Technologie Hero Istock-955100114 Wmaster890

Real-time flood decison support system integrating hydrological, meteorological and radar technologies


Project timeline
November 2002
36 months
October 2005
General Information
The FLOOD RELIEF project aims to 1) develop and demonstrate a new generation of flood forecasting methodologies which will advance present capabilities and accuracies and 2) to make the results more readily accessible both to flood managers and those threatened by floods. This is achieved by exploiting and integrating different sources of forecast information, including improved hydrological and meteorological model systems and databases, radar, advanced data assimilation procedures and uncertainty estimation, into real-time flood management decision support tool designed to meet the needs of regional flood forecasting authorities. The benefits expected from this project are increased accuracy of both the quantitative precipitation forecasts and hydrological forecasts, cost-effective implementation of numerical weather modelling for precipitation forecasts and a highly accessible internet-based forecast information system. The resulting technologies will be demonstrated for regional forecasting in Poland and the UK.
EU-Programme Acronym and Subprogramme AreaFP5-EESD-2001, Key action 1: Sustainable management and quality of water, Improved flood forecasting (1.1.4.-1.5.2)
Project TypeRTD
Contract NumberEVK1-CT-2002-00117
Co-ordinatorDHI-Institute of Water&Environment (DK)
Total Eligible Costs (€) Hereon Eligible Costs (€) EC Funding for Hereon (€)
Contact Person at Hereon Dr. Theo Mengelkamp, Institute for Coastal Research, KSH Phone: +49-4152-87 1558, Fax : +49-4152-87 2020
E-mail contact
Worldwide Europe

DHI - Institute of Water and Environment (DK), GEOMOR Gdansk (PL), Institute of Meteorology and Water Management Wroclaw (PL), National Environmental Research Institute (DK), The Environment Agency of England and Wales (UK), University of Bristol (UK)

(completed May 2006)

Last Update: 16. April 2021