Küste Hero Istock-1209864348 Anna Gorbacheva

Improving models for Marine Environment Services


Project timeline
December 2018
51 months
February 2023
General Information
The overarching goal of the IMMERSE project is to ensure that the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS) will have continuing access to world-class marine modelling tools for its next generation systems while leveraging advances in space and information technologies, therefore allowing it to address the ever-increasing and evolving demands for marine monitoring and prediction in the 2020s and beyond. In response to the future priorities for CMEMS, IMMERSE will develop new capabilities to: - enable the production of ocean forecasts and analyses that exploit upcoming high resolution satellite datasets, - deliver ocean analyses and forecasts with the higher spatial resolution and additional process complexity demanded by users, - exploit the opportunities of new high performance computing (HPC) technology – allow easy interfacing of CMEMS products with detailed local coastal models. These developments will be delivered in the NEMO ocean model, an established, world-class ocean modelling system that already forms the basis of the majority of CMEMS analysis and forecast products. Hence the pathway from the research in IMMERSE to implementation in CMEMS will be simple and seamless, as the model code developed will be directly applicable in CMEMS models. NEMO has a long track record of producing and maintaining a stable, robustly engineered code base of the type that is needed for operational applications, including CMEMS. The IMMERSE consortium combines world-class expertise in ocean modelling, applied mathematics and HPC, established software engineering processes and infrastructure, and in-depth knowledge of the CMEMS systems and downstream CMEMS systems. Thus IMMERSE is exceptionally well placed to deliver the operationalquality model code required to meet the emerging needs of CMEMS, and maintain it into the future. Hereon contributes to IMMERSE by demonstrating the impact of NEMO and CMEMS evolution on downstream case studies related to coastal processes in the German Bight.
EU-Programme Acronym and Subprogramme AreaH2020-SPACE-2018
Project TypeResearch and Innovation Action
Contract NumberGrant Agreement 821926
Co-ordinatorCNRS (FR)
Funding for the Project (€) Funding for Hereon (€)
Contact Person at Hereon Dr. Joanna Staneva, Institute of Coastal Systems - Analysis and Modeling, Hydrodynamics and Data Assimilation, KSD, Phone: +49 (0)4152 87-1804
E-mail contact
Worldwide Europe

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università die Bologna (IT), Barcelona Supercomputing Center - Centro Nacional de Supercomputacion (ES), Centro Euro-Mediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici SCARL (IT), CNRS (FR), Ente Publico Puertos del Estado (ES), GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel (DE), Institut National De Recherche En Informatique Et Automatique (FR), Mercator Ocean (FR), Met Office (UK), Natural Environment Research Council (UK), Ocean Next (FR), Plymouth Marine Laboratory (UK), Utrecht University (NL)
IMMERSE website
Last Update: 09. January 2023