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Accelerating Europe`s Leading Research Infrastructures

Contact Person at Hereon
Dr. MarcThiry
01/2017 - 06/2021
Total Budget: 3.325.755 €, Funding for Hereon: 460.412 €
CERIC-ERIC (IT), ESP Central Limited by Guarantee (UK), European Spallation Scource Scandinavia (SE), extreme-light-infrastructure delivery consortium aisbl (BE), Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science (NL), Technische Universität München (DE), Uzhgorodskyi Nacionalnyi Universitet (UA)
Hereon Website

The H2020 project ACCELERATE (Accelerating Europe`s Leading Research Infrastructures) supports the sustainability of research infrastructures (RIs) by developing practices as well as legal and administrative tools for more effective management and operation of RIs. The focus is on ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) facilities and specifically on CERIC-ERIC (CERIC, Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium), an RI for fundamental and applied research on novel materials and biomaterials distributed in different Central European countries.