional atmosphere models. Coastal Engineering, Volume 48 (4), 211-225
- Storch, H. von, Costa-Cabral, M., Hagner, C., Feser, F., Pacyna, J., Pacyna, E., & Kolb, S. (2003): Four Decades of Gasoline Lead Emissions and Control Policies in Europe: A Retrospective Assessment. Science of the Total Environment (STOTEN), Volume 311, 151-176
- Storch, H. von, Hagner, C., Costa-Cabral, M., Feser, F., Pacyna, J., Pacyna, E., & Kolb, S. (2002): Reassessing Past European Gasoline Lead Policies. EOS Transactions Volume 83, Number 36, pp. 393 + 399, September 3, 2002
- Feser, F., Weisse, R., & Storch, H. von (2001): Multi-decadal atmospheric modeling for Europe yields multi-purpose data. EOS Transactions, Volume 82, Number 28, July 10, 2001
- Storch, H. von, Langenberg, H., & Feser, F. (2000): A Spectral Nudging Technique for Dynamical Downscaling Purposes. Monthly Weather Review 128(10), 3664-3673
- Feser, F., Graf, H.-F., & Perlwitz, J. (2000): Secular variability of the coupled tropospheric and stratospheric circulation in the GCM ECHAM3/LSG. Theor. Appl. Climatol 65 (1-2), 1-15