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Sector Engagement for Copernicus Climate Change Services (C3S): Translating European User Requirements


Project timeline
May 2016
15 months
July 2017
General Information
The Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) is a significant European investment, enhancing European capacity to adapt to climate change and reinforcing Europe's world-leading position on climate action and policy. The Sectoral Information System (SIS) will be based on a combination of world-class, authoritative science and data, and an advanced understanding of the market need. The services will stimulate the market for climate services in Europe by overcoming the recognised barriers to entry, and hence will foster economic growth as well as societal benefits. The Evaluation and Quality Control (EQC) function has a critical role in the C3S in ensuring the service meets users' needs for high-quality data and services, and in proposing the necessary evolution of the service itself, and of the research agenda. To be successful, it is essential that C3S engages directly with a wide range of stakeholders, particularly potential users of C3S services in the priority sectors: Water, energy, agriculture and forestry, health, coastal areas, insurance, tourism and infrastructure. In each of these sectors there is a clear need for consistent, authoritative climate data to contribute to decision-making, but each user is likely to have distinct and specific needs.
The SECTEUR project undertakes a comprehensive user requirements study led by experts in each sector, identifying where there is a need for climate data to support intelligent decision-making and filling the gaps ("user pull") rather than simply expecting users to take up products already on offer ("provider push"). SECTEUR provides the opportunity for this direct engagement, identifying the gaps that must be filled by C3S in future and providing both an implementation plan for the evolution of the service(s), and an articulation of the additional research needed, to meet users' requirements.
The specific tender within SECTEUR where Hereon is contributing to is entitled “Evaluation and Quality Control Function for the Sectoral Information System: User Requirements, Gap Analysis and Market Survey”.
EU-Programme Acronym and Subprogramme AreaCOPERNICUS Climate Change Service (C3S)
Project TypeCOPERNICUS Tender
Contract NumberFramework Agreement 2016/C3S_52_LOT2_UoR
Co-ordinatorUniversity of Reading (UK)
Funding for the Project (€) Funding for Hereon (€)
Contact Person at Hereon Dr. Paul Bowyer, Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS), Phone: +49 40 22633 8163
E-mail contact
Worldwide Europe

Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de Supercomputacion (ES), Centro Euro-Mediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici SCARL (IT), Institut Català de Ciències del Clima (IC3) (ES), kMatrix Data Services (UK), Met Office (UK), Tecnalia Research and Innovation (ES), Telespazio VEGA UK Ltd (UK), Tourisme Territoires Transports Environnement Conseil (FR), University of Leeds (UK), University of Oxford (UK), University of Reading (UK), Wageningen University and Research (NL)
SECTEUR website
Last Update: 16. April 2021