Klima Hero Istock-973809212 Ollo

Technical Product Designer

in the field of machine and plant construction

What should you bring with you?

  • Good intermediate school leaving qualification or ("Fach-)Hochschulreife" (higher education entrance qualification)
  • Interest in technical-functional contexts
  • High motivation, curiosity, open-mindedness, willingness to learn and perform, personal responsibility and reliability
  • Ability to work in a team in combination with independent and careful working methods
  • Enjoy the following school subjects: Crafts/technology, maths, physics

How does the training work?

The dual vocational training lasts 3.5 years. During your training, you will attend vocational school in Lübeck.

What tasks await you during your training?

  • Carrying out geometric constructions (e.g. polygons, circular connections) and using coordinate systems
  • Planning possible applications for electrical engineering components
  • Representation of bodies and workpieces in various views and sections
  • Sketching of components and assemblies in their spatial arrangement
  • Preparation of plans and schematic representations of electrical circuit diagrams
  • and much more...