Zeguo Zhang (2023): Reconstruction of climate fields using machine-learning methods. Dissertation. University of Hamburg.
Julianna Carvalho Oliveira (2022): Towards improved seasonal climate predictions with artificial intelligence: an application on summer teleconnections. Dissertation. University of Hamburg.
Kai Bellinghausen (2022): Estimating Extreme Storm Surges in the Baltic Sea using various Machine Learning Methods based on Atmospheric Data. Master Thesis. University of Hamburg.
Linda van Garderen (2022): Climate Change Attribution of Extreme Weather Events Using Spectrally Nudged Event Storylines. Dissertation. University of Hamburg.
Maria Pyrina (2017): North Atlantic Ocean decadal variability over the past millennium from climate model simulations and proxy based reconstructions. Dissertation. University of Hamburg.
Prosper Evadzi (2017): Regional Sea-Level at the retreating coast of Ghana under a changing climate. Dissertation, University of Hamburg.
Sitar Karabil (2017): Mechanisms of sea-level variability in the Baltic Sea region for the period 1850-2100. Dissertation, University of Hamburg.
Xing Yi (2016): Impact of large-scale climate variability on the Arabian Sea coastal upwelling system. Dissertation, University of Hamburg.
Nele Tim (2015): Influence of large-scale climate variability on upwelling regimes off the Namibian coast: implications for past and future climates. Dissertation, University of Hamburg.
Svenja Bierstedt (2015): Decadal to centennial variability of daily wind over Northern Europe and its application to migrating dunes in the Baltic Sea region.Dissertation, University of Hamburg.
Frederik Schenk (2015): The analog -method as statistical upscaling tool for meteorological field reconstructions over Northern Europe since 1850. Dissertation, University of Hamburg.
Frederik Schenk (2008): The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) since 1500 A.D. and its Impact on Climate and Human Affairs in Europe. Diploma Thesis, University of Stuttgart.
Birgit Hünicke (2008): Atmospheric forcing of decadal Baltic Sea level variability in the last 200 years: A statistical analysis. Dissertation, University of Hamburg.
Kerstin Prömmel (2008): Analysis of a high-resolution regional climate simulation for Alpine temperature: Validation and influence of the NAO. Dissertation, University of Hamburg.
Nikolaus Groll (2006): Sensitivity of the Large-to Meso-Scale Atmospheric Relationship to Orbital Forcing: A Model Based Study. Dissertation, University of Hamburg.
Börge Pflüger (2005): Die Eisverhältnisse and er Südspitze Grönlands 1777-2002. Dissertation, University of Hamburg.
Sebastian Wagner (2004): The role of different forcings on the historical climate variability, with special consideration of the Dalton Minimum (1790-1830): A model study. Dissertation, University of Hamburg.
E.E.K. Penlap (2003): Downscaling of Gerenal Circulation Models (GCMs) output to local scale for climate studies: Case of the little rainy season (March -June) in Cameroon.
Traute Crüger (2002): Ice Core Accumulation in Greenland Described by Large-Scale Atmospheric Fields: Development of Regression Models and Estimation of "Artificial Ice Core" accumulation from O-AGCM Output. Dissertation, University of Hamburg.