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Hereon Library journal holdings

Terms and conditions of use

When copies or downloads are made from the library stocks, the user is responsible for ensuring that existing copyrights are not infringed. Please respect the publishers’ conditions of use. The following applies to all licenses in general:

Access to the full text is exclusively permitted to members of the respective institutions.
The full text of the article may only be printed out or stored for the purposes of personal use or research.
Systematic downloading of articles or search results, in particular by robots, is forbidden.
Articles may not be passed on to third parties in written or electronic form.

Print and electronic journals

Print journals

Print journals are listed in the library catalogue. The current issues, as well as some daily and weekly newspapers are available in the reading room.

Library Catalogue (campus-wide) German Union Catalogue of Serials (Hereon holdings)

Electronic journals

Most of our journals are available online. They are listed in the "Electronic Journals Library" (EZB). The EZB offers fast, structured and standardized access to scientific and academic full text journals. At the moment, it contains more than 60.000 titles.
Yellow or yellow/red dot means: Hereon has a license for this journal. Titles marked with a red dot are not subscribed and usually not accessible. The green dot indicates that full texts are freely accessible.

Electronic Journals Library

How to search and order articles

To find the relevant articles for your field of research, we recommend the following literature databases:

Journal articles may be ordered through the library. Please use the appropriate order links on the publisher's sites, the ILL-order form on our website or just send us an email with your requests.


Phone: 04152/87-1692

E-mail contact
