Tasks and Goals

The development, construction and operation of the neutron scattering facilities at FRG-1 are essential elements of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht research programmes ”Research with Photons, Neutrons and Ions” and ”Advanced Engineering Materials”. This integration ensures that research using neutrons at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht is oriented less toward methodology and more toward research goals in the area of materials development tailored to industrial applications.
In addition to their use in the GKSS research programme, the radiation capabilities of the research reactor as well as the experimental neutron scattering facilities (which have been expanded over the last few years) are employed in close cooperation with industry, colleges and universities and government agencies.
The world-class research equipment and the high availability of FRG-1 have led to extensive cooperation with teams of scientists from Germany and abroad. This situation improved even further after a 50-percent reduction in the size of the reactor core in March 2000. This enabled the neutron flux to be increased by 80 percent. The resulting unimpeded neutron flux of 1,4 x 1014 n/cm2 s is unparalleled for a research reactor of this power. The installation of the new focussing moderator chamber in the existing Cold Neutron Source CNS in May 2007 was a new step for a further increase of the important cold neutron flux. These moderator chamber replacement yields an additional gain of cold neutron by approx. 50 %.