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Open Innovation Test Bed for nano-enabled membranes


Project timeline
May 2020
54 months
October 2024
General Information
INNOMEM gathers some of the most recognised membrane departments (>20) in Europe and acknowledged facilitators of technology transfer, corporate finance, funding and coaching, making available (i) the most promising and breakthrough manufacturing pilots and (ii) advanced characterization techniques and modelling together with (iii) non-technical services through this Test Bed: While relevant improvement metrics can be defined, the potential network of reachable stakeholders counts thousands of businesses on an international scale. Within the scope of INNOMEM, main different types of membrane materials (polymeric, ceramic, metallic and nanocomposite), surface modification, membrane morphology and geometry and applications will be covered, providing for the first time a single entry point for industrial partners, mainly SMEs, aspiring to answer their concerns but with minimum investment costs and reduction of risks associated with technology transfer, while opening-up opportunities for demonstration of innovative nanomembranes in real life industrial problems (TRL7) and thus faster opening the market for these new products. The main KPIs for INNOMEM: Technical: 20% Membrane productivity improvement, 30% faster verification, >40% CO2 emissions and energy consumption reduction. Non-Technical: 10 Showcases, >15 Democases, >100 reachable SMEs and > 300 reachable investors. INNOMEM stems from the consideration that the development of products based on advanced membranes and nanomaterials require access to finance and an optimised business planning, relying on a sound prior analysis of the market, of the economic impacts and capacity of a company. The project aims at developing and organizing a sustainable Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB) for nano-enabled membranes for different applications. The OITB will also offer a network of facilities and services through a Single Entry Point (SEP) to companies (inside or outside Europe).
Hereon will modify the existing infrastructure for the production of flat sheet membranes by phase inversion and coating technologies by introducing additional quality control and thermal treatment stages as well as simulation models aiming at improved data handling and model based control. The aim of Hereon is to own and offer one of the pilot lines in INNOMEM.
EU-Programme Acronym and Subprogramme AreaH2020-NMBP-TO-IND-2018-2020
Project TypeInnovation Action
Contract NumberGrant Agreement 862330
Co-ordinatorTecnalia Research & Innovation (ES)
Funding for the Project (€) Funding for Hereon (€)
Contact Person at Hereon Dr. Torsten Brinkmann, Institute of Membrane Research, Process Engineering, PMV, Tel: +49 (0)4152 87-2400
E-mail contact
Worldwide Europe

Associacion Espanola de Normalizacion (ES), CIAOTECH Srl (IT), Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche (IT), DBI Gas und Umwelttechnik GmbH (DE), Ellinogermaniki Etaireia Diacheirisis Apovliton Kai Perivallontikon Efarmogon (GR), ENGIE (FR), Etairia Metaforas Ipsilis Technognosias Kai Erevnas Notioanatolikis Evropis Ae (GR), Evonik Performance Materials GmbH (DE), Filatech Filament Technology u. Spinnanlagen GmbH (DE), Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (GR), Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. (DE), FURTH Research GmbH & Co KG (DE), HYDROGEN ONSITE, S.L. (ES), Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (UK), Liqtech International (DK), Me-Sep Szymon Dutczak (PL), National Centre for Scientific Research "Demokritos" (GR), NX Filtration BV (NL), Polymem (FR), Rauschert Kloster Veilsdorf GmbH (DE), Rheinische Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen (DE), Technalia Ventures SL (ES), Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (NL), Tecnalia Research and Innovation (ES), Universidad de Zaragoza (ES), Universität Duisburg-Essen (DE), Université Montpellier (FR), Universiteit of Twente (NL), University of Aston (UK), Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Oderzoek (BE), Water And Environmental Engineering - Systimata Prostasias Perivallontos Etairia Periorismenis (GR)
INNOMEM website
Last Update: 03. February 2022