GERICS Director Daniela Jacob named top expert on EU Mission Board
The European Commission (EU) appoints esteemed experts to five Europe-wide research and innovation missions.
GERICS Director Prof. Dr. Daniela Jacob
[Photo: GERICS/Christian Schmid]
Professor Daniela Jacob, director of the Climate Service Centre Germany (GERICS) at the Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht, has been appointed to the European Commission’s Mission Board on “Adaptation to Climate Change including Societal Transformation”.
Mission Boards are high-level advisory bodies spanning five mission fields to plan the EU’s future social programme (Horizon Europe) and are commissioned by Carlos Moedas, the EU Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation. Each board is made up of 15 experts from research, politics and society. More than 2,100 people applied to participate in one of these boards via a Europe-wide process.
Daniela Jacob says: “It is a great honour for me to be a member of this board. At the same time, I am aware that with it comes great responsibility. As part of the missions we are concerned with the greatest challenges facing European citizens.”
The advisory boards will define specific missions in the coming months within the framework of the five topic areas: tackling cancer, climate change, healthy oceans, climate-neutral cities, as well as soil health and food. The aim is to suggest specific research content to the EU, including concrete goals and time frames for missions which will translate the five aforementioned Horizon Europe priorities, so far only generally drawn, into measurable results from 2021 onwards.
About Daniela Jacob:
Director of the Climate Service Centre Germany (GERICS), an independent scientific organisational facility at Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht and visiting professor at Leuphana University Lüneburg, in the Faculty of Sustainability.
She was one of the coordinating lead authors on the IPCC special report concerning the effects of global warming by 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and one of the leading authors of the fifth IPCC assessment report (working group 2).
She is the chair of the German Committee for Sustainability (DKN) and a member of several other committees as well as an ex officio member of Earth League, an international alliance of prominent scientists from first-class research institutions. The areas of interest and focal points of her research are regional climate modelling and the water cycle. Daniela Jacob is also editor-in-chief of the magazine “Climate Services”, a scientific publication which she founded in conjunction with Elsevier Publishing.
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