EU - FP6 - Projects at GKSS
HGF Research Field: Earth and Environment
Core Programme: Marine, Coastal and Polar Systems
The projects are arranged chronologically according to their end date, with longest residual term at the top.
Acronym | Title | Further information |
CIRCE | Climate Change and Impact Research: The Mediterranean Environment | |
DRAGONESS | DRAGON in support of harmonizing European and Chinese marine monitoring for Environment and Security System | |
ECOOP | European Coastal-shelf sea operational observing and forecasting system | |
ENSEMBLES | Ensemble-based predictions of climate changes and their impacts | |
InterRisk | Interoperable GMES Services for Environmental Risk Management in Marine and Coastal Areas of Europe | |
YEOS | Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea Observation, forecasting and information system | |
STATME | Stability of the atmosphere over Europe | |
ENCORA | European Network on Coastal Research | |
MACRO | MERIS-Based Assessment of Carbon Supply into the Arctic by River RunOff | |
SAFEDOR | Design, operation and regulation for safety | |
ADOPT | Advanced decision support system for ship design, operation and training | |
SYNERGISTIC SENSING | Synergistic satellite remote sensing of biotic and abiotic processes in marine and large fresh water bodies: Development of a methodology and application to some European seas and large lakes |