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Data Evaluation for Climate Models


Project timeline
August 2016
17 months
December 2017
General Information
The debate on uncertainties and challenges in detecting and monitoring the speed of climate change is one of the biggest scientific tasks to overcome today. The best way to increase trust in scientific results will be by opening the data, methods and results for anyone interested. That includes the metadata, original data, post-processing methods and derived products. The integrity of the products can be improved with the provision of a common structure of data and metadata, with standard terms and attributes that follow the processing and is adjusted to reflect the history of the results. A recent white paper on climate services and ethics distributed by the Climate Services Partnerships identified four core elements of climate data provision: integrity, transparency, humility, and collaboration. A well-designed framework for metadata and data structure helps accounting for these aspects. These should be transparently obtainable and visible and the degree of quality indicated. Thus the EQC (Evaluation and Quality Control function) framework to fulfill this goal forms the element of trust for both the scientific and public audience and it will be developed taking into account the CSP white paper on climate services and ethics.
DECM works on assessing user requirements, science and gaps in climate model data delivery concerning CMIP and Euro-CORDEX data. It focuses strongly on user requirements, data inventory and scientific assessment and gap analysis to get a strong view of user-friendly and fit-for-purpose key performance indicators, tools and service to be recommended for the Evaluation and Quality Control framework.
EU-Programme Acronym and Subprogramme AreaCOPERNICUS Climate Change Service (C3S)
Project TypeCOPERNICUS Tender
Contract NumberFramework Agreement 2016/C3S_51_LOT4_FMI
Co-ordinatorFinnish Meteorological Institute FMI (FI)
Funding for the Project (€) Funding for Hereon (€)
Contact Person at Hereon Dr. Juliane Otto, Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS), Phone: +49 40 22633 8418
E-mail contact
Worldwide Europe

ABHL (FR), CSC - IT Center for Science (FI), Danish Meteorological Institute (DK), Finnish Meteorological Institute (FI), Hungarian Meteorological Service (HU), Norwegian Meteorological Institute (NO), University of Helsinki (FI)
DECM website
Last Update: 16. April 2021