The focus of the upscaling of the polymer synthesis is reflected in the equipment of the Polymer Technology Department: Both large volume (up to 20L) and microfluidic reactors enable polymer synthesis on an near-industry scale.The synthesis process is controlled by coupling with various analyzers in situ. Several spectroscopic methods are available for this purpose (1H, 13C, 19F-NMR, IR, UV-VIS).
There are two different systems available with additional accessories for the flow chemistry:
Flow Lab TM

Photo: Hereon/Prokopios Georgopanos
Uniqsis LtD, Great Britain
Components: UQ1026 Uniqsis FlowLab™, UQ1026-C Uniqsis FlowLab Cold™,UQ1026-Col FlowLab Column™
• 2 High pressure pumps with integrated pressure transducers
• HotCoilTM heated coil reactor station
• FlowLabTM automated system control software with data loggin
• Wi-Fi remote control
• Supplied with 20 ml stainless and 20 ml PTFE coil reactors and back pressure regulator
• HotCoil – reaktor module fitted with HotColumn - adaptor (up to + 260 ° C)
Flow Lab PlusTM

Photo: Hereon/Prokopios Georgopanos
Uniqsis LtD, Great Britain
• Various coil reactors (PTFE and stainless steel)
• Glass chip reactor (mixer)
• Column reactor for heterogeneous reactions
• Polar Bear Plus Flow Reactor (Cambridge reactor design)
Uniqsis Flow UV-Vis UQ1100

Photo: Hereon/Prokopios Georgopanos
Uniqsis LtD, Great Britain
Uniqsis Flow UV-Vis UQ1100 (with near IR possibility) inline photospectrometer
• Wavelength range: 220 - 1050 nm
• Bandwidth: <2nm
• Photometric linearity: Better than 1%
• Light source: Pulsed Xenon lamp (Tungsten option for near-IR)
• Detector: UV enhanced 3648 pixel CCD array
Spinsolve 60 Ultra Benchtop NMR

Photo: Hereon/Prokopios Georgopanos
Magritek, Germany
Spinsolve 60 Ultra Benchtop NMR with option for 1H, 19F, 13C
• Nuclei: 1H, 19F, 13C
• Operating frequency: 60 MHz (1H)
• 1H 50 % Linewidth: <0,5 Hz
• 1H 0,55 % Linewidth: <20 Hz
• 1H -Sensitivity: > 120:1 for 1 % Ethyl Benzene
• Range of operating temperature : 20° C to 25 ° C (68°F to 77° F)
• Stray field: <2 G all around system
Büchi Reactors

Photo: Hereon/Prokopios Georgopanos
Büchi AG, Switzerland
There are various Büchi batch reactors available for the synthesis of monomers and polymers under inert atmosphere and controlled pressure as well as controlled temperature (Polyclave, Kiloclave (0.5 l to 20 l)).
Glove Box GP Campus

Photo: Hereon/Prokopios Georgopanos
Glove Box GP Campus, Facomex (France)
• To work under inert atmosphere
• Equiped with fridge
Pendelum impact testing machine

Photo: Hereon/general
Pendelum impact testing machine
Zwick Roell, Ulm
Maximum impact work 25 J
Pendelum length 330 mm, 400 mm
Temperature range 10 to 35 °C
Universal testing machine Zwick Z020

Photo: Hereon/general
Zwick Roell, Ulm
Force determination equipment 20 kN, 500 N
Temperature chamber -80 to 250°C
Elongation displacement transducer
Compounder KETSE 12/36

Photo: Hereon/general
Brabender, Duisburg
Screw diameter 12 mm
Screw length 36 D
Maximal torque 2 x 15 Nm
Speed 1-600 U/min
Throughput: 0.06 to 5 kg/h
Maximum temperature: 400 °C
Maximum pressure: 150 bar
Miniextrusion device

Photo: Hereon/general
DSM, Gelen
Twin screw extruder 15 mL
Variable batches 3.5 / 7 / 15 mL
Temperature 20° to 350°C
Co- or counterrotating screws, equipment for film forming
Foam extrusion line

Photo: Hereon/general
Drive unit Plastograph EC Plus (Brabender GmbH, Duisburg)
Power: 3.8 kW
Speed range: 0.2-150 1/min
Torque range: 0-200 Nm
Extrusion unit measuring extruder 19/25 (Brabender GmbH, Duisburg)
Screw diameter: 19 mm
Cylinder length: 25 D
Temperature range: max. 450 °C
Maximum torque: 150 Nm
Additional components: melt pump, static mixer, various nozzle geometries
Injection of foaming agent with syringe pump ISCO Teledyne 260 D
Injection moulding machine Babyplast 6/10 P

Photo: Hereon/general
Christmann Kunststofftechnik, Kierspe
Piston diameter (mm): 10
Volume: 4 cm3
Injection pressure (bar): 2030
Clamping force: 62 kN
Injection moulding machine

Photo: Hereon/general
DSM, Gelen
Injection Moulding with 10 mL
Temperatur range 20° to 350°C
High-Pressure Laboratory Reactor BR-300

Photo: Hereon/general
Berghof GmbH
Max. operating pressure: 200 bar
Max. operating temperature: 300 °C
Volume: 640 mL
Suitable for chemical reactions
Cutting Mill

Photo: Hereon/general
Cutting Mill Polymix PX-MFC 90D, Kinematica, Luzern
Sieves 0.5 mm, 1.0 mm and 2.0 mm
Velocity 0 - 6000 U/min
Batch Mill

Photo: Hereon/general
Stirred batch ball mill PE075, Netzsch-Feinmahltechnik GmbH, Selb
Batch volume: 750 mL
Max. stirring speed: 2200 U/min
Max. bead size: 1.7 mm
Bead material: Yttrium stabilised zirconium dioxide
SpeedMixer DAC 800.2 VAC-P, Hauschild Engineering

Photo: Hereon/general
Laboratory mixing system for mixing small amounts of substance within particularly short times. The basic principle is based on rotational forces, which make it possible to mix different substances homogeneously and without bubbles with very little effort.
Suitable for low to high viscosity media: 100 mPas - 100,000 mPas
Variable stepless speed setting: 150 to 1950 rpm
Processing amount: 50 - 500 ml
Mixing under vacuum possible
Hydraulic Laboratory Press

Photo: Hereon/general
Hydraulic laboratory press PW10, Paul-Otto Weber GmbH, Remshalden
Temperature controller 0 - 500°C
Pressure 0 - 130 kN
Working height max. 180 mm
Hydraulic Laboratory Press (Vacuum press)

Photo: Hereon/general
LaboPress 200 S VAK, Vogt Labormaschinen GmbH, Berlin
Hydraulic laboratory press for the production of different press specimens under defined temperature and defined pressure inside a vacuum chamber
Work surface: 200 mm x 200 mm
Contact pressure per unit area: up to 625 Ncm2
System pressure: 210 bar maximum
Surface temperature: up to 250°C
LED UV lamp, Hönle

Photo: Hereon/general
System for UV irradiation of different samples
Wavelength: 365 nm and 405 nm
Irradiance: 300 mW / cm² or 600 mW / cm²
Closed irradiation chamber: 20 cm * 20 cm * 20 cm