Research & Projects

Large Eddy Simulation of the turbulent wake behind a monopile offshore wind farm foundation structure. The colours show the magnitude of the horizontal (left to right) velocity with blue indicating high velocities and red indicating low velocities. The structure is marked by the green circle, and the current direction (due to tides) is shown on the left.
With the accelerated development of offshore wind farms comes the need to understand and quantify the impacts that these farms have on the ocean.
The Small-scale Physics and Turbulence group is working on both measuring, and building theoretical and numerical models, to quantify the possible impacts these farms have on the physical conditions of coastal seas, and the North Sea in particular. More specifically, the focus is on the turbulence created as the ocean currents push water back and forth through and around the wind farm foundation structures. The ocean currents will produce an increased turbulence in the wake of the foundations that may cause changes in the vertical distribution of temperature, nutrients, oxygen, and suspended particles. This could then in turn influence the biology and ecology of coastal seas.
In addition, we are studying any possible alterations in ocean currents that may be caused by the increased frictional drag of the foundation structures.