Strategies and technologies for united and resilient critical infrastructures and vital services in pandemic-stricken Europe
Project timeline
October 2022
October 2022
36 months
36 months
September 2025
September 2025
General Information |
EU-Programme Acronym and Subprogramme Area | HORIZON-CL3-2021-INFRA-01-02 |
Project Type | Innovation Action (IA) |
Contract Number | Grant Agreement 101073821 |
Co-ordinator | ATOS IT Solutions and Services Iberia SL (ES) |
Funding for the Project (€) | Funding for Hereon (€) |
9,544,986 | 395,000 |
Contact Person at Hereon |
Dr. Laurens Bouwer, Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS, KGK), Phone: +49 40 226 338 447
E-mail contact |
Participants |
Acosol SA (ES),
Additess Advanced Integrated Technology Solutions & Services Ltd (CY),
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (AT),
ATOS IT Solutions and Services Iberia SL (ES),
ATOS Spain SA (ES),
CAFC S.p.A. (IT),
CARR Communications Limited (IE),
Consorcio Regional De Transportes Publicos Regulares De Madrid (ES),
Elektroenergetski Koordinacioni Centar Doo (RS),
Eles Doo Sistemski Operater Prenosnega Elektroenergetskega Omrezja (SI),
Estonian Supply Chain Association PROLOG (EE),
Grand Port Maritime de Bordeaux (FR),
Helmholtz Zentrum für Infektionsforschung Braunschweig GmbH (DE),
Hermes Bay S. R. L. (IT),
Hydro Dolomiti Energia SRL (IT),
IDCQ Hospitales Y Sanidad SL (ES),
INSIEL - Informatica Per Il Sistema Degli Enti Locali S.P.A. (IT),
Institut für höhere Studien (AT),
Institut Mikroelektronickych Aplikaci Sro (CZ),
Institut Za Korporativne Varnostne Studije Ljubljana (SI),
INTRASOFT International SA (LU),
Istituto Superiore Di Sanita (IT),
LISER - Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LU),
Ministerio Del Interior (ES),
Ministrstvo Za Infrastrukturo (SI),
Municipality of Jerusalem (IL),
Plinovodi D. o. o. (SI),
Prometni Institut Ljubljana Doo (SI),
QS Instituto De Investigacion E Innovacion SL (ES),
Regione Autonoma Friuli-Venezia Giulia (IT),
Slovenske Zeleznice Doo (SI),
Slovenske Zeleznice Infrastruktura Druzba Za Upravljanje In Vzdrzevanje Zelezniske Infrastrukture Ter Vodenje Zelezniske (SI),
Sqaredev (BE),
Telefonica Investigacion Y Desarrollo SA (ES),
Telekom Slovenue DD (SI),
Trieste Trasporti SPA (IT),
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ES),
University of Warwick (UK),
Univerzitetni Klinicni Center Ljubljana (SI),
XLAB Razvoj Programske Opreme In Svetovanje Doo (SI)
Last Update: 08. January 2024 |