Pockmark fields off Helgoland
New publication: Researchers discover methane vents in the German Bight. HZG scientists involved in the publication are Justus van Beusekom, Alexander Bratek and Andreas Neumann from HZG-Department "Aquatic Nutrient Cycles": The coastal researchers have, among other things, taken sediment samples and carried out methane measurements
Overview map with the position of the pockmark field discovered at Helgoland Reef in the German Bight. Land polygons ©OpenStreetMap contributors (available under the Open Database License; see www.openstreetmap.org/copyright).
Within a period of a few months thousands of craters formed on the sea bed off the North Sea island of Helgoland. Gas escaping out of the sea floor entrained sand and upon settling created mounds. For the first time evidence for massive methane release has been discovered in the area of Helgoland Reef. Knut Krämer of MARUM – Center for Marine Environmental Sciences at the University of Bremen and colleagues have published their findings in the journal Scientific Reports.
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Zur MARUM-Seite Pockmarkfelder vor Helgoland