Technologie Hero Istock-955100114 Wmaster890

Design, operation and regulation for safety


Project timeline
February 2005
48 months
January 2009
General Information
SAFEDOR undertakes to deliver the foundation for Europe to sustain world-leadership on safety-critical and knowledge-intensive ships, services, products, equipment and related software and to instil systematic innovation in ship design and operation by modernising the maritime regulatory system. SAFEDOR constitutes the culmination of 7 years of EU-wide concerted effort to
foster radical shift from the current maritime safety regime. To this end, SAFEDOR has pooled together an accolade of leading expertise from across the whole maritime spectrum to pursue its vision of strengthening the competitive- ness of the EU maritime industry by enhancing safety through innovation. This entails development of a holistic approach that links risk prevention / reduction to ship performance and cost, with safety treated as a lifecycle issue and a design objective, implying focus on risk-based operation and need for risk-based regulations within an integrated risk-based design framework, utilising routinely first principles tools. This all-embracing system is the key to attaining optimum design solutions and it will act as catalyst to pan-European cooperation with strong structuring and integration effects. SAFEDOR will produce a series of prototype ship designs to validate and implement this novel approach and ascertain its practicability. To accelerate transition from conventional to risk-based design, the wider maritime community will be inculcated through a rigorous knowledge management, training and dissemination system of all technological, methodological and regulatory developments whilst continuing to nurture, enthuse and fuel a maritime safety culture.
EU-Programme Acronym and Subprogramme AreaFP6-2003-Transport-3, 6.2. : Sustainable surface transport, Advanced design and production techniques, Risk-based ship design and approval
Project TypeIntegrated Project
Contract NumberTIP4-CT-2005-516278
Co-ordinatorGermanischer Lloyd AG (DE)
Total Eligible Costs (€) Hereon Eligible Costs (€) EC Funding for Hereon (€)
Contact Person at Hereon Dr. Heinz Günther, Institute for Coastal Research, KSD Phone: +49 4152 87 1504, Fax : +49 4152 87 2818
E-mail contact
Worldwide Europe

Aker Finnyards Oy (FI), Aker MTW Werft GmbH (DE), Alpha Ship Design ApS (DK), ANSYS Europe Ltd. (UK), ASME (GR), AVEVA AB (SE), British Maritime Tecnology Ltd. (UK), Brodrene AA AS (NO), Carnival plc (UK), Centro per gli Studi di Tecnica Navale (IT), Color Line Marine AS (NO), Columbus Shipmanagement GmbH (DE), Danish Maritime Authority (DK), Deltamarin Ltd. (FI), Det Norske Veritas AS (NO), DFDS A/S (DK), D'Appolonia S.p.A (IT), Fincantieri - Cantieri Navali Italiani S.p.A. (IT), FiReCo AS (NO), Flensburger Schiffbau-Gesellschaft mbH & Co KG (DE), FRESTI-Sociedade de Formacao e Gestao de Navios, Lda (PT), Fr. Fassmer GmbH & Co KG (DE), Germanischer Lloyd (DE), Harland & Wolff Heavy Industries Ltd. (UK), Instituto Superior Tecnico (PT), ITI Ges. f. Ingenieurtechnische Informationsverarbeitung mbH (DE), IZAR Construcciones Navales, S.A. (ES), Kvaerner Masa-Yards Inc. (FI), Leif Hoegh & Co. AS (NO), Lloyds Register (UK), Lund, Mohr and Giaever-Enger Marin AS (NO), Maritime Research Institute Netherlands (NL), Maritime Simulation Rotterdam BV (NL), Martec S.p.A (IT), Napa Ltd. (FI), National Technical University of Athens (GR), Navalimpianti S.p.A. (IT), Peter Döhle Schiffahrts-KG (DE), RFD Beaufort Ltd. (IE), Rina Spa (IT), Royal Caribean Cruise Line (UK), Safety at Sea Ltd. (UK), SAM Electronics GmbH (DE), Sirehna (FR), Snecma Moteurs (FR), SSPA Sweden AB (SE), Stena Rederi AB (SE), Technical University of Denmark (DK), Umoe Schat Harding AS (NO), University of Hull (UK), University of Strathclyde (UK), V. Ships (UK)
SAFEDOR website

(completed January 2009)

Last Update: 16. April 2021