Mensch Hero Istock-940127480 V2 Julpo

Cutting Machine Operator

What should you bring with you?

  • Good intermediate school leaving qualification or ("Fach-)Hochschulreife" (higher education entrance qualification)
  • Interest in technical-functional contexts
  • High motivation, curiosity, open-mindedness, willingness to learn and perform, personal responsibility and reliability
  • Ability to work in a team in combination with independent and careful working methods
  • Enjoy the following school subjects: Crafts/technology, maths, physics

How does the training work?

The dual vocational training lasts 3.5 years. During your training, you will attend vocational school in Mölln every week.

What tasks await you during your training?

  • Analyzing production orders and assessing their technical feasibility
  • Setting production parameters and carrying out test runs
  • Manufacturing workpieces from various materials using metal-cutting manufacturing processes according to technical documents
  • Control of quality and quantity by improvement of process data and control of safety devices
  • Application of operational quality assurance systems and elimination of quality defects
  • and much more...