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Physics World webinar - Attendees can join for free

Research from the Institute of Biomaterial Science on the design of multifunctional materials will be featured in a Physics World webinar on Monday 17th June 2019, 15:30 CEST.

Grand challenges of multifunctional materials

Physics World

(Photo: Physics world]

Multifunctional materials are any material or material-based system that has been designed to perform multiple tasks through judicious combinations of functions. Functions are capabilities such as degradability, the ability to release of a drug in a controlled way, to maintain the structure of the material, or even the ability to provide instructions to cells.

The webinar will be co-chaired by Prof. Andreas Lendlein, head of the Institute for Biomaterial Science, and Prof. Richard Trask, Professor of Advanced Materials at the University of Bristol. Prof. Lendlein will give one of three 10 minute presentations. His will describe the relationships between functions in multifunctional materials, especially when not all functions should be activated at the same time.
The other presentations will be given by Prof. Leif Asp, who will exemplify the topic with a battery made from multifunctional materials, and Prof. Jerry Qi who will discuss additive manufacturing with multiple materials for 4d printing.
The presentations will be followed by a 25 minute Q&A section, for which attendees are invited to submit their questions.

Attendees can join for free worldwide simply through a browser at the following link.

Physics World Webinar