Technologie Hero Istock-955100114 Wmaster890

An innovative approach for renewable energy storage by a combination of hydrogen carriers and heat storage


Project timeline
January 2019
55 months
July 2023
General Information
The main objective of the HyCARE project is the development of a prototype hydrogen storage tank with use of a solid-state hydrogen carrier on large scale. The tank will be based on an innovative concept, joining hydrogen and heat storage, in order to improve energy efficiency of the whole system. The developed tank will be installed at the site of the project partner ENGIE, which is a research and operational expertise center dedicated to gas, new energy sources and emerging technologies. The center with its 350 staff members is located at Plaine Saint-Denis and Alfortville in the Paris Region (F). In particular, the solid-state hydrogen tank will be installed in a Living Lab aimed to develop and explore innovative energy storage solutions. The developed tank will be joined with a PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) electrolyzer as hydrogen provider and a PEM fuel cell as hydrogen user.
Hereon leads the work package entitled ‘System integration’.
The project is co-funded by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH2) which is a Public-Private Partnership between the European Commission and industry.
EU-Programme Acronym and Subprogramme AreaH2020-JTI-FCH-2018-1
Project TypeFCH2 - Research & Innovation Action
Contract NumberGrant Agreement 826352
Co-ordinatorUniversita Di Torino (IT)
Funding for the Project (€) Funding for Hereon (€)
Contact Person at Hereon Dr. Klaus Taube, Institute for Material and Process Design, Nanotechnology, WTN, Phone: +49 4152 87 2541, Fax : +49 4152 87 2636
E-mail contact
Worldwide Europe

CNRS (FR), ENGIE (FR), Fondazione Bruno Kessler (IT), GKN Sinter Metals Engineering GmbH (DE), Institute for Energy Technology (NO), Stühff GmbH (DE), Tecnodelta SRL (IT), Università di Torino NIS (IT)
HyCARE website
Last Update: 09. January 2023