Küste Hero Istock-1540337901 Michael Workman

Clean Inland Shipping


Project timeline
September 2016
62 months
October 2021
General Information
The main objective of CLINSH is to improve air quality in urban areas by accelerating emission reduction in Inland Waterway Transport. CLINSH will demonstrate the environmental impact of emission reduction technologies, in order to facilitate the implementation and enforcement of EU policy and legislation on air quality.
Air pollution abatement requires measures paid by the processor, whilst the benefits (air quality and health) are gained by the community. Ship-owners are not willing to invest if there is no return on investment. A level playing field is needed for ship-owners, port authorities and skippers in which payback of investments for emission reduction is viable. CLINSH will provide insight in cost-benefits by creating preconditions for decision making at all levels to come to measures and incentives that contribute to essential steps in emission reduction (investment readiness).
CLINSH is a demonstration project that shows the effectiveness and costs of various measures under real-life conditions. The emission reduction of selected vessels will be measured during two years. Air quality modelling within different scenarios will show the impact on NO2 and PM10 concentrations. The developed methodology will be disseminated to policymakers, ship owners and suppliers. The results will provide input for the further development of a Clean Shipping Index (CSI).
Hereon’s key contributions to CLINSH are in the field of modelling. Particularly Hereon’s emission model SMOKE-for-EUROPE will be tuned and further improved for application to inland shipping in Europe, and the chemistry transport model CMAQ will be applied with high spatial resolution to ports in north-western Europe.
EU-Programme Acronym and Subprogramme AreaEnvironment and Climate Action (LIFE)
Project TypeLIFE/ENVIRONMENT project
Contract NumberGrant Agreement LIFE15 ENV/NL/00217
Co-ordinatorPovincie Zuid-Holland (NL)
Funding for the Project (€) Funding for Hereon (€)
Contact Person at Hereon Dr. Armin Aulinger, Institute of Coastal Environmental Chemistry, Chemistry Transport Modeling; KUT, Phone: +49 4152 87 2335
E-mail contact
Worldwide Europe

CE-Onderzoek, Advies en Consultancy voor Duurzaamheid B.V (NL), DCMR Environmental Protection Agency (NL), EnergieAgentur.NRW GmbH (DE), Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (NL), Expertise- en Innovatie Centrum Binnenvaart (NL), Gemeente Nijmegen (NL), Marine South East Limited (UK), NRW LANUV (DE), Port of Antwerp (BE), Port of Ghent (BE), Provincie Zuid-Holland (NL), Shell Global Solutions International B.V. (NL), Stichting Energy Valley (NL), Universität Bremen (DE), University of Newcastle upon Tyne (UK), Vlaamse Overheid - Depatement Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken (BE)
CLINSH website
Last Update: 16. April 2021