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Strengthen International Research Collaborations on the Development of Functional Surfaces between the EU, Brazil and Mexico


Project timeline
February 2012
48 months
January 2016
General Information
The FUNCTIONAL project aims at strengthening the cooperation between the European Union and third countries such as Brazil and Mexico in order to transfer knowledge in the development of functional and high-performance nanostructured surfaces. Therefore, the networking RTD activities among the four partners involved will strengthen the International dimension of the European Research Area by promoting the secondments of researchers either by receiving incoming staff members from Brazil and Mexico or by sending outgoing staff members from Spain and Germany. The main objectives of the joint exchange programme are:
1) Strengthening collaboration between European R&D centres of excellence and other organizations belonging to third countries;
2) Development of new research capacities in knowledge areas of large potential impact;
3) Maintaining sustainable research cooperation between EU countries, Brazil and Mexico through an exchange system between the partners not only during the project but also beyond it, promoting the creation of active and formal partnerships between the partners.
The programme of exchange is focused on developing high-performance and functional nanostructured coatings able to withstand wear and corrosion hard conditions present during life-in service of many components for several industries. New advanced techniques (laser and friction stir based techniques) will be used in order to create this functional surface.
EU-Programme Acronym and Subprogramme AreaFP7-PEOPLE-2011-IRSES
Project TypeMarie-Curie Action: International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES)
Contract NumberGrant Agreement 295254
Co-ordinatorAsociacion De Investigacion Metalurgica Del Noroeste (ES)
Total Eligible Costs (€) Hereon Eligible Costs (€) EC Funding for Hereon (€)
Contact Person at Hereon Dr. Jorge dos Santos, Institute of Materials Research, WMP Phone: +49 4152 87 2050, Fax : +49 4152 87 2033
E-mail contact
Worldwide Europe

Asociacion De Investigacion Metalurgica Del Noroeste (ES), Corporacion Mexicana De Investigacion En Materiales SA DE CV (MX), Universidade Federal De Pernambuco (BR)
Last Update: 16. April 2021